The patroness of the Seraphim Holy: icon, prayer, photos


2018-03-19 12:45:18




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For faith in Christ in the days of the terrible persecutions perpetrated by the wicked Roman emperors, suffered a lot of believers from various executions and tortures. In this difficult time for Christians, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian (117-138 ad.) was a citizen of Antioch, a girl named Seraphim (or differently - Serapia).

Getting to the issue “Holy Seraphim - the patron Saint of whom?”, know how to live this Holy and than glorified his name.

Seraphim Holy


She was born in a Christian family at the end of the first century in Antioch. After the death of his parents, Serafima sold all his property and gave to the poor, as he decided to devote his life to his God - Jesus Christ. Many men liked her, and they wanted to take her to wife, but she refused. And then went to Italy and sold themselves into voluntary slavery.

The Village where she was staying, was called Windex, and she moved in the house of a woman named Sabina, who came from a rich and noble family, who began to patronize her. Good girl Serafima his hard work and charity has won the heart of Mrs. Savina and after some time also brought her to the faith of Christ.

Saint Seraphim patron biography

Sacred Seraphim: patron biography

This active in ispovedniki faith in Christ young Christians Seraphim did not like very much the hegemon of the Beryl, and then he sent a detachment of his warriors to take her into custody. Savina couldn't stay away and bitterly opposed, but Serafima, trusting in his God, bravely went for the soldiers, but before that she asked her mistress fervently pray for her. But blessed Savina still not left her alone with the wicked, and also went with her to the hegemon.


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He saw Savin – a person of noble and influential, has come into confusion and disarray and soon sent her home with Serafima.

But three days later, the hegemon has decided to arrange a Tribunal and ordered to deliver to him the blessed Seraphim. Then the girl falsely arrested and brought to court. Savina didn't want to let it go and came again with her, but now she was no longer able to help her, she was sobbing, screaming and cursing in a brutal hegemon, but all in vain, and she had to go home.

The sacrifices of God

The Seraphim-Holy virgin of Antioch, refused to worship and offer sacrifice to the pagan gods, for he believed that it was not gods, but demons, because she was a true Christian. Then the hegemon Beryl offered to bring her the same sacrifice to her Lord, Jesus Christ, but she said the sacrifice of the Lord – faith in Him, worship and prayer. Hegemon wondered then, what is her sacrifice and where the temple of Christ, to whom is she praying? Seraphim said above the knowledge of God of Heaven did not, and the victim is her virgin purity, this feat with the help of the Lord she brought other girls, and added that, the Scripture says: “ye are the temple of the living God”.

Seraphim Holy patroness

The Miracle of St. Seraphim

After the interrogation, Seraphim – the Holy virgin Roman - was given into the hands of shameless and wicked egyptiansex young men who wanted to stay with her all night. They took her into the dark temple. At this time, Seraphim began frantically praying to his Lord. By one o'clock, when young men wanted to abuse her, suddenly started to rumble and earthquake, and they fell exhausted to the ground. Seraphim, seeing that the Lord has protected her all night with tears of gratitude prayed to Him. Early in the morning came the messengers of the hegemon and saw that the Holy virgin was praying, and as young men are dead and can neither stand nor say anything, just lead the crazy eyes. Such a miracle to see a lot of people gathered.

The Hegemon had understood that his plan for the seduction of a virgin failed Seraphim-Holy virgin and bride of Jesus Christ, and so He gave the boys to do their dirty work. She said that the Lord-Keeper and the guardian of her is always with her.

Then the Governor, seeing all these incomprehensible wonders, and thinking that she was a witch, asked her to summon their God and to make to the young men returned their bodily strength, and that they told themselves that they occurred at night, and not cheating if she's managed to keep his virginity?

icon of St. Seraphim

Saving prayer

Seraphim replied that to do magic she doesn't know how, only that it can, it is to sincerely pray to God to send them his mercy. But to go to them, she refused because it would look unseemly, and wanted a miracle turned all the people on the eyes and no one thought she was a witch. Seraphim asked the hegemon to bring to her those exhausted, young dumb and relaxed young man.

Then the Governor sent for them, his people, and she began to pray, and after the words: “the name of the Lord Jesus Christ's command: stand up on your feet!" they got up and started talking. All who saw this miracle were horrified. Waking the guys began to tell me that when they wanted to do their dirty business, then suddenly between the girl and boys was beautiful in the glittering light of the angelic young man, after this vision they were attacked by fear, darkness, horror and complete relaxation.

icon of St. Seraphim of prayer

The Martyr's torture

The Hegemon to the last could not believe and asked Seraphim to give him my magical secret, and then again began to force her to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods, but she answered, hated their evil teachings and not to worship the demons and the will of Satan will not perform, because she's a devout Christian.

Then the judge gave her new torments, he ordered to sear her body with flaming torches, but those who had to make this torture, fell to the ground, and the torches went out. Then she wanted to beat them with sticks, but suddenly had a strong earthquake. From one of the sticks bounced sepka and flew straight into the eyes of the hegemon, and three days later, Beryl was blind.

After the incident, he came into a terrible rage and ordered the hated Seraphim, despising the Royal commandment and are guilty of different crimes, to kill with sword.

And then the Seraphim-Holy Martyr of Christ was beheaded. After the execution her body took to himself a godly Savina, who with great reverence and honor made his burial. Like a precious pearl and a great treasure she put it in your family vault, wassila while laudatory prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ. After a few years this tomb will become a place of burial and the Sabine. Their common grave will be decorated and sanctified as the place of prayer.

prayer St. Seraphim

Icon "Seraphim"

Prayer of this Saint is given below. And the day her memory the Orthodox Church celebrates on July 29, according to the old and August 11 - according to the new calendar.

The Relics of the Holy Roman Seraphim are in Italy in the Church of Saint Sabina, which was built on the site of her house on the Aventine hill. This Church was founded in the V century under Pope Celestine I (422-432), subsequently became a monastery Church. This Holy monastery is known for the fact that it buried St. Dominic (1170-1221). – the founder of the monastic order of the Dominicans.

Icon of St. Seraphim depicts her holding a book, and sometimes together with Saint Savina.

Holy Martyr Sabina, too, is revered by the Roman Church and is depicted with a crown and a palm branch. She became the patroness of Housewives. It is in the widow's house Savina once settled St. Seraphim, who was martyred on July 29, 119, and her blagodarya Savino similarly beheaded after a time - August 29 126 years.

Seraphim Holy patroness whom

The Canonization

Holy Seraphim - the patroness of all the poor and the disadvantaged. She was canonized by the Byzantine Church and became revered in the Orthodox calendar.

The Prayer to St. Seraphim begins with the words: “Newest beloved of Christ, Seraphim…” (troparion, tone 8), “Serafinska love the Lord loved thou…” (kontakion, tone 2).

The very same Holy Seraphim prayed with the words: “Lord Jesus Christ, the true Keeper and guardian of the virginity of my call for help!” or “the Almighty Lord God! You have made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them…”.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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