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8 month pregnant woman to focus on the future birth, and these thoughts bring her a lot of trouble. In fact, just at this period, doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to worry and to think about the unpleasant, despite the fact that the baby is completely ready to independent life, it is considered premature and the birth was premature.
The Last trimester is considered to be one of the most dangerous for women and accompanied by some discomfort associated with the growing tummy. However, in the absence of pathologies that is 8 months pregnant is the time when the expectant mother can gain strength and prepare for future childbirth psychologically and physically. We will try to tell readers about all the features of the last trimester and how to behave to maintain their health and to give birth to a strong baby.
The Child at 8 months pregnant already fully formed and continues to grow in size. Naturally, this affects the well-being of the mother and affects her psychological state.
As in the third trimester, a woman constantly feels the approach of the upcoming birth, it is easy to imagine how increasing her nervousness. Pregnant feels almost reached the finish line and continuing to listen to your body so as not to miss any important message. Usually by this time all relatives of the mother are also in standby and give her lots of advice. Well, if the trip to the hospital prepared all the bags, and my husband is having the right psychological support. In this case, the woman easier through its concern for the health of the crumbs and returned to a state of peace.
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8 months of pregnancy will be useful to study the special literature. This will help to avoid mistakes and panic during birth, and will give confidence in themselves and their abilities even pervorodyaschih woman. Naturally, at this stage in any case can not be neglected visit your gynecologist and tests. Doctor visits now become more – you will see each other twice a month, and the tests will monitor your health and to diagnose possible problems.
Despite the fact that belly at 8 months pregnant already looks pretty impressive and disturbs his routine, the expectant mother should walk and not to neglect the easy exercise. She should enjoy life and do what brings pleasure. Soon after all, practically all women is going to take her newborn baby, and to relax she will have very soon.
8 months pregnant in terms of IVF starts in thirty-two ends and thirty-six weeks. On average, from now until the expected due date is still two obstetric months. Therefore, women have no obvious reason to worry, each will have time to prepare for the birth of your baby.
A Fetus at 8 months pregnant already fully formed and viable, but should behave very carefully so as not to provoke his behavior, premature birth, which can become fatal for your baby or affect his health.
At this time the fetus already weighs more than two pounds, and its average height is about forty inches. Leather scraps acquires a pinkish hue, body fat every week increases, and the facial features are similar to the face of the newborn.
The Baby is becoming increasingly cramped in the uterus, so his movements change their character. They resemble rolls and turns, but it causes often are painful, his mother. The most active baby becomes in the evening and night hours, so the pace of life is significantly different from the parent. However, the child already understands, when there is light. He feels when the stomach gets light and may even start to blink high brightness. Baby easily distinguish smells, tastes and voices. He is very sensitive to the emotional state of his mother and always empathizes with her. If a pregnant woman is at this period often speak to the baby, after birth it will be easier to calm the baby.
The Child at 8 months pregnant usually takes the correct position, head down. So he prepares to leave, but if your child doesn't want to unfold, then do not worry. Many kids do it before the birth or a few weeks before them.
Keep in mind that if the baby is very active too, then perhaps he tells you about the lack of oxygen. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and take a number of measures. The doctor usually prescribes iron-containing medicines and recommends for a walk twice a day. If all the recommendations will be implemented, soon she'll calm down and go to normal sleep and wakefulness.
A Woman in her 8th month of pregnancy should know that the baby dreams, he's still actively sucking fingers and stretching often. With his eyes lost film, and the pupils during sleep are able to move. Bones crumbs remain soft, it gives it a more easy passage forbirth canal. But the woman should during this period to ensure your baby plenty of calcium because of the bone in the eighth month do not finish its formation.
If you successfully went 8 months of pregnancy, your baby's development is almost completed, but rather entered its final stage. All the internal organs of the baby is almost formed, but the heart has already taken final form. In the umbilical Vienna from mother to child is clean and saturated with oxygen arterial blood.
Liver crumbs becomes normal size, it formed drops, and the pancreas begins increasingly to function.
The Head of the crumbs on the eighth month, slightly more than half of the head of an adult. The lungs of the baby are almost completely prepared for the future disclosure, therefore, in the case of premature birth premature babies are able to breathe on his own.
The woman on the 8th month of pregnancy photos of their tummies is quite often spread to the Internet. Such passion usually does not approve of the older generation, who strove hard to hide from the prying eyes of their situation, to avoid the evil eye. But for today's beautiful maternity photo shoots are a way to cheer yourself up and forget about discomfort caused by the peculiarities of the last trimester.
Interestingly, the belly at 8 months pregnant woman can be much more than the other. It does not always depend on the weight of the mother and the baby, it often happens that such a factor is hereditary. So if your tummy seems quite small, it is quite possible that the baby will be born a hero and Vice versa – a big belly does not say anything about a large baby.
Every day a pregnant woman is experiencing growing fatigue. She is looking forward to the end of carrying a child and childbirth, but at the same time feels a whole set of unpleasant sensations. First and foremost it starts to torment insomnia. She has a lot of reasons:
All of the above does not give the woman a good night's sleep and have a negative impact on it. Therefore, doctors usually recommend for overcoming insomnia evening walk, the minimum amount of liquid ventilation and the use of special cushions for pregnant women. They allow you to conveniently fit the tummy that has become simply huge at 8 months pregnant (photo of such fixtures can be found on the websites of products for expectant mothers).
Many pregnant women complain of increased bloating, regular constipation, nausea and even breathing problems. This is due to the fact that the uterus had risen almost to the ribs and puts pressure on the diaphragm.
To Walk and perform usual housework getting heavier. A typical load cause shortness of breath, and long walks instantly cause lower back pain. They arise from the fact that the pelvic floor gradually preparing for future childbirth, and odds. This process is quite long, but with some physical exertion can be painful.
Some women face with edema and high blood pressure. It should be taken very seriously, because these symptoms indicate preeclampsia-a disease that in the last trimester face about twenty percent of pregnant women. Even if you suspect preeclampsia, you should immediately consult a doctor and go to the hospital to round the clock to be under the supervision of experts.
Many pregnant at this time begin to see serious stretch marks on the body. In order to prevent their occurrence, you need every day to lubricate the skin of the abdomen and breast nourishing cream and wear a support bandage. He will not allow the skin to stretch and, therefore, will be removed and the unpleasant itching, which is usually accompanied by this process.
The Physical health of the pregnant woman, obviously, need to pay serious attention, but her psychological state should be the concern of relatives and friends. Because by the end of the period many women become hostages of various psychological problems, which no one can share.
Some can not understand why 8 months pregnant is dangerous, because the most difficult period has passed. But in fact, at this time, the woman is literally on top of stress and not always even could realize that he needs the help of the native people. Almost all expectant mothers in the third trimester experiencing fatigue and impatience caused by long waiting for the crumbs. They are internally languishing desires to see your baby, but subconsciously constantly worry about his health and successful birth outcomes.
To everything listed, there is the sense of futility. Itexperience those moms who used to just make themselves and suffer the inability to lead a normal lifestyle. To fatigue you can add to irritability, tearfulness and General depression.
Many pregnant eight months feel weakness and confusion. These feelings fully, you can add a dissatisfaction with their appearance. Often women refuse to look in the mirror because of substantial weight gain. They feel ugly and ashamed of their altered shape.
Such emotions interfere with a pregnant tune in a positive way that may even push back the expected delivery date. So the relatives have to do everything to distract a woman and change it. If the condition allows the expectant mother to get out of the house, be sure to go out with her in the light. Make her compliments and giving beautiful things will allow her to forget about their worries and troubles. So, will have a positive impact on the condition of your baby.
As most moms-to-be for the eighth month are already on maternity leave I try to occupy your day to avoid disturbing thoughts. Yet, we should not load itself, because the third trimester – this is a difficult period for exhausted by the pregnancy of the body, which is needed to save their strength for the upcoming birth.
If during pregnancy you exercise, you should not stop now. Of course, physical exercise must be approved by a physician and meet the deadline. The usual classes will raise a pregnant mood, gives her an energy boost and help you to relax. Also, physical exercise releases the load on the spine, establish circulation and prepare the body for childbirth. However, you should always listen to your feelings and respond instantly to any ailment.
For the eighth month is required as long as you can walk in the fresh air, but this should be done only when accompanied by someone close to you, as the contractions could start at any moment. Wear comfortable walking clothing and footwear, do not neglect to brace and compression underwear.
In the third trimester important classes to prepare for childbirth. They not only occupy your free time pregnant, but also allow you to get an idea of the process of the birth of the baby. Women learn to breathe correctly and to behave during childbirth.
On the eighth month of pregnancy in any case it is not necessary to travel by plane. Flights are to high loads and can trigger premature birth. If this will not happen, it is likely that you will harm unborn baby.
Even if you love bathing, then in the third trimester must be abandoned. The weakened body can negatively react to temperature and change of pressure.
At the end of pregnancy you need to carefully monitor their weight. Women do not overeat, so as not to cause problems with digestion and not to create unnecessary danger to the health of the baby.
Is it Possible at 8 months pregnant to have sex with your husband? This question is raised by many pregnant women. They fear that the fetus at 8 months pregnant already big enough and he can be hurt. In fact, none of the doctors in the case when the woman is healthy and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, will not prevent intimacy between the couple.
Moreover, they believe that sex creates a positive mood and enhances emotional intimacy between the future spouses. Besides, before birth, many doctors even recommend frequent intimate contacts. Thus the uterus gets the necessary tone, and her neck gradually prepared to stretch and become softer.
Allocation is 8 months pregnant should not have a pungent smell and clear color. Usually they are homogeneous, whitish and slightly sour. If you notice that the character of discharge has changed, you must immediately go to the doctor. Perhaps you have started an infection that needs to be urgently treated while the baby decided he wants to come into this world.
Many women worry about why at 8 months pregnant occur the allocation of yellowish tint streaked with. In fact, such a situation may indicate that you have deviated tube. It throughout pregnancy protect baby from any infection, and its discharge is the first harbinger of imminent childbirth. It is better to inform your doctor.
But spotting should be a reason for immediate hospitalization. Thus, the body indicates the detachment of the placenta, and this, in turn, becomes a threat to the life of the mother and her unborn baby.
The Breast at 8 months pregnant can begin to select colostrum. In some women it is produced in the form of several drops, and others in such large quantities that require special inserts in the bra.
By the end of the third trimester the women's diet should be vegetables, fruits, and foods rich in calcium and protein. Food should be consumed low-fat boiled meat and fish. Calcium is best absorbed not of milk and dairy products. If you do not have edema, drinking regime shall not be less than one and a half liters of fluid a day. And need to drink thirty minutes before or after a meal.
Referring to the reviews about 8 months pregnant, you can compile the useful tips that will help women successfully survive to the third trimester.
If you have breathing problems, try to moderate exercise and keep your back straight.
Breathing exercises help to calm the rambunctious baby. You should do a few deep breaths and lift the arms in turn. In parallel, it is possible to change the position of the body. After a few minutes the child will take a comfortable position and calm down.
On the eighth month to replace the bath shower. It will help to remove the muscle tension and will become a kind of massage for a tired body.
The Main advice given by nearly all women is a positive attitude. It will help to maintain presence of mind in any situation and ensure a successful outcome delivery.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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