In the Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo


2018-03-27 08:41:12




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This ancient Cathedral is located in the Eastern district of Moscow. It is noteworthy that, despite the repression, the Church was not closed during the years of Soviet power, and many clergy of the enclosed parishes to serve here.

In charge of Russian rulers

The Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo was built of stone on the site of a wooden Church in the birthplace of the Romanov boyars artel Kostroma masters of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1676 and consecrated by Patriarch Joachim. The Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo – it is the residence of the Russian tsars. The icons with the saints, with images of heavenly patrons have come to worship the whole family of the second Tsar of the Romanov dynasty.

Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo

Architectural structure in the style of late uzoroche. For the construction of the temple took nearly a decade. In 1678, created three of the iconostasis of the Kostroma master Sergei Rozhkov. In 1690 built the chapels: of the Kazan icon of the mother of God and of St. Nicholas, which was consecrated, and in 1760 – a refectory and a bell tower in the Baroque style. In the beginning of the XVIII century by order of Anna Ivanovna icons were onovleny painter by Piccolini, and in the middle of the XIX - carved tabernacles and altars.

Main Shrine of the temple

It's only been 15 years since the crucifixion of Christ, when the Evangelist Luke wrote the icon of the Jerusalem mother of God. Shrine traveled a lot, and even once saved Constantinople. The list it was in the Dormition Cathedral in Moscow. Remained there until the attack of Napoleon, then disappeared without a trace.Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo

In 1771 in Moscow the plague believers came to bow to a revered icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem in the Church of the Nativity. In Izmailovo has a copy, which has already become famous for his miracles to described time. She is now in the temple the main Shrine.


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Building of the chapel

The end of the nineteenth century. Izmailovo doubled at the expense of immigrants from other provinces, and now it is a large industrial village with a population of more than 2.5 thousand people. Workers were working at the manufactory, and could not come to Church because it was decided for the spiritual care workers to build a chapel on the site. It was consecrated in 1890.

Case of the merchant I. V. Bulygina

The Turn of the century marked the next stage of construction works in the Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo. A great contribution to the reconstruction made by the merchant Ivan Vasilevich Butyugin (1841 - 1911). He came from a family of prosperous peasants, who had in Izmailovo Moscow and their wool-weaving factories and brick factories. By order of his relative for the Christmas temple was made a cross, which in 2000 was transferred on the Silver Isle in the Church of the Intercession of the blessed virgin.

rector of the Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo

As his family, he was involved in the organization of factory production and charity. Was a Trustee of libraries, rural schools, allocated funds for the temple, in his will mentioned his house, who gave to the poor for shelter and permanent housing for the elderly maidens and widows, who in 1912 was opened.

The means Botygina by architect p. P. Salnikov (1864-1901) at the end of the 19th century were created by double iron doors, still standing at the main entrance to the The Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo. In addition, by order of Ivan during renovations of icons was created a few images of Saint Nicholas and of our lady of Kazan, which stood in the relevant chapels of the temple.

Painting the Church

At the beginning of the XX century the Church re-painted. Did the well-known Moscow painter Guryanov, Vasily Pavlovich (1866-1920). While all the reconstruction was controlled by the Moscow archaeological society. It is recommended to perform painting in the style of the XVII century, but Vasily Pavlovich in their work used the example of the Kiev Vladimir Cathedral, which was restored by the artist V. M. Vasnetsov.Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo

The Then rector of the Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo Mikhail Volkov On this score answered that the painting was allocated a modest budget, stylized to old age was beyond the power of the temple. Archaeological society took the job with a very low rating, especially with displeasure highlighting the interpretation of reconstruction, "Prayer of the Cup" and the altar painting of the Holy Trinity. However, the painting Guryanov remained until the end of the twentieth century, with no renovations. The same master was a full restoration of the iconostasis and individual icons. The Imperial archaeological Commission in 1911, was allowed to whitewash the walls, head of the Nativity Church and the roof was covered with verdigris. In the next year established the water heating.

Period of revolution

The Church of the Nativity in Izmailovo deprived of a parochial school on the grounds that the separation of Church and state. The clergy were forbidden to hold classes on the Law of God in the Zemstvo school. Despite this, children still came to Church and sang in the choir.

In 1922 carried out the seizure of property. By this time the Izmailovo residents were informed that no resistance can deduct the Commission from the removal of values. Took 196 different subjects: eighty crowns with iconsfifty silver Reese, 3 censers, crosses, silver corners with the Gospels, and others.

The Greatest outrage of believers called the action of the Commission to lift the robe with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem. The Bolsheviks began to stomp to release the gems. Outraged parishioners had written a letter of protest against removal of Church property, for which they then arrested but soon released.

During 1923 the Church was up for the loss of things. Only the silver was replaced with copper. It is unknown how, but was back in place of Riza, he pulled off the miraculous icon of the Jerusalem mother of God.

The Architecture and internal structure of the Nativity of the temple depict the story of the arrival from the beginning to the present day and related the fate of people.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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