Tips where and how to look for mushrooms. Where to look for mushrooms in the suburbs


2018-03-18 10:45:13




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The majority of the citizens gradually lose the skills of orienteering in the forest, as well as delineating the edible and non-edible forest products. The same applies to mushrooms, because it seems that they are much easier to buy in the store. But it is necessary to take into account the pleasure that can be obtained in the process of hunting for them. So, for example, how to find white mushroom?

Our experience

Most people associate these organisms solely from their fruits - that can be seen for example in the stores. But of biology course many remember that things are not so simple. Firstly, fungi are not plants. And they are really very much different from them. Second: mushroom is not only what is seen on the surface. It's just his body, a small part. But the bulk lies beneath the earth is a mycelium. Few people do not notice that the mushrooms grow like groups - finding one, you can find nearby some more. And all because in the soil is the mycelium that is not rooted in the usual sense of the word, but has a number of similar functions. It can extend over large enough space and comes to the surface in the form of bodies of fungi.

how to search for mushrooms

Properties and nutritional value

They are called the meat of the forest, and this name is not accidental. They are almost entirely composed of water, in second place on the content of proteins, about the same amount of carbohydrates and little fat. When dry the amount of protein per 100 grams increases to about 30%, but replacing the meat it can not serve. The fact that a large part of protein is not absorbed by the human body due to the special substances - chitin, a part of the cell wall of fungi.

But you can't ignore the fact that they contain a huge amount of useful minerals and vitamins. Some of them can even serve as a cure for certain diseases - the study of these properties has been a separate direction called fungoterapiya. But also we must not forget that it is quite heavy food that is digested for a long time.


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where to look for mushrooms

Quiet hunting

The Mushroom is often called the hunters, and is, in General, true. Their task actually consists in tracking down their prey, because luck rarely smiles on those who go at random. And these people have the secrets on how to look for mushrooms, where to do it, at what time. Of course, they also distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous and have a number of special skills and knowledge. So, what are the basic rules that you need to know to “quiet hunting” was successful?

Where and how to look for mushrooms?

In the forest there is a place, where most likely the hunter will meet its prey. The main weapon here is knowledge. Some species prefer Sunny forest edges and clearings, and other shady valley. But there are some universal rules that help both beginners and more experienced mushroom hunters.

First, in the forest you need to leave early in the morning when there are no oblique sunlight and do not dry the dew. It is the moisture after a cool night will help to notice the shiny wet hats in the grass.

white fungus where to look

Secondly, it is necessary to remember the principle of growth of mushrooms - if there was one, then there will definitely be some more. So you need to take a closer look around.

Third, the first is better to arrange trips with more experienced guides. This will allow to obtain the orientation skills in the forest, and also understand how to look for mushrooms.

Fourth, a good helper will be a special stick about one meter long with a slingshot on the end. It is very convenient to push the grass in front of him and on the sides, so as not to miss any of the boletus, or boletus.

And yet every fan of the “passive hunting" has its secrets, how to find white fungus, where to look for mushrooms. Gathering in the forest for specific types, you need to know not only when to collect their best, but their favorite places.

how to search for mushrooms in the woods

Mushroom season in Moscow

Traditionally, to extract forest meat should fall, but that doesn't mean that fans of the “passive hunting" in October, put their baskets for almost a year. In fact, the first mushrooms can appear in March, however, at this time very few of them, it is better to postpone the beginning of the season until April-may (depending on the speed of the snowmelt and the rise in the average temperature). In the suburbs gather morels and lines that look pretty strange, but they have excellent taste.

In late may and early June, begin to appear brown and many other summer mushrooms, and in July, gradually begin to bear fruit all principal, although it is now considered not too fruitful. A real active season opens in August when the forest hiding untold riches indeed! This is a Golden time lasts until about mid-September and provides the opportunity to find out how to search for mushrooms in the forest, because they are literally everywhere and almost want to go in the basket. The experienced know that over the summer there are several ‘waves" of growth, or “layers”. The first of them in the second half of July, and the rest - for a short time before the present autumn. This is the moment when a beginner it is best to try their hand.

how to search for white mushroom

At the end of October the main season is closed, although some lovers can stretch it for another few weeks. And yet, where to look for mushrooms, not to go at random? For each species needs its own approach.

King of the forest - this, of course, boletus. Usually it lives under pine, oak, spruce or birch. Not notice it is even difficult, because it is a white mushroom. Where to find chanterelles, you must know all, mainly in deciduous forests, although they are found in conifers. To find estimates it is possible to apply a simple method - looking up to find dry oak without leaves, and looking for this kind of close to it because they are parasites, causing disease and death of trees. How to look for mushrooms with “speaking” the names boletus and orange-cap boletus, probably not even worth mentioning. In fact, the ability to find suitable locations comes from experience, the main thing - not to lose enthusiasm.

For starters, you can go in directions considered to be most "fruitful". In the suburbs pickers often come at the stations Larks, Tuchkovo, Dorokhovo, Victory, Country, Zosimova Pustyn', White columns, Lviv, Donino, Gzhel, Zelenograd, Abramtsevo, Moscow, Povarovo, etc. in fact, in the middle of the season it is easy to understand, and which places are popular, they with the morning trains going a lot of people with baskets.

Other features

Going into the forest, it is necessary to dress properly and to observe all necessary safety precautions. For example, to wear a hat and high boots. This will help to protect yourself from ticks and snakes that are found in the grass and on the bushes.

where to find mushrooms in the suburbs

Each mushroom with a knife and a special container. Normal package is not suitable because it assembled quickly “choke”, will lose all sight and favor, crumble and then start to rot. It is best suited willow baskets. As for the method of collection, there are two opposite opinions: some believed that it is better to cut the mushrooms, and someone insists that this method provokes rotting and death of the mycelium, so it is better to Unscrew the leg from the ground like a screw. The General opinion is, unfortunately, no.

Edible and non-Edible

One of the first rules of mushroom is this - if in doubt it is better to refuse. Learn to distinguish edible from their toxic counterparts is not so difficult, it is a question of practice. But the fact is that even the most delicious boletus, boletus and mushrooms can be fraught with danger. Before you decide where to look for mushrooms, you need to find a suitable place - the forest that is far enough away from roads and any other sources of contamination. Each hat beautiful appetizing and foot, found near such places, is threatened with poisoning. The fact that the mushrooms absorb all the harmful substances like a sponge and get rid of them is impossible. So you should think several times, choosing the places where to look for mushrooms in the suburbs.

Another feature affecting the edibility, the mutual arrangement of different types. Sometimes it happens that a mushroom picker finds a clearing with a whole family of hats. And suddenly in the middle of the crowd revealed a pale toadstool. Better to throw assembled, because the venom in the mycelium, can cause the best of severe poisoning.

In addition, it is not necessary to bring home large overripe specimens. It is better to do otherwise - pick up a hat on a tree branch in the woods. So disputes will be easier to spread, and for the next year have the chance to see in the same places a lot more mushrooms.

how to look for mushrooms


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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