Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in the car in winter for heating?


2019-05-19 11:00:32




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Until recently, the air conditioning in the car was considered a luxury and were installed mainly in the car business and premium class. Now the climate system is even on budget cars. Air conditioning – a very useful option, especially on a hot, sultry days. The machine gets very hot under the sun (does not save even tinted). And with the Windows open ride is not very comfortable. But as practice shows, the inclusion of this system brings benefits not only in summer but also in winter. Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in the winter in the car, and how to do it without compromising the car? We'll talk about this in our today's article.

How it works?

This system consists of several elements:

  • The Compressor.
  • Cabin radiator (evaporator).
  • Drainage holes.
  • The Receiver-dryer.
  • External heat sink (condenser).
  • Expansion valve.
  • Connecting pipe and sealing elements.

can I turn on the AC in the winter in the carThe Principle of operation of a car air conditioner is no different from a household refrigerator. So, in both cases based on a transition of refrigerant from liquid to gaseous state. The refrigerant circulates continuously through the system, providing the absorption of a large amount of heat. The system can give heat. In this case, it will come the warm air from the air conditioner. But, regardless of the climate settings, the refrigerant towards the compressor should be only in the gaseous state. Even a small amount of liquid freon in danger of breakage of the mechanism. In this regard, the system uses different sensors that control the heating. Based on these readings, the system may forcibly switch off the compressor. warm air from the air conditionerAlso recommended to monitor the level of freon in the system. Its volume during the winter is reduced by about 5-10 percent. How to resume it? This machine is connected to a dedicated stand where first check the system for leaks, and then upload a new refrigerant. The cost of such services in one HUNDRED is about one thousand rubles with the diagnosis.


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With time motorists get out of order air conditioning system. Experts say that the life is significantly affected by the duration of downtime. The longer you don't use the air conditioning to heat or cold, the greater the risk of its breakdown. Whether it is necessary in the winter to turn on the air conditioner? Below we analyze in detail this problem.

What is dangerous simple?

Many people use air conditioning without heating. Thus, the system is active only in the period from may to September. The other months she is “frozen” condition. It is very harmful for system. The fact that the nodes of the air conditioner is covered with oil film. During long periods of non-use, the oil drains to the bottom of the system. Because of this, all elements of the air conditioner the first time will run dry. And the more time the climate control was not used, the less lubrication it will. do I need to turn on the air conditioner in the winterSo, the system is worked out and the dust which is then spread throughout the system. This dust can stay on the walls even after washing and replacement of the compressor.

The Next moment – pipes and seals. Do I need to turn on the air conditioner in the winter? If you don't use it often, the tube will dry out and crack. Also, the system will condensate. After a long idle air conditioning is blowing an unpleasant odor. Will have to process the evaporator of various antiseptics. But to get to the site, you will have to disassemble the front of the car.

Frequency of use

When you can turn on the air conditioner? Experts say that the maximum duration of downtime is up to two weeks. Further disastrous start to the system processes. when to turn on the air conditionerThey cause cracking pipes, oil starvation and odors due to accumulated condensate. Do I need to turn on the air conditioner in the winter for a long time? Producing prevention, enough for 10-15 minutes of operation of the system. During this period, it will resume the oil level and disappears the accumulated condensate.

How to use?

Considering the question of whether to include air conditioning in the winter in the car, highlight some important points in the course of preventive measures:

  • System Startup must be performed at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees Celsius. The air conditioner only on hot engine and in conjunction with the stove. Why? The fact that the evaporator accumulates moisture. It does not melt at too low temperatures. And the system startup on a cold motor is fraught with the penetration of ice crystals into knots of conditioning. This leads to immediate failure.
  • Along with the conditioning is to turn the recirculation mode. This is done in the absence of the passengers in the cabin (otherwise recycling will give the greenhouse effect). This is a mandatory measure. In this case, the air conditioner will not get out of the street and the salon, where it is warmer. This will contribute to accelerated heating of the system.

What to do if the air temperature is below -5 degrees?

As we said earlier, the liquidthe freon in the compressor is undesirable. Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in the winter in the car in this case? Absolutely not. But what about those who have winter lasts for 5-6 months? air conditioners without heatingThe Only way – prevention in a heated garage. Only in this area you can guarantee the security of the system. If the car is relatively new, the system does not start in the bitter cold – the electronics will prevent disastrous move for the system and disconnect the power to the compressor.

Air conditioning and flow

Many do not want to enable this system, arguing that the increased fuel consumption. Moreover – even in summer, such motorists drive with the Windows open, not to mention the winter period. the warmthYes, the conditioner takes away some of the energy from the engine. But this system consumes no more than 0.5 to 1.5 liters of fuel per hour. Also note that when driving with open Windows increases fuel consumption by 1-2 liters of worsening the aerodynamics. So the savings is highly questionable. But frequent simple system can ruin the important components. And this is a serious problem. Air conditioning repair will cost $ 200. So once a week definitely include it at least for 10-15 minutes.

Draw conclusions

Is it Possible to turn on the air conditioner in the winter in the car? It is possible and even necessary. This is a necessary measure for the prevention of the climate system. But you should know how to do it correctly. To start the system in a strong frost it is impossible. It is also forbidden to include it on a cold motor. Otherwise, you only shorten the service life of a car air conditioner. Knowing how to turn on the air conditioner in the winter, you will ensure that the system of long and reliable performance. And by the summer you will die from the odor of mold that has formed due to downtime in the winter.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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