Costigan Dmitry V. photos, biography, personal life co-owner of "Olmert"


2018-03-21 12:08:20




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The Name of Dmitry V. Kosygina is in the second hundred list of the richest people in Russia, according to Forbes. We know him as an investor, businessman, former Director of the Yaroslavl tire plant, now the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company "Yulmart". From society Dmitry V. Costigan is not hidden. He without limitation giving interviews, says a lot about him and the press, whose publications are often loud and even scandalous. However, Dmitry V. Kosygina commercial nature dirt not care, and perhaps even happy.

kostygin Dmitri Valentinovich

Successful businessman

How and on what grounds had the capital owned by him, as he gained wealth, definitely impossible. It is difficult to determine and its main specialty, even the specific area where it was applied to a special effort that's provided him financial success. The fact that Dmitry V. Costigan classes have tried a huge variety, from jeans to Commerce translation and writing of books, from management companies to trade in them. On anything he did not stop, but success almost everywhere. This suggests that as an investor and businessman Dmitry Kostygin quite place.

This list of classes non-poor person interesting point about books. Mandatory detail present in every portrait, is an infatuation with the work of writer Alice Also Rosenbaum, aka Ayn Rand. Its principles veiled in all the interviews that he gives generously, according to these principles are based and commercial operations that Supplement the state Dmitry Kosygina.


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Who is Ayn Rand? Why in Russia, few people have heard about it? Yes, because all of her ideas and much more blessed come to the West, here we have the mentality of a hindrance. But the sharks of capitalism is highly respected by this author. There are, of course, ideological beliefs and among only those aspiring to become sharks. Not all succeed, no, not at all. Here it is necessary, in addition to philosophy, to have some variation in character. Detractors referred to the work of Dmitry Kosygina "biography of a conflict Manager." Few people will be able to earn a conflict.

Dmitry kostygin hardware

Getting the path

In fact, the biography of Dmitry V. Kosygina began in may 1972 when he was born in Arzamas, Gorky region. Grew up obedient and read a lot, it was easy for the English to master he managed a foreign language in the school, which is actually a rarity. In the ' 80s began teaching at the Military medical Academy and in parallel earned a living excursions for foreigners. And because communication with them was close, of course, fartseval.

Then he had friends from America who are also interested in the work of the former, imported from France Ayn Rand. They also assist first visits to America, which made Dmitry Kostygin. Photo of a young entrepreneur is that we open, serious, but not without cunning face, modest clothes. In America, he procured the means of translating the writings of Ayn Rand and many making new business connections.

August Mayer

The Works of favorite writer Dmitry Kostygin moved, and in the mid-nineties they managed to publish not too a big benefit. However, the means our hero appeared on the scene, in order to engage in their own business. However, the main commercial success is familiarity with the millionaire from USA to August Meyer, who was also a fervent admirer of Rand. First, his new American friend was engaged in Russia, the popularization of the ideas of libertarianism, however, could not refrain from investing a variety of business projects. And regular partners, he chose Dmitry Kosygina, whom he is to this day.

Simultaneously buy stocks, even businesses are the same, and the portion that is received Meyer, is always much greater. And Costigan is looking for attractive objects, and actively manages the acquired capital, that is, has an impact on the choice of the operational guidelines, organizes its activities, and the like. Business Dmitry Kostygin started much before the time when he left the hope of becoming a military doctor. These two classes can not be combined. Therefore he studied in absentia in Economics and Finance at the University of St. Petersburg. By that time his business has steadily walked up the hill.

Dmitry kostygin, ulmart photo

Personal Property and state

Prior To 1997 Dmitry Kostygin has been managing Director of OOO "Dealmakers", where he was engaged in commercial operations, it is from here began the way to big business. Then he created together with partners network shops Colin’s, where they sold jeans. Since 1996 Costigan and his classmate at the University of Economics and Finance Vadim Gurinov had shares of the food company which in 2001 became known as the "Petrosoyuz". In 2003, their shares are sold is very profitable, and the company was owned by a big company from America. And the most interesting thing happened does Kostygina in the same year: he was was Director at the Yaroslavl tire plant. The company is born and almost all life spent in the Soviet Union, and therefore the collision happened here justepic scale, when the Director was appointed people, absolutely, to the bone, imbued with the ideology of capitalism.

Now, each side gives its own version of the events. Costigan was accused not only of abuse and use of the plant in the interest possessed by the Director of the firms, but in a meaningless innovations. But Costigan was outraged and technical, and organizatsionnoi backwardness of this enterprise, as well as low quality products. It was he who carried out the computerization of the whole enterprise seriously cut staff and tried to train the user new ways of doing things. It was necessary to replace the notion of "plan", learn the definition of "model" to study the benefits about doing business and so on. All this, of course, perceived in bayonets. The press portrayed the conflict as a tragicomedy, where the protagonist was Dmitry Kostygin.

kostygin Dmitri Valentinovich hardware

"Hardware" and other companies

In 2005, Tire plant had to leave, the work there did not seem promising to the Director, shares of the company was not sold. It should be noted that the owner of the plant was "SIBUR", and the owners strongly disliked that the enterprise suffers losses. On the other hand, in 2004 began the expansion of the Chinese tire production to the markets of Russia, our production could not compete with them, because the products of Chinese manufacturers was even lower quality, but extremely cheap. All bus companies of the country very quickly lost their independence, and they are all massively considered losses.

But the retail network "Lenta", though with much bigger scandals and more loud war with the other shareholders, but was clearly moving in the right Kostygina side and the right pace. August Meyer and Dmitry Kostygin opposed to the other two owners, and it was this opposition for ten years, until 2011. Share Kosygina was not too big, but Meyer has supported all his undertakings. In addition, Costigan owned shares of SC "Roztekh" (selling lingerie stores such as "Defile", "Bustier", "wild Orchid"; "Beloved land", Optolab "Series", "Smile rainbow", "Rive Gauche"). But the most famous today is the project of a businessman is, of course, the "Hardware". Dmitry Kostygin most appreciated this Internet portal, which sold digital and other non-food products.

The Personal fortune of the entrepreneur, according to the ratings, a few falls in recent years. If in 2015, it was $750 million, and in 2016 and $700 million in the current year it is estimated at $550 million. The businessman is clearly poorer, but it's not terrible, it always happens if all the state invested in the assets of the company. Jumps depend on stock prices, and they always fluctuate.

Svetlana Kosygina wife Dmitry Kosygina photo


Personal life almost all businessmen hide behind seven seals, and in this they are certainly right. The General public do not need to know, how does the wife of Dmitry Kosygina. Here you need to remember how terrible cases of kidnapping in Russia. Kidnap the loved ones, especially children. So Dmitry Kosygina wife and children are not public figures. And children he has four, that we know of. The Wife Of Dmitry Kosygina - Svetlana Kosygina. Family photo in the Internet also missing. Following a stroke, and one of the highlights to the portrait of the businessman will be the word about his citizenship. And Dmitry Kostygin and August Meyer was able to choose the country where the millionaires are the most friendly tax legislation, and it is the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is a small island in the "pirate" of the Caribbean sea, and in this country, both entrepreneurs are citizens.

But what about in our unpredictable enough time doing a favorite group of Dmitry V. Kosygina - "Hardware"? In Russia in recent years have become more frequent street protests. Who not only rally against what did not rally! It deceived investors, and foreign currency mortgage holders, and truckers, and young opposition... the Situation does not exclude the possibility that the following will be employees of large companies. And the first to start the protest actions, the staff of a leading store of online trading, which is "Hardware". Dmitry Kostygin on the photo not a single muscle of the face not showing his concern, but only that threatened the savings Bank. He promised the ten-thousand meeting near the doors of the main office of this financial institution.

What controversy

The fact that Costigan owe the Bank and are now waiting for him steps forward to settle this debt. To resolve the conflict he had before the onset of the may holidays, 2016, otherwise, the deal fell through with investors from abroad. The savings Bank usually takes a tough stance, but because he threatened bankruptcy to the debtor. If it was, most of the staff would be out on the street. Then not only the savings Bank have had to face a crowd of angry people at the main entrance, but the co-owner of "Olmert" also would have a hard time, because they made their company debt.

A Very long time "Hardware" went in leaders of the Russian e-Commerce, digital content and other non-food items. From 2009 to 2015, the turnover increased almost twenty times, was 3.3 billion rubles, was 62,7 billion. The business was expanding rapidly, therefore the loans areextremely important. Sberbank walked forward, opening the "Ulmart" revolving credit line for one billion rubles until September 2017. Meanwhile, in "Yulmart" is particularly vivid inflamed never satahovci the conflict between shareholders and therefore the company's debt load to service failed. Sberbank, as always, asked the court for early repayment of the loan.

as Dmitry Kosygina

Disputes in the dispute

The co-owner of "Olmert" about this situation possessions: Kostygin and Meyer collectively controlling 61.5 per cent and Michael Vasylkevych - 38.5% of the company. Fierce debate continued over the last year. The debate went on how to develop the business. Costigan - for the aggressive expansion of the company by means of financial pumping and Vasylkevych for improving the efficiency and the attainment of profitability. The performance of the company as a result of this dispute fell sharply. By the end of 2016 leadership won Wildberries, surely surpassing the "Hardware". And this fact also influenced the delay of debt. Sberbank ruthless stragglers. Troubled borrowers will always bankrupt them, especially if they have good assets. And, of course, Dmitry Kostygin could not seem just not to know.

The Lender will always require the return of debts in all circumstances that overtake the client. Costigan was almost standing before a choice: or to give him part of the capital, or hit on the run. Word no Bank customer would not believe. The more steps for the savings Bank Costigan did not. On the contrary, was held on filing a counter claim where there was an attempt to challenge the loan agreement.

The court of Arbitration

In November 2016 in St.-Petersburg the arbitration court did not consider the claim of Oleg Morozov regarding the bankruptcy of "Olmert", and this information was placed in the record. To the retailer in 2016 was filed a lot of suits: two from the Bank of St. Petersburg, four from Sberbank. But the problem is this company began at a time when "Hardware" because of the reticence of shareholders began to operate without a CEO.

But the court of Cyprus in autumn still arrested all accounts Ulmart Holding Limited Ledaro on the claim that indicates certain improper actions Kosygina and its partners. Dmitry Valentinovich, according to many of his colleagues, not adequately assess their own abilities and considers himself "chosen." He often quotes the deductible from books, voices and homegrown philosophical thought, mostly about personal effectiveness in business. On this subject he wrote a long book. Costigan seriously considers himself Russian by Warren buffet (an American millionaire, who loved to give advice). But those are my own theories that are voiced by Costigan, who know Economics and business theory cause uncontrollable laughter.

kostygin Dmitri Valentinovich biography

Management Gurus

In the media Dmitry Kostygin is presented as a connoisseur of corporate law, the competent expert is able to explain the problems of each enterprise. He's easy to talk about the laws of management and Economics. Eloquent. About himself often says, was born on the day between the two geniuses: Marx and Freud, that is, it must coexist ability to economic thought and psychoanalysis. This mystery, according to experts of a site "the Compromising evidence" and determined the future fate of the hero. Many get the impression that from time to time his mind dwells in this frontier space, where one side dreams of a Nobel prize, and with another - a course of intensive therapy. And it all lies in the Outlook.

The Essence of libertarianism - the maximum exaltation of the interests of a strong personality and absolute denial of the rights of the collective. The main principle - complete freedom is individual, not collective. A person is entitled to any plan autonomy, including from moral principles. The whole apologetics business comes from the fact that business - free operation, the state is not recognized as an institution, because it inhibits artists, businessmen, robbing them of taxes and redistribution in favor of the poor "parasites". Radianska doctrine - the extreme form of egoism, erecting into an absolute money-grubbing, for which the main measure of morality is wealth. Ideological savvy Costigan can cause speeches in favor of what he needs. But people quickly realize, what is his rhetoric, when theoretical discussions must be supported.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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