Cathedrals and churches of St. Petersburg: the list, characteristics and interesting facts


2018-03-19 18:52:13




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Northern capital of Russia was originally conceived by Peter I as the center of Russian Orthodoxy. The grandiose idea of the king, she had to outshine European administrative centers with its grandeur, grace and power. Every important event in the life of the city and the state throughout the history of St. Petersburg was marked by the erection of a new Church. Many churches and temples of Saint-Petersburg included in the list of UNESCO world heritage. In Petersburg annually attracts thousands of people. One is to venerate the shrines, others – to enjoy the wondrous beauty.

The Greatness and attractiveness of the city to grant the churches of Saint-Petersburg. A list of all churches would take several pages. Moreover, in the vicinity of the city also has many important and significant religious buildings. It is difficult to describe all Orthodox churches, the churches of Saint-Petersburg. We will mention only a few, those which are known everywhere and attract pilgrims from all over the world.

The Cathedral

Founded by Peter the great fortress on the future site of the state capital already in the fifth week he was consecrated the first temple. It occurred in 1703. It was the first jewel in "the necklace" joined cathedrals and churches of St. Petersburg. The spire of the Peter and Paul fortress was the highest point of St. Petersburg. Since Peter here buried Russian emperors. It also delivered the remains of the last representatives of the Royal dynasty after the discovery of burial near Yekaterinburg. Currently, inside the Cathedral is a Museum.

cathedrals and churches of St. Petersburg

St. Isaac's Cathedral

The Construction of this temple, too, was conceived by Peter the great, who was born on the day Isaac of Dalmatia. In 1707 was built a wooden Church. Several times the Cathedral was rebuilt, the current version – the fourth. It was built during the reign of Alexander I. the Architect was selected Auguste Montferrand. The construction was a long – 40 years. According to legend, the architect predicted that after the erection of the Church he will die. So he was in no hurry. Interesting fact: Montferrand really rested a month after the completion of construction.


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For the decoration and construction used various kinds of marble and granite and Ural gems, 400 kg of gold, 500 kg lapis lazuli, 16 tons of malachite, and a thousand tons of bronze. Finishing materials were imported from all over the country. Was cast statues, reliefs of the walls were decorated with remarkable mosaics. The temple was a truly grandiose construction of up to 14 thousand people.

temples, churches, cathedrals of St. PetersburgTo this day the Cathedral is the revered Orthodox relic-the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. Currently in the Cathedral a Museum with a viewing platform, from which a magnificent view of the city. But holidays are service that gathers thousands of believers.

Church of the Savior on Blood

This unforgettable temple is one of the landmarks of the city. Decorated with intricate carvings and whimsical domes, it attracts the eye with its grace and brightness of colors. Interestingly, the structure more akin to painted Palace than a Church. All the more surprising that it was erected on the site of the assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander II. From the received wounds the Emperor died, and the blood mentioned in the name of the Church, – it is the blood of the king. Now the temple is not used. It is a Museum.

Orthodox cathedrals churches of Saint-Petersburg

Kazan Cathedral

Extensive list, which included temples, cathedrals of St. Petersburg. Description the Kazan Cathedral is found in every guidebook for tourists. Here seeking to get every traveler. Laid the temple was the Imperial court on 8 September 1801. A small Church, which stood on the Nevsky Prospekt and served the court, were simply lost in the background of the pompous Nevsky Prospekt. Paul I announced a competition among architects. Was presented a lot of projects from famous and unknown masters of architecture from around the world. The intention of the Emperor, the new Cathedral was to be like St. Paul's Cathedral in Rome. None of the projects did not satisfy the ambitious Emperor. At first he reluctantly accepted the project of the famous architect Charles Cameron. But six months later, it approved a new project nobody famous Russian architect Voronikhin. Voronikhin was a former serf of count Stroganov, the architectural talent of the artist allowed him to obtain his freedom, and even earned the title of academician of the Academy of arts.

temples of St. Petersburg list

Construction and finishing was carried out for 10 years. The temple was majestic and at the same time airy, open. A distinctive feature of the temple is a colonnade of 96 columns that adorn the entrance to the Church. Each of them weighs 30 t And inside the Church there are 56 columns. The consecration took place in 1811.

Interesting fact: during the construction were used materials, which were extracted in Russia, and builders were only the local craftsmen. He Voronikhin spent on the main building their lives almost all the time. In the decoration of the Church used statues, which was unusual for the Orthodox Church. Despite the Majesty of the building, the architect was not able to implement the whole plan inreality. So, at the entrance remained unoccupied two pedestal. According to the project there had to be sculptures of the apostles. During the life of Voronikhin was cast billets of cast. But the architect died two years after the completion of construction, and sculptures were destroyed. Since then, the people there is a legend that the pedestals are busy, when Russia will be a fair and just ruler. While the place is empty…

The Main Shrine of the temple is the icon of the Kazan mother of God. It to stretch her string of believers around the world. With this icon is a legend that it was found after the fire in Kazan. The girl matron Onuchina in the dream was the mother of God, pointed to the place where the icon. The miraculous image has helped Russian troops in battle. This icon-the patroness of the Russian land. Generals throughout the ages have turned to the Holy image. Kutuzov before the battle with Napoleon, too, prayed in the new Cathedral, and the mother of God has granted victory to the Russian army. According to legend, while in St. Petersburg is the Kazan icon of the mother of God, the enemy will not enter the city. For centuries, the enemy regiments approached close to St. Petersburg, but take it failed.

In the Cathedral lie the remains of Kutuzov, who was brought here after his death, in 1813. Also relics of the Cathedral are almost a hundred of flags and banners of the French army, defeated by Kutuzov, and the keys taken from European cities.

Sampsonievsky Cathedral

Mentioning the cathedrals and churches of St. Petersburg, it is worth remembering Sampsonievsky Cathedral. This is the first temple of military glory, built in St. Petersburg in honor of the victory at Poltava. There are non-religious paintings, commemorating Peter and his victory.

Also the famous Cathedral Dating from the XVIII century the unique carved iconostasis and rare icons. The name of the architect of the Church, as well as the craftsman who made the iconostasis has not been preserved in history. According to one version, the author of the carved iconostasis can be himself Rastrelli. Each icon is framed into the frame of a special pattern that is not repeated anywhere else. Still preserved in the temple chandelier consisting of three tiers.

The Temple is open as a Museum, but it periodically hosts the service.

Saint Alexander Nevsky Lavra

It was built by order of Peter on the intended site of the famous battle with the Swedes. Today the temple is a monument to the heroism of the Russian army.

Transfiguration Cathedral

This temple is one of the most magnificent buildings of St. Petersburg. In it to worship exhibited famous icon: the image of the virgin “All the afflicted" and an icon of Panteleimon with relics of the Saint.

Church of the Holy righteous job

The Church was built in honor of the famous sufferer from the old Testament. When it is one of the largest cemeteries of the city, where are buried many prominent figures. The Church of job never stopped their work. Even in the harsh days of the siege came, the believers, to strengthen the spirit.

The convent

This sacred place was founded by the righteous Ioann of Kronstadt. In the crypt of the temple are the relics of the Saint.

temples and cathedrals of St. Petersburg description

Chapel of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg

Listing of the churches and cathedrals of St. Petersburg, not to mention the small chapel at the Smolensk cemetery, known to every believer in Russia and far beyond its borders. This is the chapel of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg. The flow of pilgrims to it does not dry out. People go to Holy with different problems, and it helps them with their prayers.

The Cathedrals and churches of St. Petersburg are the adornment of the Northern capital and a symbol of her spirituality.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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