Alexander Nazarov: biography, filmography and family of the actress


2018-03-18 12:46:12




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In the movie, she often got the role of mothers and grandmothers. This mother of Cyril «Lullaby for my brother”, and Sergei's mother in ‘Try the Faith" and the mother of Cream in “Lone wolf”, and the mother of a cadet in the “Armavir”. Still, the huge popularity brought her the role of grandmother: grandmother Vano “Secret”, grandmother Olga Belova in the “Crew”, the grandmother Hopes to “Frills” and, of course, the role of the grandmother, Victoria Prutkovsky in “My lovely nanny», after which the actress has added tens of thousands of fans among viewers of all ages.

So, Alexander Nazarov, the so-called serials grandmother. Now it's name on something almost all fans of soap operas. Many find similar to her characters traits and. And it is absolutely no surprise, because all her heroines are friends, almost family to each spectator, as if it was a neighbor of the house or, for example, dear aunt.

Alexander Nazarov actress

My grandmother

Aleksandra Nazarova, an actress of the Soviet and post-Soviet cinema, never fought for a major role in projects. The second of the fame she has acquired a rather advanced age when she was over sixty, after all, the woman Nadia's babysitter Vicky was his presence added zest to each batch of “fair nanny», her role went on quotes, as it was with the best gaydaevskih and ryazanovskoe movies — a treasure trove of Soviet cinema.

Early years

July 17, 1940 in Leningrad in a family of actors Ivan Nazarov and Alexandra Matveeva had a daughter who was named in my mother's honor Sasha. So began to write his book the life of Alexander Nazarov, it will take some couple of decades, and that the girl would find fame.


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Parents served together in the Leningrad New theatre (later it became known as the theater of the Leningrad city Council). Together they starred in films. Shortly before the outbreak of the great Patriotic war dad, Ivan Nazarov, the troupe went on tour in Vladivostok. When the native city girls — Leningrad — began to thicken black clouds of gunfire and explosions, the mother grabbed the baby in his arms, rushed away. They are incredibly lucky because they managed to go to the first days of a terrible siege, which claimed in a perpetual prisoner's death a huge number of men, women and children... the Family had to move from city to city many times. Being already in Nizhny Tagil, Nazarova heard the good news of victory over the fascist invaders. Little Sasha long remember this happy day.

“Nora”, tour, Institute, theatre

About children circus usually say “born in the sawdust”. And little Alexander Nazarov Was born in the folds of theatrical scenes. It was there, and her childhood years were spent. That is where there was her debut on the theatrical stage. She was barely six years old, she already played her very first role. It was a show called “hole”. During summer vacation, the girl was joining his mom and dad on the road covering the entire territory of the former Soviet Union. It often happened that in the next class the first of September, little Sasha, with a huge bouquet of flowers by Chagall in a new school.

Alexander Nazarov

Whole life her parents were devoted to the stage. They knew how difficult (but however honorable and interesting) this bread. So Ivan Nazarov and Alexander Matveev in a friendly team opposed to Alexander Nazarov, a biography which was interesting for lots of fans of soap operas, also became an actress, repeating their way of life. The girl did not agreed with their reasonable arguments and concerns.

“I decide everything myself”

And so, when once again the parents went on tour, she entered the Leningrad theatre Institute named after Ostrovsky, who quite successfully graduated in 1961. After that, she became part of the troupe of the Central children's theatre. Four years later, when he decided to go to the theater. Lenin Komsomol, and a lot of actors and Actresses also began to play other on the stage.

cause of death of the son of Alexandra Nazarova

By this time Alexander Nazarov has grown from a few children's roles. She dreamed to play some major role. To make a reality of his dream, confident gait she strode into the theater. Yermolova. Half a century has passed, and the actress continues tenderly and gently to be faithful to this theater.

On this happy for her stage, she played a variety of roles — children, doctors, Austrian. Her work is imbued with astonishing talent was noticed not only by critics but also by many famous people. For the role of Carol in the play “Time and the conways” she was awarded the admiration and gratitude from Victor Astafieva. This performance was recorded on tape and an infinite number of times broadcast on TV.

Cinema, cinema, cinema...

On the big screen, the actress got immediately after graduation. In his debut film, in which her partners were Andrey Mironov, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Evgenie Zharikov, the heroine Nazarova appears in the first frame. Later, Alexandra Ivanovna was lucky enough to share the set with Vitaly Solomin. As for the role of Sophia Perovskoy she was awarded commended from the Konstantin Simonov. By the way, this is the most expensive actress for the role. Personal life of Alexandra Nazarova became brighter after the birth of her only and beloved son, Dmitri. It even for a few years, left the profession, pursuing his education. However, theatrical stage and not left.

Alexander Nazarov son

In the late seventies she returned to the Soviet cinema. Almost immediately she was offered the role of passenger emergency flight, which, before the plane landed, looking for his son (by a strange coincidence, too, Dima). This film, beloved by several generations of viewers, is “Crew”.

Life Serial

It's time of innovations and in the domestic film industry. Started shooting the series, which until recently was the prerogative of the Western movie. One of the first Actresses, who with enthusiasm, interest and joy decided to work in serial films was Alexander Nazarov. Her filmography by this time numbered about sixty paintings, but she was totally on to increase this list. She played in “little Things” and “Thief”, “Crew” and “Return of Mukhtar’, ‘Cadets” and “the Black goddess”. There were many other interesting series. And yet the biggest fame knocked on her when on television screens began to leave the first of a series of comic series “My fair nanny”. It acted as an extravagant and direct Baba Nadya - Nadezhda Mikhailovna, beloved grandmother of Victoria Prutkovsky, - Alexander Nazarov. The actress gained enormous popularity, children and adults were looking forward to the new series; she began to learn on the streets, spoke words of gratitude and asked for autographs.

Alexander Nazarov biography

Now her character more and more often — an ordinary grandmother. But at the same time they are quite different: sick and tired, kind, smart and intelligent, whimsical, a little funny and constantly forget. And still each character is loved by viewers.

Another one of several unusual and memorable roles of Alexandra Ivanovna-mother of the heroine of Faith (film “the Princess and the bean"). This too active elderly woman is ready to forget about family, and about her daughter, and granddaughter only in order to attend another meeting or Assembly of his beloved party.

Voice foreign series, movies and cartoons also interesting that actress. Her voice now gives new life to the children in the films and characters from different cartoons (she sounded a little Ghost Casper, the duck in disney's "Duck stories” and many others).

Today in the theatrical repertoire of Alexandra Nazarova three performances.

My Son!

His first wife of Alexander Nazarov (her son died 5 years ago) left for a new bright feelings and vivid passions. The second marriage also ended in divorce when her husband emigrated from the country of the Soviets, leaving Alexandra Ivanovna with their common child, the only son of actress Dima.

private life of Alexandra Nazarova

The Cause of death of the son of Alexandra Nazarova, no matter how it may seem strange and terrible, simple and plain. The mother was not strong enough to protect his favorite child from the influence of bad company. Dmitry got in touch with not very good people and was killed. He was only forty-one years.

New life with a little Sasha

After his death, all his life Alexander Nazarov, whose family now consists of only two people, devoted granddaughter, Sasha, is named in her honor. Alexandra Ivanovna...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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