Common roach: description, habitat, spawning


2018-03-27 20:49:13




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Ordinary roach belongs to the family Cyprinidae. This species is very common all over the world. There are seventeen species of roach. And the most famous of them – ordinary. The common roach is the sub-species: roach, Rudd, roach, etc.


Roach is considered to be of low value fish. So basically the marketing of its only local, for export it is not. Fishing for roach mainly during the spawning season or fall. Roach is considered as weed fish. In Europe it is almost not eat. If it is sold out, only large and at a very low price.

Mainly of roach made of various feed for livestock, poultry and Pets. In stores you can see bags of dog and cat food. Fish, their appearance is often made from roaches. In Russia on an industrial scale only caught roach and roach. But mostly it's caught anglers. Roach feed a large predatory fish-perch, pike, catfish, etc., and some aquatic animals-otter, etc. Roach – the fish was delicious, especially the jerky. Tastes like dried fish.common roach

The Areola habitat

Common roach is most common in the European areas located to the East of southern England and the Pyrenees. And to the North of the Alps. Roach a lot in the Caspian and Aral seas, all the rivers and lakes of Siberia and Central Asia. In the middle zone of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus it is also a lot. Roach is not found only in cold mountain rivers.

What places live roach

Where is roach? It is kept in flocks in waters where the current is weakest. This fish loves places which are protected snags and hanging tree branches and overgrown ponds. Roach avoids fast currents and cold water. She prefers warm and calm.


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In the lakes roach is found in shallow water, well warmed by the sun. Wetlands and areas with content of silt roach she loves me not. Before the cold weather she swims in deep water, where it stays for the winter. After the flood and ice drift of this fish found in the waters of the flood.spawn roaches

Spring roach after opening the water trying to stay off the coast. In the rivers are often out of the floodplain and oxbow lakes. After recession of water, a large part of the roach is still there. This fish is trying not to go too far from their own dens.

Description of the appearance of roaches

Roach may be small, medium and large in size. Similar in structure of fish in nature a lot. The distinctive features of roach – pharyngeal teeth, located on both sides five or six pieces, resazurin. Scales on the body large. On the face is the mouth. The dorsal fin begins to grow in the abdominal area.

Roach, the form may be different. This largely depends on the feed. If its a lot, then grow big roach with a high back. If food is little or it is defective, then the growth slows down and the body becomes long and narrow. In the TRANS-Ural lakes, the roach can reach gigantic for her size. The average length of adult calf roach twenty centimeters. Sometimes it can reach up to forty. Mass up to one kilogram.roach roach roach


The back of the roach of ordinary black shade. But maybe with blue or green tint. The sides and belly are silvery. The fins on the breast yellowish. Back and on the abdomen – red, on back and tail gray-green with a barely noticeable orange tint. Iris is yellow with a red spot. Some fish of the same color and fins, and Golden scales with a red tint on the sides and back.

Types of roaches

Common roach – fish freshwater, catadromous. There are those individuals who live permanently in salt water. Freshwater – roach. Roach, roach live in salt water. All of these types of roaches differ in color.


The Diet of roach consists mainly of animal and vegetable food. It is the seeds of plants, algae and other aquatic vegetation. Larvae once out of the yolk SAC, eat rotifers, crustaceans, insects and small bloodworms. Grown-up common roach begins to feed clams. Old food becomes secondary. Food of roach differs depending on their habitat.spring roach

She Fed both day and night. This fish is constantly in motion. Most often you can meet at midnight. During cold weather, in winter, roach eats much worse, as food becomes harder to get. But active roach in the winter and are biting well. In the cold it usually swims near the muddy bottom and among seaweed. Eats in the winter time mostly bloodworms and vegetation.


Puberty of a roach is set two years after birth. The spawning of roach begins later IDE, pike and some other fish species. But some early bream, catfish, perch and carp. In the middle zone of Russia the roach spawns in the river, after the water subsides. In Kama, the Volga and the Oka river, this fish come to spawn in the backwaters and water-lake. The don, the lower Volga and the river roach spawns to the spill. In the don it spawns early in March.lake of roaches

Startspawning depends on water temperature. If the area is located closer to the South and spring is warm, the ponds heat up faster. In this case, the spawning starts earlier. Usually, the roach spawning begins in late April-early may. At this time the water temperature reaches 10 to 15 degrees. In reservoirs, located North and middle Urals roach spawns in mid or late may.

Before spawning roach is covered by a rash in the form of white spots. Then they become darker and harden. Scales feels rough. Traces of hard spots disappear in a week after spawning.

Before the spawning female roach rise up in large flocks. Behind them emerge the males. Due to the fact that after spawning fall fish without ROE and caviar, it is assumed that the sexual products of spawn at one time and ripen at the same time.large roach

The Eggs of the roach are transparent, soft, with a slight green tint. They stick to the pitfalls, snags, etc. Are eggs very closely, and being on the moss, have the appearance of bunches of grapes. The largest concentrations can contain more than 84 thousand eggs.

The Number of young roaches depends largely on favorable environmental conditions. In stagnant water for fry is a very disastrous spring storms, during which many eggs are thrown on the shore. Fry is not afraid of the unrest of the water, so the depth they go only in June. In many rivers juvenile demolished by floods.

The Growth of young roach

A Young ordinary roach starts to emerge from the eggs after a week in warm weather. Often ten days after spawning. Less – two weeks. Fry swim close to the surface of the water. First feed on their yolk sacks and then small plankton. First fry hiding from enemies among the seaweed. There she slowly begins to feed on crustaceans, plants. In rivers, the young roach is located near the thermal baths, rafts. That's where she hides from predators and find food.

In July, the young fish begins to swim out into open water. She finally leaves the shelter in the thickets of water in August. In autumn young leaves together with adult fish overwinter in deep holes. In some lakes roach sometimes comes to the surface for food even in late autumn.where does roach

Catching roach

The Most active biting roach in may, June, a week before spawning and the same period from the laying of eggs. But the more successful your fishing trips will, if well warmed river or lake. Roach caught on bloodworms, small worms, and caddis. In the summer roach willingly takes steamed wheat, maggots, dough and herbs. Many fishermen catch the fish on Hercules, semolina gnocchi, larvae of a moth, a grasshopper and a beetle.

The Most active summer bite – on the morning dawn. Spring is best to catch the roach in the afternoon. Mainly for fishing using conventional fishing rods with a thin line. Big roach caught in the wiring, szabadka from the banks or from a boat.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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