Proper drying body for girls


2019-07-29 15:00:18




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The Athletic figure has been the subject of admiration even in the times of antiquity. Sports view was the privilege of only the wealthy. Now a beautiful figure can be everyone. To form a good relief of muscle, you must not only swing, but also to eat properly. To this end, developed a special diet for body builders.

Drying body for girls is the same as for men. The essence of this method of weight loss that is the fastest way to get rid of body fat. I use it mainly athletes and bodybuilders to prepare for competitions.

Drying of the body – rather exhausting set of activities. It is useful in moderation, as too prolonged diet can lead to various failures in the body. Therefore, drying for girls should be conducted under the supervision of an experienced coach, because by itself such a diet is stressful to the body, and if he still wasn't prepared for it, then it might end in failure. People just can not stand the restrictions in food and eats. While these leaps in power are harmful to the digestive tract.

Drying body for girls should be within 1.5-2 weeks. It is - as a certain stage in the gym. So, in the course of the year, only a single drying to keep yourself in good shape. It is necessary to engage in systematic sports exercises.

Drying of the body for women involves the consumption of the following products: must be in the diet needs to be included proteins, such as cheese. Its molecular protein structure is the most adapted to the digestion of man. The cheese is, moreover, a high energy value, which is important when serious physical exertion. This product can be used as the primary during the fasting days. But it is worth considering that the per meal the body cannot absorb more than 150 grams of this product.

Drying body for girls is also true when consumption of such proteinaceous products, such as chicken breast, boiled eggs, any lean fillets of fish. Not during the diet, eat fried, smoked, fatty, salty, canned foods. Banned any jams and pickles. Recommended boiled or steamed food.


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In rare cases, the concessions you can eat grill. The emphasis should be on foods that contain a large percentage of fiber. These include vegetables, herbs. To ensure that these products remain all the nutrients, you must consume only fresh. But in the last stages of drying is necessary vegetables and herbs are gradually removed from the diet. They are suitable only in the beginning of the diet.

Drying body for girls can occur in the following sequence. Professionals usually provide a serious stage for about 3 months. First, you need to consume boiled foods, a small amount of cereals, vegetables. Then proceed to the protein and fruit. The frequency of meals increases significantly. Perhaps the consumption of sweets, but not more than once in 2 weeks. They are catalysts of metabolism.

In the first half of the day to eat carbs. Proteins are acceptable to eat after lunch. Some foods you must cook only with oil, so it is recommended during drying to use olive or flax. Hard stage diets are the last 2-3 weeks. Thus, proteins should be ingested in limited quantities (no more than 5% of body weight). Do not forget about carbohydrates, their consumption is reduced to 80 grams per day. Stage of dehydration should not exceed 4 days. This time required careful control of the condition of the body.

During the drying process, a person can lose up to 7 kg of fat mass. But don't chase the big numbers, as this method aims at getting rid from the fatty tissues. For example, if you have a week began to lose more than one kilogram total weight, it is possible that he is already declining due to the loss of muscle mass. In this case, pay more attention to the cardio, add running and increase the time walking.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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