The poet Yevgeny Nefedov: biography, creativity, interesting facts


2018-03-27 05:08:13




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Writer and poet, journalist and translator, Evgeny Nefedov was born in 1946 in the Donbass, in the small town of Krasny Liman, where he was after his death awarded the title of "Honorary citizen”. Roots men go to Russia in the Tver region.

Evgeny Nefedov

Immediately after graduation, the future poet worked as a miner, not just down to the face. Then followed service in the army, which Evgeny Nefedov took place in Transbaikalia. And only come home, he entered the Moscow state University on journalism faculty. After his graduation he began to work in the profession. It is about 40 years worked in journalism. Having started its journey from regional Newspapers, he gradually came to the national press.

Evgeny Nefedov

«Komsomolskaya Pravda» in the life of Eugenia Nefedova

For a Long time in 80 years a correspondent «Komsomolskaya Pravda» in Ukraine was Evgeny Nefedov. Biography of his starts in this country. A little later, the journalist was transferred to Moscow. He became a correspondent «Komsomolskaya Pravda» in Czechoslovakia. However, in the late 80-ies it from there withdrew because of the fact that he sang the Prague revolution. Shortly after this incident, the journalist resigned from the newspaper was left without a job. Of course, Nefedov could easily get a job in any publication, which praised the current political system, praised the work of the government. But he could not afford it. So was the “bottom”.

Evgeny Nefedov

Creative style of the poet

Alexander Prokhanov – the person who marked the rest of creative life possible. The call determined the career of the poet. He began working in Newspapers such as “Tomorrow” and “Day”. And it was one of their creators. Thus, the poet firmly and forever linked its fate with Russia. Nefedov, Eugene A. was one of the secretaries to the Board of the Union of writers of Russia. In it, he led the section of humor and satire. In addition, began to produce a new newspaper, which he called “Russian laughter”.


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He Worked as a writer-poet and newspaper «Soviet Russia». Here also helped the journalists as an editor, proofreader and translator. Evgeny Nefedov has released a collection of his poems, which is called “a Moment of absolute happiness”. Female face that adorns its cover, – this is a picture of his beloved and only wife Lyudmila. With her he shared all the hardships and joys, calling each time from any corner of the country.

Nefedov Evgenie Andreevich

It is about love, he wrote lyrical poems. Take the soul, for example, are these lines:

Of Course, sliwa luminary

Kept as I could, then I

But sweet young fairy

Has Captivated me forever.

“a Moment of absolute happiness” is not the only collection of the poet. There were others: “Gavriliada”, “who lead”, “Brotherhood”, “the Light ahead” and “the Eternal circle”.

“Eugene about some”

When the Russian television was filled with Odessa humor, Evgeny Nefedov began to write poems in contrast. After all, he is loyal to the Fatherland and to the oath in both civil and military. This he embodied in his poetic journalism. Each room is its newspaper was adorned with a column titled “Eugene about some”. It is here that he wrestled with the destruction of patriotism, trying to protect children, seniors. All of this was being filled with his satirical line.

Evgeny Nefedov biography

In Addition to the unique column, Evgeny Nefedov poems your read on the performances, which were a great success. However, he was able to perfectly stand on the stage, combining a satire of Gogol, passions Saltykov-Shchedrin. For his life and a series of different meetings Evgeny Nefedov seen a lot, learned and realized. Despite his Orthodox soul, every time he took pen in hand and with the help of poetry began to fight with enemies. He hit the nail on the head, shouting from the pages of Newspapers about the injustice. The poet even published a book of his poems, parodies “Chicks nest Boris. Eugene about some”.

«Russian laughter” festival of irony

In the town of Kstovo, which is located in Nizhny Novgorod region, the annual festival of humorous ironic poetry, which is called “Russian laughter”. It was first organized back in 2007. It was then, at the opening, one of the main guests and heroes became Nefedov. His work was rated highly by both managers and guests of the festival. And local reporters nicknamed him “smiling poet”. Yes, and he was well satisfied with the event in various interviews. For Russia, this festival-this unique event. Because laughter gives charge to all the people. How else to live, when there is often very gloomy. Laughter – Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, and Chekhov. These authors were the ideals for the beach. He tried each of them to take the best in their work.

Evgeny Nefedov verses

Subsequent festivals “Russian laughter” took place with Evgeny Andreevich. It was a required guest, played a lot, talked to people. But the 5-th festival was held without it. However, all knew thatNefedov, there is present, albeit invisibly. The fact that the festival was named after him. In 2011, he was held under a huge portrait of the poet. It was hanging right over the stage. And opened the event with a performance by the children who sang the anthem «Russian laughter”. This song was written by Evgeny Nefedov.

The Last days of life

In recent years, Evgeny Nefedov did not go anywhere. He was very sick, like many in old age. Even traveled to the city of Soligorsk in Belarus to treat your asthma. Him 3 times a year ought to be there. Only then the doctors were willing to guarantee a certain result. However, Nefedov – such warehouse. There is no peace and rest in his life it was not just a favorite work.

Ironic festival, which called him this time, – special. He's on the train, went to Nizhny Novgorod, where he was held. For him the poet was a special guest. He never missed a single festival. The last thing he did, – wrote a poem, which I enjoyed reading from the stage, sang a couple of songs. The applause was thunderous.

Live poetry of Yevgeny Nefedov

Never gets old poems Evgeniya Nefedova. They talk about the truth of life. No wonder many artists are still creating the staging of these unique creations. Favorite for many remain the following verses: “the pipe” (how fool the common people), “Sturdy nonsense, and no new tanks" (about the realities of the Russian army and politics), ‘the Flowers of evil” (about the unchanged situation in the world) and many others.

Evgeny Nefedov

Live poet's poems come to life every year on the day of his memory – 14 Oct. The burial place of the beach on this day brings together colleagues and all his friends. They remember him, read poetry, tell stories. The initiator of this memorable day were the countrymen of the poet, the Donbass, and also editions of Newspapers, which he was faithful all these years: “Truth”, “Tomorrow” and “Day of literature”.

Nefedov has died on 64-m to year of life. However, not died of his poems. They are relevant to this day, live in the hearts and minds of all Russians. Until the publication of the newspaper “Day” and “Tomorrow” will “breathe” and the poems of this witty poet.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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