How to manipulate people: secrets


2019-03-29 16:00:28




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Table of contents:

Every person who aspires to succeed in life and in the profession, consciously or subconsciously wants to learn how to manipulate people to some extent. How to manipulate people, to convince them to do what you need it? In this article we will help figure it out.

First, one needs to decide what he wants to achieve, what the result of the manipulation he's waiting. From the target depend and money.

The Next step in how to manipulate people, is to collect as many information about the person over whom you are going to manipulate. You need to know more of his interests, tastes and circle of friends – in short, any information is helpful, that helps in revealing features of his character. Remember that, learning about his passions, you can chance to make any compliment or speak on this topic. This kind of attention will be sincere and will make your communication closer and more.

About how to manipulate people psychology as the science tells a lot of detail and. There is an opinion that people should follow their image and appearance. As they say, “never judge…”. This is quite true, after all, attracts the attention of well and brightly dressed companion. Then you will evaluate with an eye to appearance. So take care of yourself!

In answer to your question about how to manipulate people, do not forget that every single person requires a specific approach and specific strategies. Therefore, as already mentioned, the first experience with his “victim”, especially in absentia.


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Now, gathering the information you need to learn how to communicate, giving the interlocutor in the right direction. How to learn to manipulate people, can help our advice:

  1. The hardest part of the science of manipulation – this, oddly enough, to learn to control yourself and your emotions. Learn how to do something and not to throw the begun business, not bringing it to the end.
  2. Communication should start with small requests (‘give me, please…”, “open up, be kind” etc.). As soon as the interlocutor did what you asked, thank him and make a compliment about his kindness. The requests would always follow with a compliment. They – insidious weapon that adds a person a sense of importance, and he will endeavour to help you.
  3. Remember that you need to speak well about those people who don't cause you such feelings. And Vice versa. Man is designed in such a way that, starting to talk about someone good in his presence, he begins to subconsciously look for his shortcomings. So, if you want to set one against the other, saying the latter is more pleasant and good, tell me about his success and abilities.
  4. In the science of how to manipulate people, great play value, a small "good deeds": bring the interviewee a Cup of coffee with cake or give him some kind of need for the trinket. To turn into your loyal ally. Remember, people always remember those who are treated well, and subconsciously begin to consider them kind and nice people.
  5. In the conversation, encourage the interviewee expressed the opinion words like “Excellent”, “good idea!”, “Who would have thought!”, etc. this will increase the person's level of self-worth and self-esteem. Then, gently expressing an opinion, you will be able to direct it to the direction you want and he will think that the idea fully belongs to him.

In conclusion, we note that within thirty seconds a person is able to focus on a single object as possible. Then, if he's not interested in him, he switches to something else. Therefore, in half a minute it is important for you to make a lasting impression and to use all its features: appearance, conversation, facial expressions. In the future, success is guaranteed.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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