The sculptural composition and monuments of Belgorod. The sights of the city of Belgorod


2018-03-20 14:52:10




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On the streets of any modern city you can find many amazing sculptures and monuments. Was no exception and Belgorod, the highlight of which is a record number. Below we will talk about the most interesting monuments of Belgorod, appeared in 2013 in third place in the list of "Top 100 best Russian cities".


To get Around once the existing sights will not work, so many of them there are. A large part of the Belgorod sculptures created by talented sculptor Taras Kostenko. Not inferior to him in the volume of work performed another creative person – Anatoly Shishkov. The size of the majority of the work reaches the height of a man, for this reason, a favorite pastime of citizens and guests of Belgorod is the food near them.

Do Not bring order?

In recent years in Belgorod the streets began to appear sculptures, as if frozen in familiar to us all everyday situations. Thanks to them, occurs a warm, friendly atmosphere. Such monuments of Belgorod very quickly came to symbolize good luck, happiness, to ensure that all desires will be fulfilled. For this you need only to touch the sculpture or, remembering the fairy story, to RUB the hand. One of these sculptures-a monument to the janitor.monuments of Belgorod

The song refers to the most common and found in other cities. Date of its installation – 2006. Installation location - the street of the fiftieth anniversary of the Belgorod region. The janitor holding a broom, he is sitting at his feet and looking attentively at the passers-by cat a decent size. Citizens and guests tend to stroke the animal, so his head is thoroughly shines. Belgorod is also fed the cat. And if he doesn't do sweets attention, it is taken for neighboring counterparts. The sculpture is characterized by the presence of the traditional attributes of the profession: an apron and a cap.


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The Weight of the bronze sculpture – 175 pounds. Height - nearly two meters. It was manufactured within three months, the casting produced in Kiev.

By the Way, in 2009, the city recognized the cleanest city of the Russian. A big contribution to cleanliness, of course, made Belgorod wipers. So wonder why in this city there was a monument to the janitor, Certainly not worth it.

A monument to the memory of the events

Many of the city's sculptures immortalize certain historical events. These objects include the monument to Vladimir the Great. This is the largest statue in the city and the world's largest monument to Prince Vladimir the Red Sun.monument janitor [

Despite the lack of documentary evidence, that this historical figure is credited with the founding of the city. The decision to install the monument was made in the 1990s. Worked on it the sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. The construction was carried out under the direction of Vasily Boltenkova.

Description of the monument

The Figure of a Prince mounted on a pedestal with a height of 14.5 m. the composition Itself consists of three tiers: the first two set the reliefs, which depict saints, the third – the princely figure. The Prince stands firmly on a Laurel wreath, as if that elevates it above all others. The right hand of Vladimir holding cross. The left – the shield, as if to say that he will do everything to Slavic peoples were protected.

To build the monument, used more than one and a half tons of copper. Funds for its construction were raised through voluntary donations and sponsorships. Near the monument there is a viewing platform, standing on which you can enjoy beautiful views of Belgorod.

Monument to the victims of Chernobyl

The Chernobyl accident... According to some reports, the number of victims it exceeds the number of victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. With it we will long to meet. On April 26 we not only remember those who died, but thank the participants for their salvation. Usually in different cities to hold rallies, timed to this date. Venue are the areas where the monuments and memorials.

monument to Volodymyr the great

The Monument to Chernobyl victims in Belgorod installed on the Avenue of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. The sculpture is made of A. Shishkov in 1998. The man standing on the pedestal, head thrown back and outstretched arms. It's like making an incredible effort, he keeps his back for any danger. Behind it are two stone “sail” printed on them labels. Between these figures meander curves, their peak is crowned by a schematic representation of the atom. For the manufacture of the sculpture used copper.

Afghanistan: the pain does not subside

We continue to talk about the monuments of Belgorod. The next object to which we will make a virtual trip, is a memorial to those killed in Afghanistan.monument to victims of Chernobyl

Date of the memorial – 1995. The location – near another memorial complex of Belgorod-Museum-diorama Kursk fight. Author - Anatoly Shishkov. Eighty-five – just as many citizens have not returned from the local war. Hundreds of people were injured and eventually disabled. The total number of residentspast the Afghan war, is almost three thousand.

The Composition consists of a rectangular cube, which has the entrance arch. In the center of the design, there are suspended bells, which symbolizes mourning. The memorial is topped by a large cross (for its production used black marble). Also in the center of the cube placed plaques engraved on them the names of citizens who did not return from Afghanistan. In the evening and at night the lights turn on. Every year on 15 February near the monument rallies. memorial to those killed in Afghanistan

We spoke only of some monuments of Belgorod. As for other attractions, be sure to mention the fountains, Church the architectural ensemble of the Belgorod state historical Museum. All of these objects deserve a slow and careful study. To some of these attractions will want to come more than once, to introduce them to friends and relatives. We hope that our material will help you to decide what kind of sculpture it is better to start exploring the city's attractions.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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