The most drinking country in the world - not Russia


2018-03-22 13:06:07




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Alcohol — the worst enemy of the modern world community. Annually in the world because alcohol kills more than 2.5 million people, get even more the most drinking country in the worldInjuries due to accidents committed under the influence. Every year the number of crimes committed in alcoholic intoxication. A particular danger alcohol poses to young body, and it is because of him every year of life it takes about 300 thousand young people. In this regard, the governments of many countries are tightening measures for the distribution of alcohol. The world community is beginning to understand that to fight against this “epidemic” you have to work together.

Contrary to popular belief, the most drinking country in the world — not Russia. According to the latest data published by the world health organization in 2011, the most drinking country in Europe and the world were Moldova, the alcohol consumption per capita here is 18.22 liters, which is almost three times higher than the global average — 6.1 L. the Second "honorary" place is the Czech Republic (16.45 liters), the third — Hungary (16,25 l). “the Most drinking country in the world” — — this time took the fourth place: 15,76 liters per person.

alcohol consumption

Interestingly, many developed European countries are not far behind. So, the top twenty ranking are Portugal, Ireland, France, UK, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Why were so unexpected results? Because the standard of living in these countries is relatively high, many of them have inflated prices on alcohol products, and it is possible to buy not in all stores. In addition, the state allocates considerable funds for the development of effective treatments for alcoholism, and to inform the public about the consequences of the abuse. As doctors say, this phenomenon can be explained alcohol consumption per capitaThe national traditions: for example, in France it is customary to drink a glass of red wine during meals, and Ireland has long been famous for its pubs.


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As for our country, then, according to the statistics, alcohol consumption is decreasing from year to year. In Russia is not always a lot of drinking in the USSR, even while acting «prohibition». A sharp jump of alcoholism in the population occurred during a period of political and social upheaval: the disintegration of the Soviet Union, unemployment, the collapse of many businesses, the default of 1998. It was during those periods and the myth of Western people about the fact that Russia — most-drinking country in the world.

Today is a policy of hard struggle with alcohol: prohibited its selling after 22.00, it is planned gradual increase in prices of spirits, are developed methods of struggle with alcohol dependence, increases the level of knowledge of the population about measures a reasonable consumption. Oddly enough, recent studies have shown that many Russians have a wrong idea about the culture of drinking. In addition, more than half of the respondents think medical treatment for this addiction is ineffective. No doubt, such situation you need to fight to dispel the myth that we — most-drinking country in the world.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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