Does Russia need the Souks? How to write an essay on the topic "whether Bazarov modern Russia"?


2018-03-25 01:07:12




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Great topics for essay offer today's students! Very interesting and allows you to think.

Nice to be young

Twenty or thirty Years ago, the usual topics of essays in school were numerous “typical representatives” with a predetermined approved by and ideologically aligned with the interpretation of images.

Great writers, rising, was horrified to learn that their characters someone saw the harbingers of the proletarian revolution… And today the young generation can freely talk about how clever you were calving and how he would fit into the realities of the XXI century, can become a modern Ionica primary care physician and whether Bazarov modern Russia, boldly drawing historical Parallels. No blame is wrong reasoning. The main thing - that they were justified. Don't like Mayakovsky, okay, just explain why.

need for Russia to Bazarov

Disputes between children and fathers in the days of Turgenev and today

In the February issue of “Russian messenger” for the year 1862 was published caused a lot of controversy Turgenev essay. “whether Bazarov Russia?” – it is a question asked each other the readers and respond sometimes positively, but often negatively.

There was more of this generation, which is currently classified as a senior, complained to the fact that “the youth went not the same”. It is a natural process of aging causes internal protest, reinforcing the challenging behavior of young men seeking to Express themselves, but, as a rule, not having sufficient knowledge and experience. Today's young people are often trying to stand out in fashionable clothes and expensive things, in the nineteenth century this purpose was an unusual judgment about the world and its device.


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And in fact, does Russia need the Souks? Those who wrote an essay on this topic, it is possible to at least two opinions, diametrically opposed.

an essay whether Bazarov Russian

Bazaars Russia does not need

Yevgeny Bazarov proclaims the goal of improving lives through revolutionary change. The modern reader has the ability to judge the results of such daring experiments on the basis of historical experience of previous generations, who lived in the period of the overthrow of the foundations, clearing the site for "new people" and other interesting, but very tedious and dangerous classes. Our contemporaries (though not all) realized that by creating a new, do not hurry to break the old, otherwise there is a serious risk of becoming homeless.

The Souks do not know what can result in the destruction of the foundations of society, and it is to some extent justified. However, the conspicuous lack of respect for older people, striving at every opportunity to Express their controversial ideas, a complete rejection of the possibility to listen to the opinions of others is hardly excusable even to the young man. The desire to think for themselves – a commendable trait, but an attempt to impose their own beliefs with the tactless persistence is unlikely to serve as a role model. However, part of the youth second half of the nineteenth century, Bazaars liked. His cynicism and nihilism, many have copied, but to the hero himself, was sympathetic.

The question “does Russia need the Souks” replied in the negative he himself, the main character.

However, it is possible that Eugene was somewhat excited.

whether Bazarov modern Russian

Bazaars Russia needs

Eugene and always cranky. He doesn't like the landlord's inertia, the ignorance of the peasants and empty talk. Art, in his opinion, is unnecessary, and that science, having practical value, is power. Even before his death, making the conclusion about his own inappropriateness in his native country, he declares the value of people's productive labor: the shoemaker, the butcher, the tailor. Something to remind these arguments familiar to the older generation theory advanced the importance of the proletariat, but in self-criticism hero can not refuse, and this is a sign of an analytical mind.

When you consider the other positive traits of character, such as erudition, the desire to acquire knowledge, to think independently and learn good experience from other Nations, then the question "whether Bazarov Russia” the answer: “Yes, we need!” In the end, young people by nature tend to the protests, and that's fine if he believes that came into the world in order to improve it. And nihilism, well, there's my rational. People who are in captivity established ideas and firmly believes in the authorities will never find another one, will not make discoveries, not dare to confront stereotypes.

In addition, notwithstanding manners, with Eugene to talk would be more interesting than Kirsanov.

whether Bazarov Russian

Azarovschina – childhood disease gifted young people

The question in the essay can be put another way: “does Russia need the Souks once you grow up?” Youthful rebellion, nihilism and even cynicism are with age as you gain experience. “Young people must sow their wild oats” says the French proverb. After this she becomes an adult and even (the horror!) old, if I live, of course. Yevgeny Bazarov was not able to achieve advancedyears, which is a pity. After all, he could learn not only how to destroy but to create: to become a doctor, chemist, or something necessary and useful.

A Third option of writing essays on the theme “does Russia Need the Souks”

whether Bazarov Russia writing

Opinions are divided. Someone nihilism do not like, others are ready to be on his side. But there are unexpected third answer to the question "whether Bazarov Russia». The essay can be built on the Hegelian thesis of the reasonableness of the whole valid. After all, if Evgeny Bazarov existed, so it was what you need. And if the protagonist himself doubted the expediency of its own existence, it does not mean that he would allow someone else to Express a similar thought.

Imagine a society consisting of some Kirsanovich, with all the advantages of this character, it is very difficult. In such a country it would be very boring live, no one to argue with, as you know, is in the process of debate the truth is born. And who would criticize the existing order, if they are humane and wonderful (but this is still far in the XXI century)?

Hypertrophied rationalism and technocracy hide a thin and vulnerable soul that Eugene may have been afraid to expose, otherwise he would not suffer so much.

Russia – a huge country, it will be a place for everyone: Kirsanov and Bazarov, and many other literary (and other) types. Someone nihilism unpleasant, others close, and others indifferent to it. Supporters and opponents who are satisfied and dissatisfied can argue among themselves indefinitely and to write the school essays as they please. The main thing - that the discussion did not violate the common values. We have one country.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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