Carrot Vita Longa: a description of the variety characteristics, taste, cultivation


2018-03-24 11:50:20




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It is Difficult to meet the garden, the beds of which there is no carrot. After all, without this vegetable is impossible to prepare tasty dishes, it is indispensable for the prevention of many diseases and maintaining health, as it has a number of nutrients. To date, displayed many varieties of this culture, one of which is the carrot Vita Longa. What are the characteristics of vegetable and how to grow it, read the article.


Carrot Vita Longa – culture of the Dutch selection. It is suitable for growing on the territory of Russia, Moldova, Ukraine. It argued that at the core of the carrots are all the most harmful substances. But this varieties the core is poorly expressed as it attracts many gardeners. Taste of carrot cultivar Vita Longa, in the opinion of gardeners, superb. The roots are very sweet, juicy, rather large and thick with a slightly pronounced ribbed surface. Their weight is 0.5 kg, although the average weight-250 g, length-30 cm and more. Carrots have a conical shape blunt tip and the orange color of the pulp and the core. The leaves have a high outlet. They have a dark green color and moderately dissected plate. At the root of three parts:

  • The Head is attached rosettes of leaves.
  • Neck, on which there are no roots.
  • The Root, which represents the largest part of the root.

carrot Vita Longa

If the damage is the main root of the awakened kidneys form new roots with a certain amount of power. Begins development of a branched root. To prevent process it is important to identify the cause of the damage to the main root. It can be:

  • Excess or lack of substances to which carrot is the most sensitive. Such additives to improve the soil is fresh manure or other organic matter in excessive doses, which contribute to the process of branching of roots.
  • Damage by pests that were not timely destroyed and spawned in large amounts.
  • When weeding and thinning that could have damaged the roots, they're at the vegetable are very tender.

Carrot cultivar Vita Longa: features

This culture is characterized by the following indicators:


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  • Late ripening. From planting to harvesting is 160 days.
  • High yield. With a land area of one meter square is possible to collect 6.5 kg of carrots.
  • Low carotene content.
  • Resistance to defeat diseases, damage, pests and mechanical means.
  • Long-term storage without loss of quality.
  • Good transportability.
  • Lack of tendency to cracking of roots.
  • Is Used for the production of juices and food for children.
  • Carrot Vita Longa is of interest to specialists engaged in industrial cultivation of culture.

Carrot cultivar Vita Longa

Preparation of seed

To obtain high crops of carrots with great taste, you need the seeds before planting to prepare. The steps in the procedure follows:

  • Bought or self-harvested seeds need to be soaked in water at room temperature for a period of two to three hours.
  • After that remove the seeds from the water and spread in a single layer on a damp cloth.
  • On Top of planting material is covered by another piece of damp cloth.
  • Everything is done in the room. Seeds are periodically shuffled.
  • Dry cloth should be wetted using a spray bottle.
  • Need to wait, when there will be swelling and prokleivanie seeds.
  • After that they were quenched, which was placed in a refrigerator for a period of eight to ten days.
  • After the procedure of conditioning the seeds ready for planting in the ground.

Carrot cultivar Vita Longa specifications

How to increase the germination rate?

For a quick germination of the seeds during their preparation for planting experienced gardeners use a variety of techniques:

  • The Water in which you soaked the seeds, replace the ash with a solution: a spoonful of a substance per liter of liquid.
  • Make sparging, i.e. seeds soaked in water saturated with oxygen. In this case, the germination rate is increased, and the first shoots appear before six to eight days. The essence of the procedure in the following. A small container filled with solution with addition of potassium permanganate or boric acid to 2/3 parts. It lowered the tube from the compressor for aquarium. A simple system is activated for 24 hours.
  • Feedback from experienced growers, great heat treatment. To do this, seeds are placed in a heated to 50 OWith water. Stand for 20 minutes, taken out and quickly immersed in cold water for a short time, about five minutes.
  • Germination can be accelerated with the help of putting seeds in the soil. To do this, they placed in a bag made of fabric and buried in soil at a depth of 12-15 cm, they are There for ten days. Then seeds are removed and planted in open ground to a permanent place of growth.

Landing Place

On the correct choice of land for carrots depends on its growth, development and yield. For plant matter the lighting, soil, plants, neighbors, and care possible while ensuring the approach to landings. The bed should not satanarsa higher plants. The site chosen is such that throughout the day he covered the sunrays. In case of their lack, the yield falls to 30 %.

Carrot Vita Longa cultivation

A Carrot is preferable to plant in fertile soil with good air permeability. Ideal for the growth of this vegetable are loam, black soil, sandy loam, cultivated podzolic and peat soils. The vegetable grows well in soils with neutral acidity. Carrot Vita Longa, for reviews agriculture and forestry does not tolerate stagnant water, which is directly related to its taste. The root becomes tasteless or sickly-nasty.

When growing any crop it is important to observe the crop rotation, that is rotation of plantings on the site. Best precursors for carrots are such representatives of solanaceous crops like potatoes and tomatoes. Very good effect on the soil provide growing earlier in this section of pumpkin: squash, cucumbers and legumes.

Most novice gardeners wonder whether you can plant carrots after carrots? The Answer is simple – no. This is due to the fact that the soil at the depth of roots together with roots of carrots grown exhausted in the previous season. Can I plant carrots after carrots? Of Course not. Planted a vegetable on the same plot will be affected by the same diseases and be damaged by the same pests that in the past year. It is unlikely these vegetables you can wait for a good harvest even in the best care. You should not plant carrots after the parsley, dill, cumin, parsnip, since these crops suffer similar diseases.

Carrot Vita Longa reviews

Planting carrots

This vegetable is undemanding in cultivation, but to receive high yields you must follow certain rules:

  • The Optimal timing of sowing is end of April - beginning of may.
  • Before you start planting seeds, you should grind hands. It is necessary to remove from the surface of the bristles.
  • The Soil for planting to align and loosen.
  • Across the bed to make furrows to a depth of two centimeters at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
  • In the furrows to put the seeds in five centimeters from one another, and covered with soil.

Seedlings appear in two weeks. That they are not choked by weeds, and the soil retained moisture and its surface had a peel, crops should be covered with foil and press down with stones to avoid being swept away by the wind. On shoots that appeared in a short period of frost, lowering the temperature is not affected. But if the cold will last for a long time, increasing the root will cease to develop tsvetochnoe.

Tips on growing

Vegetable Growers with a wide experience of cultivation of carrots suggest:

  • Carrot Vita Longa to implement in the soil, which should be loose, not only on surface but also at depth.
  • Feeding of fresh manure at the root is invalid. This can lead to tsvetushnosti and branching of roots. Harm and excess nitrogen in the soil. Tissue vegetables get bitter, they accumulate a lot of nitrates.
  • Soil in the planting carrot must be sealed with the rink boards or just with your hands.
  • Simultaneously with the weeding of root crops responsible for their ridging, whereby the head will not turn green, and the root – bitter taste.

Can I plant carrots after carrots


Carrot cultivar Vita Longa is unpretentious vegetable. When leaving it is important to periodically water the plants and pull weeds, thin out planting and loosening the soil. The most important period is the emergence. You have to keep on the surface of the soil appeared the crust. To do this, hold loosening of soil using a rake, this is especially important after a rain.

A Mandatory procedure, without which the carrot will not grow, is watering. A lot of moisture needed for the plants during the period when seeds germinate, especially if they are planted without any preparation. Procedure watering should be done carefully, given the location of the seeds close to the surface, otherwise they can just wash. Germination will be too long or the seeds will not germinate. For watering it is better to use the spray.

Advantages and some disadvantages

Carrot Vita Longa has the following advantages:

  • Good quality.
  • Small storage losses.
  • Resistance to diseases of various fungi.
  • Good taste.
  • Undemanding to growing conditions.

Carrot cultivar Vita Longa palatability

The disadvantages:

Some flaws in the characterization of this culture includes, but is not a real cons, and features of the class:

  • Carrot Vita Longa is very sweet and juicy.
  • Its keeping quality is not the highest among the vegetables of this type.


Depending on the conditions in which contains carrots, loss weight different:

  • In a sandy environment – 5.2 percent.
  • In the boxes of wood or plastic – 4,6 %.
  • Plastic bags – 3,5 %.

When storing vegetables only 1 % of roots completely lose their quality and unfit for consumption. Carrots are often infected by white rot. If the vegetables are stored in packages – up to 24 %, in boxes of any material – 15 %.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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