The first trimester is how many weeks? Nutrition in the first trimester


2018-04-02 15:46:22




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Happy or sad news about the pregnancy often catches a woman by surprise since conception occurs much earlier than expectant mother finds out about this. At the moment when she finally realizes the fact that the future of motherhood in her womb is already actively formed microscopic organs, systems, structure and appearance of the child. This period is called the first trimester of pregnancy. In this regard, the question arises: "First trimester-this is how many weeks?" What you need is in the early stages and how to deal with “the great and terrible,” toxemia? The answers to these and other questions regarding the first trimester of pregnancy in our article.

Formation of the embryo – terms and threats

A Normal pregnancy the expectant mother lasts approximately 40 weeks (3 trimesters). During this time, microscopic cell, gradually developing and improving, is his first hard way – from a fertilized egg to a fetus to become a human. 40 weeks the mother carries the future of a creature that preparing for independent living. During the early stages of pregnancy there are important for the future of the child events – are formed all the vital organs. Therefore, the question about the first trimester – how many weeks, I ask not from idle curiosity, but to ensure all the conditions for a smooth pregnancy.the first trimester is how many weeks

The First trimester is the period from the first day of the last menstrual period to the end of the 12 weeks. This period is considered the most difficult in women's lives, especially those who decided to experience the happiness of motherhood for the first time. And the most dangerous in terms of the existence of a real threat of miscarriage due to hormonal imbalance, genetic and immunologic diseases of the mother, banal infections, the existence of pathologies, anomalies in the structure of the genital organs and other abnormalities.

Ways of dealing with poor health

1 trimester is characterized by active restructuring of the body of the mother. The main feature of this period is the increase in the blood of the hormone progesterone, which is vital for the fetus, but can cause discomfort in a pregnant in the form of dizziness, weakness, constipation and toxicosis. Inevitable external changes: a significant breast enlargement, the appearance of age spots, weight loss due to toxicity. Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, mood swings, bloating – frequent symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, you may experience problems such as frequent urination, thrush, fainting, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.


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What to do in such cases? Most try to walk, drink more water (7-8 glasses a day), eat right (more on this below), take frequent breaks, perform a complex of special physical exercises, and set yourself only on positive emotions.

“the Great and terrible" or How to deal with morning sickness in the first trimester?

Toxicity – the most unpleasant phenomenon when carrying a child, the cause of which is the changing hormonal levels of the mother. He is accompanied usually by nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, intolerance to certain smells. Every woman it occurs in different ways: some suffer from morning sickness the whole pregnancy, and at others it manifests itself only slightly. However, the latter too early to rejoice. According to doctors, the stronger the morning sickness in the early stages, the easier it will be leaking next to deal with morning sickness in the first trimester

How to deal with morning sickness in the first trimester? Follow the simple rules:

  • Adequate sleep (7-9 hours).
  • Regular walks in the fresh air (preferably not alone).
  • Eating small portions several times a day.
  • Frequent chewing (nuts, dried fruit, apples, crackers).
  • Eating foods rich in protein (beans, seeds, milk, fish, meat), calcium (dairy products, cabbage, bread).
  • Preference for liquid and semi-liquid food, vegetables and fruits.
  • Drink mineral water, cranberry or orange juice, tea with lemon, mint infusion.
  • To Take vitamins of group B.

Required actions

Many expectant mothers are wondering about what to do, where to go for advice (mom, doctor, experienced friend or acquaintance grandmother) and it becomes on the account on early terms of pregnancy. In the first trimester tummy the woman is almost not noticeable, but that is no reason to refuse the help of the doctor. register for early pregnancyTo Sign up to the antenatal clinic at the place of residence or to be registered in a private clinic should be no later than the end of the period, having passed the necessary tests of blood, urine, swabs and did ultrasound. Additionally you can go through prenatal screening (ultrasound and biochemical examination), which identifies possible risk and abnormalities in fetal development.

Risk of miscarriage-causes and measures

As mentioned above, in the first trimester dangerous high degree of risk in terms of spontaneous abortion. The frequency of such cases is 10-20 %. Causes of miscarriage can be:

  • Hormonal disturbance (low level of progesterone in the blood, etc.).
  • Infectious and acuteinflammatory diseases of the genital and internal organs. In the first case - a ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, herpes virus. In the second – rubella, sore throat, flu, appendicitis, pyelonephritis, pneumonia. Causes of miscarriage - high temperature, oxygen starvation, intoxication.
  • Genetic abnormalities and pathology of the genital organs and as a result, the inability of the body to bearing a child.
  • Traumas (fractures, bruises, concussion of the body, etc.).
  • Improper diet in early pregnancy.
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders (severe stress, depression).
  • Chronic diseases of the mother (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, pyelonephritis).
  • Bad habits (Smoking, alcohol abuse).
  • Peretruhina, heavy physical work, poor working conditions.
  • Uncontrolled severe in early pregnancy

When starting the miscarriage observed bleeding, acute abdominal pain. Bleeding can be short, long, periodic, barely noticeable, and pain – strong and weak. In any of these cases you should immediately consult a doctor.

In this case, the question of the first trimester is how many weeks is vital, as it was in this period, the risk of abortion.


Pregnancy brings many changes in the life of the mother – she had to abandon tight clothes, high heels, unwholesome foods and bad habits - anything that might harm the health of the child. The enormous importance in pregnancy has proper nutrition, which differs in each of the three trimesters. Here mom, the question may arise: trimester – how many weeks or months? One trimester is 12 weeks or 3 months. Each trimester is an important stage in the development of the embryo that require special attention in terms of food, surveys and physical activity.

As for the right diet, go to healthy and nutritious food, to say the Smoking, alcohol and certain medications: “No!» is still in the period of pregnancy planning. However, in many cases, the fact that conception becomes the unexpected event, and therefore, doctors advise to pay attention to your diet in the first trimester.

first trimester

What can and should be there?

The Widespread opinion that the future mother should eat for two, rapidly depleting stocks of the refrigerator and eating everything that comes to hand (or rather, teeth) – erroneously. Nutrition in the first trimester should be composed of complex nutrients, not excess calories. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fried meat, fish (replacing them with boiled foods), fatty foods and confectionery. Resolved salty and sour foods (pickles, sauerkraut, herring) in moderation. Try not to skip lunch or Breakfast, dinner make easy. Ideally you should eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.

The Diet of a pregnant in the first trimester looks like this:

  • Breakfast: fruit, portion of oatmeal, toast with butter. It needs to contain 30% of the total daily calorie supply.
  • Lunch (2-3 hours): 1-2 fruit or fruit salad, eggs, cheese. Calorie – 20%.
  • Lunch: chicken, beef or vegetable broth, boiled meat, cereals, salad (vegetable or fruit). Lunch includes 40 % of caloric value.
  • Dinner: fish, meat, beans, mashed potatoes, fruit, pastries (no more than one serving). Calorie – 10 %.
  • Before bed is recommended, 3-4 egg whites, a glass of kefir, yogurt.

Useful products

Proper nutrition in early pregnancy includes only the most useful products that contain protein (fish, meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables). Complete proteins and amino acids necessary for future mothers, there are in yogurt, sour milk, curd and cheese. To satisfy the body's need for carbohydrates can be foods rich in fiber-wholemeal bread, berries, vegetables, fruits. Preferably the consumption of vegetable fats-sunflower, corn and olive oil. The diet should include nuts, dried fruit, pasta and yoghurt.

It is Recommended to abstain from alcohol, foods, strong tea, instant coffee and fast food. Boiled coffee, sweetness and saltiness are allowed, but in small quantities. If the woman in the early stages of pregnancy the desire to eat lime, clay, chalk, salt and other “amazing things”, it means lack of calcium in the body. The diet in such cases, reconsider and adjust calcium foods and take special vitamin complexes.
the diet of the pregnant woman during the first trimester


In the early stages necessarily require vitamins for growth and normal development of the embryo. The choice of a vitamin-mineral complex is better to entrust the doctor, who will prescribe exactly what is required of the expectant mother during this period. Often many women there is a lack of vitamin B.

The Main vitamins in the first trimester, where your body needs:

  • Vitamin a – formation of the organs of vision, skeleton, normalizationfetal development.
  • Magnesium, vitamin E – decrease the risk of miscarriage.
  • Folic acid, zinc, copper – required to prevent defects in the child's development.
  • B Vitamins - contribute to normal formation of the fetus, protects the mother from infections and pregnancy, ease morning sickness.
  • Vitamin C - strengthens the immune system of mom and baby heart.
  • Vitamin PP – provides cellular respiration of the baby and reduces the risk of deviations in development.
  • Vitamin D and calcium – form the skeleton, teeth, bone tissue, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The Main condition for reception of vitamin complexes – not to overdo it with the drugs and take them only on prescription.


The First 14 weeks of life – the most dangerous for the embryo. At this stage she should limit physical activity and to refrain from intense exercising, as any strain of abdominal muscles, such as the press, can lead to miscarriage. However, in the first trimester of pregnancy the expectant mother just a necessary breathing exercise, exercise thighs, and yoga.

as the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy is barely visible, it is possible to carry out a complex of simple physical exercises:

  • Lean on the back of a chair (the seat should be on the other side) and do light squats, spreading the legs apart. The heel should not come off the floor. Don't forget about the smoothness and slowness of movements.
  • Straighten, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands in the area of the chest and press the palms towards each other, having experienced the functioning of the chest muscles. On the inhale palms need to squeeze, exhale – direct the brush towards the chest while maintaining the tension.
  • Without changing the posture, do pelvic thrusts in different directions, slightly bending the knees.
  • Sit on the floor cross-legged. Straighten your back and extend hands so that they lightly touched the floor. On the inhale lift your left arm up and body tilt to the right, resting right hand on the floor. On the exhale, return to starting position. Exercise at least 5 times in each direction.
  • Put your hands on your stomach, doing deep breaths. In the first approach, breathe only a nose, leaving the chest still. In the second – Vladimire chest on the inhale, leaving a still stomach. The breathing exercises should be done daily, once a day. It will teach you to breathe correctly during childbirth, and they will be virtually painless.the belly in early pregnancy

For each trimester provides a specific set of physical and breathing exercises. Classes throughout pregnancy will help keep expectant mothers form and give birth without complications and difficulties.

Undoubtedly, women have to overcome many difficulties, dangers and problems with health. That only is the rejection of the favorite fast food, strong coffee, or an invigorating morning jog! But a fundamental change in lifestyles – is not a reason to abandon happiness of motherhood. And let you have a very small period of pregnancy, but you already rather tired of morning sickness, often wonder about the first trimester – how many weeks, and did not imagine myself a caring mother. However, the first cry of a newborn will give you incomparable joy-the joy of motherhood that will upstage all the twists and turns of pregnancy.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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