Bilirubin: normal newborn. Table by months


2018-03-20 07:52:18




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The Situation when the bilirubin in the newborn blood exceeds the standard indicators – not uncommon. Most often this phenomenon takes place independently. However, too high require additional treatment, as it can lead to significant complications. Therefore, high bilirubin should be treated very carefully.

bilirubin is the norm in the newborn table

The Concept of bilirubin

Bilirubin-is a product resulting from the breakdown of red blood cells. If the cycle of their existence has already ended, they turn into toxic hemoglobin and the formation of the dye.

In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish two types of (fraction) of the substance: direct and indirect. Originally formed indirect bilirubin. It is poorly soluble and difficult to be excreted from the body. So first, bilirubin is converted into a straight line, which enters the liver, then the gall bladder and excreted through the intestines.

normal bilirubin levels in newborns table by month

The human Body makes every effort to get rid of this substance. However, the liver of the infant is not initially able to cope with such load. That is why in the first days of life so it is important to track whether there was a norm of bilirubin in the blood of newborns. The table, which contains the threshold values, is designed to help you do it.

Causes of elevated bilirubin

Pose a threat to the child's health situation is different when the value obtained in the analysis of the norm of bilirubin in newborns. The table that allows to compare these two indicators, was developed through continuous research. Its purpose was to identify the reasons that cause this phenomenon. The main ones are:


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- variations in the speed of fetal development;

- treatment of pregnant toxic drugs, and using them during childbirth;

- the rejection of breast-feeding;

- too big weight loss in the first days of life.

rules of bilirubin in newborns on days table

In the area of risk are also children born to a woman with a negative RH factor. They are often detected excess, when carried out comparison: the result of the analysis on bilirubin – normal in newborn (table).

The Norm

The newly born child has not yet all the organs are working at full capacity. So formed in the process of disintegration of the fetal hemoglobin does not have time to get in touch with albumin. The result is increased levels of bilirubin.

At first, the amount of a substance in the blood increases, then begins to decline. In a normal situation, about the fourth day of life, in children, there is a minimum bilirubin. The norm in the newborn (table below contains values) significantly changed with age.

Rule total bilirubin according to the reference Ingilab.
Child Age

The Normal value of the indicator,


First dayLess than 34
1-2 days24-149
3-5 days26-205
5 days-60 years5-21

There is another table which summarizes the normal level of bilirubin in the distribution of fractions.

Child AgeThe Value of bilirubin, mmol/l
The second day54,228,7245,50
Day Fourth90,147,8782,27
Sixth day69,10Of 7.7263,28
Ninth deny53,028,7244,30

During the birth of a baby threshold detention substances can reach 51 µmol/L. Subsequently, it gradually increases, and at 3-4 days of life, reaches a maximum. From born at term children bilirubin level should not be above 256 µmol/l, preterm – 171.

Physiological jaundice

There is Often physiological jaundice in newborns. The normal bilirubin (table confirms this) growing in the first days of life, however, the quantity of the substance should be reduced to the age of a fortnight.

The Doctors identify a series of features that allow you to have the baby physiological jaundice:

- appears on the second day of life;

- normal blood levels of bilirubin is exceeded only slightly.

- on the face and body above the navel marked yellowing of the skin.

jaundice in newborns bilirubin norm table

No matter what, the child remains absolutely normal, there remains physical activity. Bilirubin level should be monitored continuously pediatrician to physiological jaundice does not become pathological. Normal at the age of one week should begin reducing the amount of substance. About 3 weeks in children who were born at term and month premature, the normalization of bilirubin in the body.

Pathological jaundice

Very quickly physiological jaundice may go in a pathological. Severe forms are accompanied by a significant increase in the levelbilirubin: almost 90 mmol/l every 24 hours. In addition, newborns may initially be very high significance: more than 250 µmol/L.

That is, in such a situation, the amount of a substance in the blood is much higher than normal bilirubin levels in newborns. Table months helps to make a comparison of these indicators and time to determine the problem. But there are other signs of pathological jaundice:

- yellowing of the body surface below the umbilicus;

- orange color of the palms and feet;

- dark urine and feces light is too bright.

The Disease is usually protracted, and occurs in waves. In addition, the General condition of the child can be violated: the observed inhibition and excessive anxiety.

Types and causes of pathological jaundice

There are a variety of types of pathological jaundice. They are distinguished depending on the causes.

1. Hemolytic manifested in the conflict RH factor of the baby and mother, and genetic diseases.

2. Parenchymal jaundice occurs when the liver congenital forms of hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, and toxins.

3. Conjugational type evident in the case of disruption of enzyme systems, as well as binding of bilirubin.

4. Obstructive jaundice occurs when disturbed the flow of bile when abnormalities of the gallbladder and hepatic ducts.

Define levels of bilirubin

To assess the level of colorants in the blood, use a special analysis. The sample is usually taken on an empty stomach. But to children this requirement applies rarely, in extreme cases, it is advisable to feed your baby 4 hours before blood sampling. In newborns, the samples taken from the heels in a special vacuum little tube.

the rate of bilirubin of neonates 1 month table

To fully analyze the situation and define the contents in blood of all fractions of bilirubin. This helps to establish not only the type of jaundice, but also causes its transition into the pathological stage.

After receiving the results of the analysis are compared they and the rate of bilirubin of neonates. Table months contains thresholds. If the amount of colorant is considerably greater than their situation necessarily requires treatment.

Possible consequences

The High concentration in the blood adversely affects health of the baby. This applies in particular to situations where not restored to the normal bilirubin levels in newborns (2 months). The table makes it clear that by this age, the value must be that which happens in healthy adult humans.

Primarily, high bilirubin dangerous for the brain and nervous system of the child. The danger is that the dye can accumulate here. This situation can lead to severe intoxication and, as a consequence, the death of brain cells and nerve endings. Subsequently, this can lead to problems with hearing and sight, mental disorders, dementia and other problems.

All this leads to the fact that the pediatrician continuously monitors the possible presence of zheltushki in children. At the slightest suspicion done a blood test on the basis of which it becomes clear whether the value pairs "identified bilirubin – the normal newborn". The table thus helps physicians to make a correct conclusion.

the norm of bilirubin in newborns 2 month table

Parents, it is important to know that there are several symptoms, the manifestation of which in a child with jaundice should be a cause for immediate treatment to the doctor. These include:

- the lethargy and drowsiness;

- reduced sucking reflex;

- cramps, tics, restless behavior;

- increase the size of the spleen and liver;

- lower blood pressure.

Methods of lowering the level of bilirubin

It is Important to understand what physiological jaundice does not require treatment. It should be on their own. However, without treatment, can not do in the case that significantly exceeded indicators such as bilirubin (normal newborn). The table allows not only professionals, but also parents to understand the need for medical intervention.

rules of bilirubin in newborns on days table

To Start a fight with high bilirubin should be by means of light exposure. It is provided in a special cuvette with mandatory use of protective eyewear. This method is recognized as the most harmless, but quite effective and fast. Side effects of this procedure can be diarrhea and flaking of the skin. In case of stopping treatment negative effects of it very quickly come to naught.

However, you should know that phototherapy is effective only when the physiological jaundice. If, over time, the level of the substance higher than the value in the line "the rate of bilirubin of neonates 1 month" (table above), a non-pharmacological treatment do not succeed.

Many think that jaundice in newborns is quite a serious problem. But you should know and understand that this is not true in all cases. Without proper attention and treatment of this problem can have serious consequences.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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