How to find your path in life? The advice of a psychologist


2018-03-26 13:42:19




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Human Life – not just a biological phenomenon. This is an individual socio-historical fact. Because every living thing grows and develops, but only man is formed, as a person with their worldview, values, aspirations and achievements, as well as orientation. And, most importantly, with individual goals, plans, dreams and aspirations. Achieving and living them, the man goes his own way in this world. But not everything goes that way. Some do not even know how to find your way in life. And there aimlessly. This topic is often considered by psychologists capable of their tips and recommendations to help people reach the goal of existence and to find their way in life. That's about it and I would like to talk.

how to find your path in life


First I would like to note that a person's life can be divided into five phases. Especially much attention paid by the German psychologist Karl Buhler. And the first phase, which lasts up to 16-20 years old, is located outside the path of life. Because this period precedes the determination. Such a young person not yet of the fullness of the possibilities of the profession and access to all the chance to prove himself.

Second phase

It usually starts with 16-20 years of age and lasts up to 25-30. In this fairly long period, the young man begins to try myself in different spheres of activity, forming relationships with other people, even to seek a mate. At this stage begins self-determination.

This – the approval of the personality of individual positions in a variety of situations, the formation of attitudes and values, as well as setting a benchmark for self-organization. Behind him, most often, are hope. Which in this case are associated with sketches of possible ways of life.


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In the second stage, many are faced with confusion, uncertainty, fear, and uncertainty. Often fears are related to what the person is aware of the responsibility that falls on his shoulders when he made choice of life. After all, he defines an acceptable social norms, dominant landmarks, the essential values and more. Many people this period is delayed so much that they completely lose the ideas about how to find your way in life, and aimlessly exist from day to day.

 how to find your path in life test


If a person for a long time remains in a lost condition and does not know why he wakes up every day, then you need to act. Better to start with a model definition of his way.

«life as a work” is the best option for people with tendencies to experiment. Those individuals who love to experiment their fate. Their life paths seem unconventional to people who are accustomed to “normal” model. Called "life rules". This is the least successful model. Because people oriented toward it, following the rules established by society, authorities, conditional norms. He lives on the principle “as made”, not as he wants. And when it comes to this realization and feeling that he had spent his years in vain, then it's too late. And the bitterness of regret in these moments is incredible.

Some suitable variant of ‘life achievement”. Everyone who chooses it acts as a person, “self-made”. Is workaholics, the pragmatists, the careerists – all people are considering their time as a valuable resource to implement as many goals, is able to provide a better life.

I would like to acquaint you with the model called "life against life”. The people following her are in a constant process of struggle. In a figurative sense, of course. And often the struggle is for social benefits.

the right path in life

Listen to the desires

Here's what needs to be done to the man in the first place, if he thinks about how to find the path to a new life. Desire – it's part of our nature. They are individual and variable, everyone has their own. But they are social in nature. And desires the result of conscious human activity and thinking, sooner or later degenerate into some life goals. Which determine the meaning of existence.

The right path in life, one is able to determine if he'll listen to himself. To what he wants. Strong desire to always become targets, as they are the motivating energy for any human activity-be it work, business, or interpersonal relationships.

Expert Advice

Every psychologist will tell your patient: “the Way your life – it's only your decision”. And will be right. A man has the right to dispose of it. But still there are many sensible recommendations that can help to deal with their aspirations and desires.

If a person really doesn't know what he wants, then it must expand the scope of knowledge and range of interests. How? Need to start trying something new, previously unexplored. Often the way of human life lies beyond its perception. And when he covers his attention those areas that were previously closed to him, he begins to see his existencefrom a different angle. Occurs an invaluable long-awaited sense of certainty – the man finally finds what had long been looking for.

Also, psychologists recommend not to limit yourself. Some may consider that effective work is possible only in one direction. Of course, there are goals that require “immersive”. But no need to spend all of himself to its implementation. It is recommended to combine this goal with other, occupies less time and effort. As a rule, they are perfectly combined and in harmony.

 the path of spiritual life

A Guide to knowledge and opportunities

Find the beginning of a journey in the life of man easier if he analyzes himself as a source of useful resources for its passage. What can he do? To commit any acts capable of? How far can, in pursuit of the meaning of life? Abilities play an important role in the process of passing the path of life. After all, they are properties of individuals that determine the successful implementation of one or another kind of activity.

Abilities – our internal mental regulators that lead to the acquisition of skills, abilities and knowledge. Some of them determine the success of education and training, as well as the formation of personal qualities. Others are responsible for the production of new ideas and discoveries. Abilities – human resources, which it must use to achieve goals. Knowledge about them is often helpful to find the path of spiritual life. You just need to ask yourself one question: “what I can do?”, and give him the answers. Maybe one of them will be hidden the meaning of life.

The values

I'm Sure each person is receiving the congratulations in honor of an event, heard in his address this: “I Wish you to find your way in life”. Indeed, many are able to say this, but not everyone can support the choice of the person. Because the conflict of values has always been and will be the place to be.

The life path is determined by them. Because a person can attain happiness only if his existence will be something which can satisfy his diverse needs. And nothing else. Person for whom the primary importance is the independence, absolute freedom and fun, won't be fully happy, if he's saddled with family, children and responsibility to them. And Vice versa. The one who dreams of a big happy family, won't find happiness, if it's a day lost on the job.

So what are we talking about? That, defining your life path, people should focus not only on the willingness and ability, but also on values. They – part of his soul.

the path to a new life


If a person does not know what he wants and believes is in a bind, it is not so. Just to solving the issues must be approached from the other side. And to answer the following question: “What I don't want?” he is, as a rule, people find answers faster.

But they need to be fleshed out. It is clear that most of them will say: “I don't want to live his years aimlessly". But what exactly is embedded in this statement? Everyone – something. Some don't want to be lonely in his old age. Others do not wish to survive his entire life in the same city. For some, the worst fear is poverty and misery. Someone else is afraid to leave this world, nothing behind leaving.

Options - thousands. But the point is: if there is the slightest idea about their desires, then you need to start from the opposite.


It can really help some people who puzzled about how to find your way in life. Such test can be found in free access. It is aimed at the study of human needs and motivations. All they need – to provide answers to ready issues. Options usually are available. So it only remains to mention the most favourite and close person.

As example is a few questions from different blocks. The first is formulated as follows: “Time – money. We should strive to earn as much as possible”. Question of the second block is: “Work – forced vital necessity”. Further, as a rule, are questions aimed at identifying the factors that robs human most of the time, as well as for determining the predisposition to those or other spheres of activity. All of the questions, by the way, there are offered the following choices: “I agree”, “50 x 50” and “I do not think so”.

Of Course, after that, the man opens the truth about how to find your way in life. The test, however, can push on reflections. And the results tell the direction in which it would be worthwhile to begin to act.

I wish you to find your way in life


How to find your path in life? You need to do what does best. Or something that always wanted to try. Thus it is necessary to cast aside all doubts. A because they buried their dreams and desires. But in vain. What's to lose? No wonder they say - better to do and regret than to regret not done. Even if you fail – the person will know that he tried.

After all, your potential is veryit is important to realize. It – a basic need for every person. Even Abraham Harold Maslow included self-actualization in his famous pyramid of needs. And Aristotle said that happiness can be achieved only when the reality of their potential.

But this man needs to get rid of the word “need”. Almost every second person will say: “Yes, I would like to study music/choreography/sports/arts/Hiking, but all my time is work. I need to earn money to live”. Yes, that is the reality. The money is needed. But life changes also required! You can find another job that occupies less time. Or even to organize their work. Work that do not bring joy and satisfaction, is an excellent reason for the dismissal and further education business. And this, in turn, is not only a useful thing and a personal source of income, but also a way of self-realization.

The Realization of freedom

That's what's really important. People who are thinking about how to find the right path in life, should first understand that it is absolutely free. And free to do whatever he wanted.

But many people in life follow what you want, but not their desires. They listen to parents, media, conditional guided by generally accepted norms and laws, are in accordance with the banal model of life. Seemed to forget that their lives are only they and no one else.

But freedom is available to everyone. Right to it is enshrined even in the Constitution. Freedom – is the ability of a person to live and act in accordance with personal goals and interests, guided by the knowledge of objective necessity. And in any case it is impossible to forget about it.

find the beginning of a journey in life

Rules that you need to remember

How to find the right path in life? You need to follow the simple guidelines:

  • Remember it's never too late to change life for the better.
  • Do Not forget that there are problems at all.
  • Perceived failures and troubles as opportunities to gain experience.
  • Regularly tested (to provoke) new sensations.
  • Doing things you love.
  • Forget themselves in the past and love its “I” here.
  • Pay attention to their skills, self-development and Hobbies.
  • Set a goal for anything from her not to retreat.

And most importantly - to remember that life – a number of efforts. Finding a goal, you get to see the road. And that's the end of the walk, will give you the strength to confidently move towards it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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