Grozny city Day, history, features, celebrations and interesting facts


2018-03-28 14:17:15




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The Heart of the Chechen Republic, its capital is the city with the speaker, judging by its history, the name is terrible. Based on the banks of the Sunzha river (a tributary of the Terek), the area ranks second among the cities of the North Caucasus (324,1 sq km). Fifth of October it was decided to celebrate the birthday of the city of Grozny. The article will review the history of administrative and territorial structure, attractions and how to celebrate day of the city's residents.the city day of Grozny


The city has a rich history of almost two centuries. The fortress of Grozny was founded in 1818 and played the role of an Outpost to protect the borders from attacks of wild Chechen tribes. Almost half a century it has lost its strategic importance and was renamed the city of Grozny, which was part of the Terek region.

In 1890 in the territory of Grozny, discovered a large oil field. It was a new milestone in the development of the city, began to build factories, engaged in the extraction and processing of oil, as well as roads.

In the years of Soviet power starts the planned development of Grozny, formed his basic areas that exist today.

From the beginning of the great Patriotic war one of the priorities of Nazi troops was the capture of the oil fields in Northern Caucasus, including Grozny. Thanks to the dedication of the Soviet soldiers, the enemy could not approach its walls.

After the war the city quite quickly recovers, industrial production, and by the end of 80-ies of XX century is the largest industrial center of the Caucasus.

The Event, which had a devastating impact on all spheres of life of the city - its economy, culture, was the Russian-Chechen war. The fighting, which took place on the territory of Grozny, destroyed it almost to the ground. All who had the opportunity, migrated to less affected areas of the Chechen Republic. Was even the question of the transfer of the capital subject to Gudermes, the least ruined city, but against this voted Akhmad Kadyrov, the first President of Chechnya.


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Thanks to him and his son Ramzan Kadyrov, who later became President of Chechnya after the tragic death of his father, began rapid reconstruction of the city's construction industry, roads and social facilities. The fifth of October, it was decided to celebrate the city Day of Grozny. The program is prepared annually and includes the celebration of accomplishments over the past year, making plans for the future.Grozny city day events

Population and ethnic composition

Since the founding of the city in Grozny were observed exclusively a rising population. And no wonder - the discovery of oil deposits in the late nineteenth century, accelerated the construction of roads and factories, soon made the city one of the most developed centers of the North Caucasus.

The Situation changed radically in the 90-ies of XX century, when the fighting in the Russo-Chechen war, Grozny was destroyed almost to the ground. According to the Soviet census of population in 1987, the population was 404 thousand people, and in 1996, according to the indicators statistical Yearbook, only 186 thousand people. Russians, Ukrainians, Ingush fled the terrible, often leaving all their belongings.

Only at the beginning of the XXI century the situation began to improve, the population began to increase as by improving the demographic situation, and due to the good policies of government, attracting to the city workforce. According to the data for 2017 in Grozny population of 291 thousand people who look forward to the celebration of the city Day of Grozny annually.

Ethnic structure homogeneous, with approximately 95% of the population are Chechens, 3 % - Russian, the remaining 2 % – Kumyks, Ingush, Avars and other indigenous peoples.

Administrative and territorial structure

The City of Grozny at the administrative-territorial division is a city of national importance.

It is composed of 4 districts, each of which includes 5 counties.

  1. Lenin (founded in 1938). Is considered the largest in terms of population (about 88 thousand people as of July 2017). It is the center of business and cultural life of the city, here are concentrated the majority of business centres, shops and social facilities.
  2. October (established in 1936). The second largest urban unit in Grozny (71 thousand persons), located on the hilly South-East of the city.
  3. Factory (established in 1960). Originated in the merger of the Stalin and Ordzhonikidze districts. This is the second in area and third in population (69 per thousand) urban unit, there are the majority of industrial enterprises.
  4. Staropromyslovsky (established in 1936). The first name of the district - the Old industrial district, the population of the city (63 thousand people).

The Structure of local authorities does not differ from that adopted in most Russian cities.

  1. Council of deputies of the representative body.
  2. The town Hall is the Executive body headed by the mayor.
  3. Kontrolno-schetnaya Palata - regulatory authority.
  4. The head of the Grozny - the highest official of the city.

The Municipality organizes events, including planning of the city Day of Grozny.

Economy and education

The City in the full sense of the word can be called industrial, there are many businesses both heavy and light industry. Of course, a key industry here - oil production and refining (produced and other plants), as well as industry derived from petrochemistry, production of oil equipment, machinery and more.

To the Russo-Chechen war, Grozny was the second after Rostov-on-don in terms of industrial production (in total operated 160 enterprises). Unfortunately, military action 90-ies of XX century, caused a devastating damage to all aspects of city life, especially the economy. Most businesses were razed to the ground, no roads and social facilities - hospitals, kindergartens, schools.

After two civil wars the city is fully restored, all structures are functioning and people are happy that they can live peacefully and celebrate the city Day of Grozny. In the process of rebuilding began the construction of modern residential areas and infrastructure: shopping centers, museums, mosques. Some of them in its size can compare with the European.

To Get a higher education in Grozny in the universities.

  1. Chechen state University (chgu), founded in 1938 - University of the classical type;
  2. Chechen state pedagogical University (Petrozavodsk state University), founded in 1980.
  3. Grozny state oil technical University, named after the famous academician M. D. millionshtchikov.

University Students and students take an active part in the city Day of Grozny.the birthday of the city of Grozny


Attractions of the terrible there are only a few decades. As mentioned above, after the hostilities in the 90-ies of XX century, the city literally had to revive from the ashes. But this does not mean that it is scarce in the cultural sense, rather the contrary.

Attractions of the city.

  1. In Grozny there is an analogue of the Moscow-city complex, which consists of seven skyscrapers. Here, as in the capital, concentrated the whole business.
  2. Guests should visit the mosque "Heart of Chechnya", which is considered the main attraction of the city. It was built in honor of the tragically died in 2004, Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov is an exact replica of the mosque "Sophia" (Istanbul) and the largest Muslim mosque in Europe. Occupied by the complex area is fourteen hectares, to pray in the mosque at the same time can ten thousand people.
  3. Sports complex "Akhmat-arena", built for two years. It its power and functionality is not inferior to the leading sports facilities and has been adopted to Association of European stadiums.
  4. Visited the terrible tourist is recommended to walk along the two main streets of the city - the prospectus of Putin and Kadyrov Avenue. And to see the Lenin square and the area of the “Moment”, where the train passes and stayed for just 1 minute. The celebration of the city day of Grozny are here.

the city day of Grozny of the program

Features of the celebration of the city and interesting facts

In 2017, marks 199 years since the construction of the fortress, which served as the basis for the formation of settlements that later grew into the city. The fifth of October, the population celebrates the Day of Grozny. Activities for the celebration, the authorities are beginning to develop in advance, trying to make it so that the program encouraged indigenous people and guests.

Usually a festive day in the morning on the streets you can hear the music and wave the flag with national symbols. The town's main square is decorated with a stage on which are pop stars invited to the festival and present their music to folk groups. In conclusion of the celebration, the inhabitants witness the enchanting fireworks.

In 2017, on the city Day of Grozny received the gift of "Coliseum” – sports complex, which is designed for five thousand seats. It will be a city on a par with major sports centers of Russia.

The history of the capital of Chechnya has in its kitty many interesting facts, among which we can mention the following:

  • Planning a nuclear war against the Soviet Union, the Americans turned terrible in the top twenty cities for nuclear attack;
  • Writer and poet Mikhail Lermontov was in the fortress of Grozny in 1840;
  • 1854 was a year of visiting the castle by Leo Tolstoy;
  • Unique monument of the “spotlight” opened in 2010 – area under the memorial complex stretches for five acres.

Despite the trials, two civil wars, people have been able to establish a peaceful life and restore the heart of Chechnya – the capital city of Grozny.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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