Crisis 7 years in children: the signs and ways of overcoming it. Developmental psychology and age psychology


2019-09-17 11:20:57




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The Child was 7 years old. Begins a new phase in life. The kid goes to the stage of growing up, going to school. And then the parents start to sound the alarm, saying, the child is uncontrollable, does not obey, Hamming. The main thing - not to panic, to safely and intelligently get over this difficult phase, you need to understand and learn about the causes of this behavior.

The Mental features of a child's development 7 years

This is a critical period in self-realization. The baby begins to coordinate the conduct with the established moral norms and rules. This is a difficult psychological stage in a child's life, because he still can not control their emotions and feelings. Feels the need to respect. The little man is important to feel a person. Only by satisfying the desires of the child, you can build a trusting warm relationship.

Should encourage independence Chad, since it facilitates the development of intelligence and initiative, not punished severely for misconduct. Otherwise the guilt will become a stumbling block on the path to self-realization. And, of course, the nature of the child will affect the parenting style of the parents. More comfortable and will be acceptable in a democratic environment management.

First Graders are emotionally more developed than previously. And it depends on experiences outside the walls of the house. Childish fears are replaced by a new, conscious concerns, the main one is the relationship with their peers. And this is a priority than academic success and interaction with the teacher.

The Worldview, needs and desires of the child change. This is a logical and natural process. And here we smoothly approached to a question about why a crisis occurs in children seven years of age.

the Crisis of seven years

What does the term “midlife crisis”

To have been introduced by L. S. Vygotsky, who meant by it the holistic rebuilding of the individual as the onset of the next stage of growing up. According to him, the crisis – this is a critical peak in individual human development. It happens at the crossroads of two ages.


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Features a tipping point:

  • There are No clear temporal boundaries. The aggravation is in the middle of the crisis and is the highest point.
  • Observed difficulties in education. This reluctance to learn, to establish relationships with others, experiences.
  • Characteristic of the negative development process. The child becomes passive, indifferent.

Distinguish crisis:

  1. Newborn.
  2. One year.
  3. Three years. Period of stubbornness and denial.
  4. Seven years. Was opened before all the others. Characterized by unstable psychological development, the desire to take a position adult. As tumors supports self-esteem.
  5. Thirteen.
  6. Seventeen, and others.

Occurs in all different depending on the environment. So the crisis – a series of internal changes of a child in secondary the external factors.


Here are the main symptoms

To Understand this question will help developmental psychology and developmental psychology of preschool-age children. So, the crisis has a connecting border of preschool and younger school age, whose signals are:

  1. Loss of naive ease. Previously the behavior was based purely on the desires. Now, before any action the kid thinks, what will be its price.
  2. Antics. Emotional isolation pushes to play other roles. A child is someone pretending and hiding the truth.
  3. Closure. Children often because of their fears, experiencing mental anxiety, worrying that they simply hide it inside.

The nature of the child of 7 years is hard to miss. Disposition changes dramatically, there is a temper, aggressiveness and even rudeness. Sometimes this is manifested in extreme form in the form of damage to the objects of disobedience. The child does not go on contact, at times showing dissatisfaction with the refusal of food and drink.

Meet the opposite signs of the crisis in a child 7 years old when parents and teachers face excessive passivity and distraction. Children have a hard time because of the need to adapt quickly to new conditions. To have a greater understanding of the nature of seven children, consult developmental psychology.

Preschool and younger school age

To begin with find out what does developmental psychology. It examines the development of the individual at different stages of his life. There are no clear boundaries between stages of growing up. Formation and involution of all the flows individually.

The transition from one age stage to another, the person experiencing the so-called crisis. Crashing the old system of relations with the outside world and formed a new one. And, as a rule, is accompanied by psychological problems for the person and for those who interacts with him.

The First crisis of the individual passes in year three and seven years (the last one is a transition from preschool to adolescent period). So, younger school age – the pinnacle of childhood. The child at this stage, a new logic of thinking. It changes the Outlook, values, the school appears the new status.

But if you take a four year old kid, unflattering comments about himaddress, some resentment or anger do not leave traces in his memory and do not affect the process of formation of his personality. Only some preschoolers found anxiety and low self-esteem, due to the fact that the family is dominated by discontent and a high level of rigor. Or meet the students, whom I always admired and flattered, with a very high opinion about his person. All this is a consequence not of their own emotional experience, and result from the absorption of a recurrent assessment of parents and family, friends.

And when come from parents complaints about their children not showing interest in studies, get tired quickly, don't want to go to school – it only indicates that by the end of preschool age period was not achieved the level of preparedness for school. So, thanks to developmental psychology and age psychology, we learned about characteristics of children of preschool age.

Causes atypical behavior

Apathetic child

In three years the child becomes independent, and the crisis of 7 years in children is characterized by the formation and recognition of identity. So, reasons:

  1. The Analysis of own feelings. Begins to learn emotions. Intelligently differentiates between events that cause sadness and joy. And as the child finds it difficult to cope with emotions, he shows aggression and disobedience.
  2. The Need for new knowledge. Actively learns the world, the old games is not enough, begins to imitate adults.
  3. Admission to the school. The event is marked by a change of environment. The child cannot independently set goals, it would be hard to realize the essence of success.
  4. Getting a new social status. This is due to a change of career. If the child is 6–7 years of role-playing was the priority, when entering the first grade, the home becomes an educational work. He has to learn to gain knowledge and to use them correctly.

The significant role of physiological causes, such as the dynamic growth of body and brain development. The question arises, how long the crisis occurs 7 years in children? All different, because it depends on many factors and the environment in which the child lives, as well as physiological features. Can be latent and light, lingering and problematic, and last from one month to one and a half years. There is an important competent assistance of parents. How to recognize it?

Talk about the impact of the crisis 7 years the child. The boy copies the behavior of adults. Often heard repeating the phrase from the male sex. Sometimes they are obscene, for example: “She was a fool, because all women are stupid”. Or this kind: “I said stop!”. At this point, it is not necessary to sharply pull up and bawl. Intelligently and calmly explain why it should not say, should be the father or grandfather because the mother ceases to be authority for it. However, he cannot use the phrase, they say, and why is the Pope so to speak.

You Can even mimic Smoking or to clink glasses, as adults with a Cup of compote. In this case also it is not necessary to shout and beat the child, it is necessary to explain intelligibly.

The Crisis in girls of 7 years is expressed in the imitation of adult women. They get interested in my mother's cosmetics, perfume and clothes. Trying on jewelry. And then the girls also perform better father or grandfather. You can say, well, you're so beautiful without any makeup. If such a phrase say mother or sister, who are all of these women's stuff, the word baby will be perceived in bayonets, with envy and resentment. Why can't she? The girl seems that she do not want to let into the adult world. Children need to be addressed. To be with them in the relationship, to speak as with adults, spend more time together.

What is the feature of the crisis of this age period

The First thing you need to take it a rule - we can not ignore any unusual behavior of the child, whether the crisis girls of 7 years old boy. This can lead to serious consequences such as poor school performance, and closeness, low self-esteem, and even advanced stage of neurosis.

The Crisis of 7 years in children at preschool age, change their worldview, they begin to distinguish between “their” and “others”. The behavior observed prudence. To get the desired result, i.e., profit, first, lose situation. And any criticism from parents will be treated with hostility. Unless I hear praise for the most simple task you have completed, in response followed by screaming and crying.

For a crisis age 7 years in children (younger students) is also characterized by excessive curiosity. The child will be interested in serious matters such as politics, morals, family relations. And only then the reason to analyze the knowledge of an adult.

The children understand that the imperfect, strive for knowledge and dream of the achievements. Their immediacy disappears. Temper becoming flashy, campy, and with the relationship with my parents is strained.

Point of view of psychologists

There are two stages of the crisis:

  1. The First stage is characterized by rapid development. The result is an imbalance in the relationship of the child and the surrounding world.
  2. In the competent parents all stabiliziruemost. Happens a good the formation of new identities. The child is able to understand and analyze the needs.And the knowledge gained will help you quickly adapt in the new society.

Psychologists are advised to send their children to school from the age of seven. Because before that age they dominated play activity. It is difficult to adjust, and problems with behavior. But still, you understand that faced with the crisis of 7 years from a baby. What to do?

Trusting relationship

Don't panic!

This is a natural process. To start is to calm down. The main thing is to behave, and everything will pass. So:

  1. Do Not deprive the child of liberty, in any case. He alone has to sort out his feelings. You are only required to control the process and gently guide the child.
  2. Remove the unlimited guardianship. Allow the child to be independent. Sensing this, the kid himself will seek help. And then you will have the opportunity to show you care.
  3. Do Not discuss your children with friends. Otherwise, the trust relationship will fail to build never.
  4. Preparing for the new lifestyle should be gradual and joint. Show your child the next class, talk to the teacher. Together, observe the new mode of the day.

In a familiar environment the kid will be much easier to adapt. To painlessly overcome the crisis of 7 years, the child, psychologists give some advice.

Recommendations of experts

Of Course, each child needs its own approach, but psychologists give General instructions that will not harm. So:

  1. Orders! All need to be presented in the form of a game. You can tell a cautionary tale about proper behavior on the example of the main character.
  2. Be on equal footing. Never put yourself above the child. It has personality, is able to conduct based on your experience.
  3. Allow the kid to join the discussion. He was able to understand and form an opinion. Give the opportunity to Express it, just learn to properly argue. So, you show that you considered his decision.
  4. Do Not abruptly change from toys to books. Do it gradually, through play.
  5. No need to force the child to abide strictly by the order of the day. It bored him, let alone choose the order of the cases.
  6. Communicate on equal terms, to the kid you could trust. However, it is easier to pass school adaptation.
  7. Do Not treat the child as property. Don't need to grow up. Understand yourself, because the kid is much more complicated.

Always be the child friend. Competent actions will help to overcome all age-related crises.

the lesson with the child

Will Give a few more tips

To easily cope with the crisis of 7 years in a child psychologists advise:

  1. It is Possible to slightly deviate from the routine Affairs of the day or in the evening, but as a night's sleep, it needs to be complete. Lay the baby should not later than 9 o'clock.
  2. Follow the diet, which remains a four. Do not forget about vitamins.
  3. It is Not necessary to burden the child with additional information. It is enough of the knowledge obtained in school. Better distract the baby, help to relieve stress, take a walk, let me ride a Bicycle or roller skates, drive in the ball.
  4. Feed the interest in learning. Buy a set of young chemist or biologist, work out together.
  5. Learn the right communication, to ask the right question and answer correctly.
  6. Allow the child to become independent. No need to write him letters and numbers, put the briefcase and tie shoelaces. The child should be their duties, for example, clean the dust, take out the trash, sweep the floor, collect toys and books and so on.

And most importantly - be patient. In any case it is impossible to break, to scream, much less use foul language. It will exacerbate the situation, the child will close. Just imagine what will happen in the soul of the baby?!

And let him choose interesting preparatory courses, take in the sports section. There he will gain new friends, will learn to communicate. Engage together in prescribed numbers and letters, spoken out loud, solve simple mathematical and logical problems, draw, sculpt from clay, make a fun collage.

What to

Many parents forget about the fact that their first grader is still a child. Role-play games remain a favorite pastime. Playing in the hospital, shop, school, mothers and daughters, children learn new social roles, learn to communicate. The main thing - to direct the child in the right direction, if he would try the bad boy hero. Boy can captivate puzzle designer, and the girl to teach the basics of knitting together to make dinner.

Classes for children 7 years of age can be of different kinds. Play «City». Everyone remembers this exciting game. For example, you pronounce the word Moscow, a child comes up with a city name with the last letter of the previous word – Arkhangelsk, and so on. Exciting and informative.

Remember the “Crocodile”. You can play together. Single himself thinks of inanimate or animate object, and then using his hands and facial expressions shows it. The other guess.

All games should be focused on the development of socialization, thinking and skills such as flexibility, mutual respect, ability to negotiate and so on. Praise the child, notjust as well for a specific action.

Independent child

Don't forget about education

This process is not only in precept and punishment. Very important in childhood lay in the character of the child such qualities as humanity, compassion, honesty, responsibility, empathy, and to teach them to be kind, tender, gentle, caring.

Praise him for his good deeds, quality work. If the child is a little fudged, not worth it to criticize, especially publicly. You need to calmly explain that it's let down – all bad and must be redone.

Teach your child to anticipate the outcome of the situation. For example, offer to help clean the apartment, to go play in the street. If you refuse, don't force, but let them know that without his help you will be longer busy with household chores, and a walk will have to wait, and time it will be less.

To Teach discipline, will help set the house rules. For example, to turn on the tablet without an adult's permission. Or to maintain a clean house, you can't throw personal items.

In conclusion we give some recommendations for adults

Child closed

Often children, getting into a new environment, and turn in on themselves, afraid of communication, become insecure and uncertain. Then the task of parents – to see it in your baby and help raise self-esteem, become more resolute. Always praise your child, say that it is better no one will bake pancakes, not sweep, not sing, and so on. It matters.

Let me choose baby the sports section or some interesting courses. This will expand the horizons, will provide an opportunity to make new friends. He will not be afraid of communication, will become more relaxed. Learn to hear the baby. Help always and in everything, and then no age crisis you will not be afraid.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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