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Smartphone Manufacturers seem to have changed direction, and now the race is on for milliamp-hours, that is power and while working autonomously, but not for GB and inch. It is absolutely not surprising, given the fact that Apple products, which tacitly compete with many brands, different just small power batteries. At the last presentation, Apple introduced a smartphone with an even smaller capacity battery. Brand and young company trying to create a gadget that will depend less on the amount of battery life.
It is therefore interesting to know the feedback on Its Five Power Evo. This phone was invented in Russia, but made in China. He has not yet become a popular trend, but praised many experts and ordinary users. The smartphone easily and quickly sold out in the mobile salons because it combines all the things that are very valued customers of the gadget. This price, performance, and ease of communication with the service center and advisors.
What are the opinions of owners Its Five Power Evo? What do you like in smartphone users and what is not? What features are particularly useful?
The Russian company is a developer of a smartphone. Except it also includes video recorders, and accessories to gadgets. Feature of developers that offer the buyer the balance of the latest technology and reasonable price, with high product quality and service. The company has its own website and online shop, "Haisken" regularly reports news about myself and the stock. Actual and legal address of the company is registered in Moscow.
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The Original Five Power Evo is a Russian smartphone, which as mentioned, is produced in China. Extensive publicity was not, however, he found a buyer. Or buyers have found it. Among the latter, by the way, there are different ratings and reviews. Still, they agree on one thing: this is a very good option among other state employees.
Let's Move on to reviews about the smartphone Highscreen Power Five Evo.
Before you decide to buy, you need to decide what characteristics should have a smartphone which features and capabilities you need. That offers Its Five Power Evo:
Set the standard, but still quite relevant at any time and for many users. Feedback about Highscreen Power Rage Evo 16GB say that the smartphone is very successfully combines and integrates all these parameters.
If you need the phone mainly for communication, Internet use, taking notes, and others, the model is perfect for these tasks. The phone is lightweight, it is convenient to hold in your hand during a long conversation, the screen gives a good image in the smartphone fits a lot of applications and files. About recharging gadget you can not worry up to two days, although private tests sometimes show the efficiency up to a day. But this is a great result for the model Highscreen Power Five Evo. A good option for those who often abandons in a situation where there is no possibility to use the charging cable, as well as for people who frequently travel and business trips.
However, if you're a traveler or the tourist, and hope to use Its Power Five Evo as a portable camera, it will not be a very good decision. Of course, the camera in your smartphone is good, but don't expect her high-precision images with excellent color reproduction, which give the representatives of the costly brands of smartphones and photo-video equipment of average quality. The review of reviews about Its Power Five Evo says that the camera features of the gadget are quite satisfied with the majority of buyers.
The price of the first sales was set at twelve thousand rubles, but then it started to decline. In the end, the price tag was lost almost up to one thousand rubles. In General, cost is wonderful. Therefore, the owners of the Original Five Power Evo often talk about this.
The Smartphone comes in a regular handy box with a picture of the gadget Highscreen Power Five Evo. Included are a USB charging cable, manual and warranty card, and protective glass. Previously, for example, to the smartphone Highscreen Power Rage Evo, among other things, is attached to the OTG cable, silicone case and special cleaning cloth to clean the screen.
The Original Power Rage Evo had a metal body, the Evo is made of plastic. The smartphone has become easier, also decreased its price. But buyers who trust the metal body, Its Power Five Evo, most likely, will not choose, although the characteristics of the model are very valuable. Plastic, easily broken and scratched.
The Smartphone is equipped with proximity sensors and light is, however, a standard set.
Manufacturers recommend to stop trying to get unrecoverable battery. So it is possible to harm the health, and the technique will fail, and to give the gadget for warranty service will be impossible. Specialists of the center and examination confirm that there were interference of the buyer, which automatically removes the smartphone from the warranty.
As confirmed by reviews on Its Five Power Evo 16 GB smartphone very popular among the customers. As they say, on the face of allpositive traits.
It has the standard resolution for budget smartphones. Pixel density 270-320. A small diagonal. However, many see much convenience and advantage of the model. The smartphone can be used, holding it in one hand. To reach corners, dial with your thumb text, and so on. This is important for those who decide many work tasks in parallel, including with a smartphone. For this category of users are important not only features the functionality of a gadget, but its size and weight, dimensions. Many of the buyers usually are ready to abandon models with a large screen to use it easier.
The Battery consumes a little bit energy and it is valued users who love to play on your smartphone in demanding modern games, watch videos or talk for a long time. Useful feature and for those who love long fading (which excludes standby) screen, and it is standby consumes the most energy and battery. Reviews about the smartphone Highscreen Power Five Evo brown say that this is perfect for those who want to save on the gadget, but to squeeze from it the maximum. This option will meet the expectations of users.
Despite the fact that on Its Five Power Evo 5 the reviews are good, OCTA core processor not everyone likes the cold nuclear transmutation he works quickly and clearly ("Android 5.1"). Some buyers believe that it is outdated and you should update as soon as possible. For example, in the reviews there is an opinion that labels are beautiful, and opening them, find the simplest design for the fourth "Android". All the updates, simply put, surface. And often there are reviews from owners of the smartphone Highscreen Power Five Evo.
Users don't understand how this can be allowed in the model, equipped with a powerful battery and a good camera, and I propose to put a minimum shell standard design. However, this view does not prevent to use all the features "Android" in Its Power Five Evo and all functions of the platform. The appearance of icons and a bit outdated interface does not reduce the functions of the device. These characteristics of the Original Five Power Evo not usually admirable, in this state, the users feel very comfortable.
The Smartphone works quickly, within two gigabytes of RAM.
Typically, users write that they are pleased with the work and the performance of the smartphone. However, often celebrate and build quality of the gadget. Reviews Highscreen Power Five Evo called the most interesting model in the segment of budget but powerful smartphone, because of the autonomy and functionality.
Who is familiar with the products manufacturer, can assume that Its Power Five Evo - continued predecessor. But it is absolutely new device with the good battery and higher performance.
The Casing is made of plastic, including the trim. However, the material is durable, and you can verify this if you remove the cover and try to bend it slightly diagonally. The cover is flexible, and to break it required effort. However, experience in practice, impact-resistant properties of a smartphone should not be, it may appear cracks and chips. After all, the gadget is not positioned as shock-proof and super-strong. Of plastic, by the way, made and button. Reviews about the smartphone Highscreen Power Five Evo as a drawback, this option is not marked. Most of the users who need it impact resistant smartphones, you know, in that case look at the usual lineup of state not recommended - anything standing did not find.
Reviews of the Original Five Power Evo brown noted that its thickness is slightly less than ten millimeters, the weight of a small - 168, pleasant Design, including due to the rounded panels. Built on the limits of surface trinadcatiletnie monochrome camera and led flash. In the center of the lid applied a chrome logo of the manufacturer that, as noted the reviews about Its Power Five Evo white, makes the gadget much more interesting.
Non-removable Battery, and it stops some from buying. Users choose smartphones with removable battery, so that when the UNP comes into disrepair, replace it. Although today's smartphones rarely live up to the moment deteriorating the battery. Usually by that time the phone itself has long sent if not in the trash, it is certainly not used constantly and by appointment. Moreover, even today, non-removable battery can be replaced in specialized service.
Above the battery are the slots for SIM cards (two of them) and a memory card. Flash card - a maximum of one hundred and twenty eight gigabytes, the memory of sixteen gigabytes. Conversational dynamics are very good. Although the sound speaker on the cover of average quality. On the top edging 3.5 mm earphone Jack. Feedback about Highscreen Power Five Evo grey especially acknowledge the presence of the radio.
The Bottom soft keys are not highlighted wearing, but in themselves quite distinct, including in the dark. The bottom one located microphone and charging Jack. Left - buttons for volume on the right - the power button, she's a lock button. On the front there are sensors that automatically adjust the level of brightness, notification light and the earpiece. Have enough volume in a pinch (for music outdoors, on a picnic, and so on), you can purchase additional speakers. Screen 1 280 x 720, glare from the sun is almost invisible, OKreproduces the colors, but this is the Achilles heel of the smartphone, according to buyers. Because of this, the model Highscreen Power Five Evo pretty hard.
Interesting owner reviews Highscreen Power Evo Rage about the camera. The photos are good, focus fast with the HDR setting, which works well. There is electronic stabilization. Options include a “Record voice”, “Detection of”, “Smile”, “auto-Detect scenes” and other settings. There are various profiles, such as live photos, tracking and smile detection, panorama and abstract review. Therefore, Its Power Five Evo consider a perfectly balanced image and performance. There are GPS and GLONASS. In “blind” added notification sound profiles.
The Smartphone is released in three colours: grey, brown and Golden. Made very reliable, no squeaks and good in the hand. The style is simply and beautiful.
Cover has a matte textured finish. This makes it difficult to slip the gadget out of his hands and creates a comfortable feeling for hands. Some users believe the design is bad, the humble and most ordinary. However, other models in just this appreciate. Indeed, in smartphone, no frills, no excessive simplicity. In appearance very reminiscent of the early iPhones. Especially the side panels. But this is not a copy in the full sense - the smartphone is its design, specifically developed for this model.
Some buyers are sometimes criticized sound transmission. Music sounds with some distortion, appear background bass and smoothed high purity. The sound is not loud, but many, and this is enough.
The Phone quickly loads applications. It is also noted available about the smartphone Highscreen Power Five Evo customer reviews, and experts and consultants in technical stores.
Built-in rechargeable battery-feature and the frustration of many modern smartphones, including both budget and premium segment. So some users describe the capabilities of the smartphone “engine” Five Power Highscreen Evo. Although still unfair to say, given the reviews about Its Power Five Evo lte, this smartphone unsuccessful series.
Also found criticism of the headphones that are included. Indeed, they are inexpensive and of poor quality. Long these will last. And sound quality degrade. Some users believe that the manufacturer wouldn't make the kit a headset, which still will soon need to be replaced. And the thickness of the cable users like, although he, too, is made not from expensive materials.
In the packing box manufacturer invests tempered glass smartphone. Users consider it a good gift. As noted the reviews about Its Power Five Evo gold, this model comes with glued film, but, as suggested by the buyers, the display has a coating that repels grease well from the touch screen.
The Smartphone is very sensitive and instantly reacts to pressing. Fast typing he can do. The characters immediately appear in the to field of messages, search strings or notes. Highscreen Power Five Evo great job with a lot of open tabs. It did not load it and does not affect the speed and functionality. Buyers note high performance in games. Given the powerful battery and a bright and clear display, pull the most popular ones. At the same time, as write in reviews about Its Power Five Evo, the smartphone does not heat up.
The Original Five Power Evo claimed as a smartphone with powerful battery. The battery is five thousand milliampere-hours. Sometimes test results buyers indicate reduced capacity of the battery, Highscreen Power Five Evo and attribute this to shortcomings.
Smartphones with powerful battery usually searching for those who are tired several times a day to charge the phone, and those who are accustomed to an Autonomous working a few days the gadget. Therefore, you should look at this gadget and reviews on Its Five Power Evo. The specs are the following:
Customers write after a month of use they have formed an opinion about Highscreen Power Five Evo as a very good and interesting gadget. For example, stable operation up to six days without additional charge. If the smartphone was connected to wifi, the battery lasts for two days. The infrequent recourse to Internet and Its applications Power Five Evo can work seven days.
Manufacturer warranty for the phone for a period of one year.
Reviews of the Original Five Power Evo say enough half a minute to load after switching on. As fast updated app.
A Special feature of the display did not go unnoticed by the users. A high degree of definition allows you to read text and view images in bright sunlight with absolutely no difficulty.
The purity of the sound is perfect. The sides can hear each other voices are not distorted and do not jump. However, a phone call could be louder.
What uses battery power? Belowto see what features and options battery spends charge, go to “Settings” and select “Battery”. The service of the smartphone will present a list of programs who are more likely to drain your battery. The leaders will be applications that are actively “eat”.
Smartphones Highscreen Five Power Evo you can buy in the official online stores Highscreen and in salonah:
If the device has the problem, then it is possible to contact staff via the support website of the manufacturer. You can also call the national phone. There is a single room "Hicklin", which experts will help to understand the reasons of incorrect work of devices, settings and updates.
The company has a wide network of service centres in Russian cities, which take gadgets to repair and offer spare parts delivery.
Service support are the updates and instructions for their installation. Here is a list of questions, the answers to which are asked frequently to give customers products "Haisken". Useful topics:
Budget or an expensive model – any technique not free. And, of course, buyers want the smartphone lasts them as long as possible. Scratches on the glass usually does not affect the functionality of any gadget (except in exceptional cases), but it is better to do without them. And attractive appearance will remain for a longer time. So for a brand new smartphone immediately stick the protective film or glass. This should be done even if manufacturers use materials with high strength and shockproof properties. This glass can scratch the fine grains of sand. However, ordinary glass smartphone is likely to break. So you need to protect it with a second layer or film. In the glass coating functions are expanded, it not only protects from minor damages the surface of the display, but the factory glass from breaking, for example, in the fall.
If a smartphone with a plastic body, as Its Power Five Evo, you need to pick up a box or panel for the gadget. Protection of this kind is necessary in order to reduce the degree of abrasion of the coating and to prevent cracks. Feedback about Highscreen Power Five Evo (16GB) confirm that it is worth thinking about protection. From accidents nobody is insured.
To preserve the health of mobile need him right charge. Try to avoid the depletion of the battery power below ten to fifteen percent, and use the options that help the battery last longer to save energy, such as, for example, the backlight setting.
Do Not use the phone in areas with high humidity, at low or high temperatures.
It is Important not to overload the smartphone. If to refuse applications that are not used, and disable functions that do not affect the operation of the gadget, then the load on the smartphone will decrease and it will be more productive.
The Original Five Power Evo will work without problems if to comply fully with all the recommendations in the user guide. There are also tips on what to do if there is a problem, and how to use all the functions and capabilities of the smartphone to the maximum.
In General, the smartphone is quickly gaining the favor of ordinary users, experts and other players in the electronics market. It is quite possible that soon the model will become a trend not only in Russian market but also in neighbouring States. The smartphone has everything that the situation developed in this way: powerful battery, good performance, good build quality and so on. It can be expected that the model will climb the ranks even higher and sell even better than it is now.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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