The processing of grapes in the fall from a disease. How to handle the grapes in the fall?


2018-05-11 10:00:51




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As with any cultivated plant, in autumn the grapes have to be carefully prepared for the winter. In addition to supplements, the last of watering and weeding, vine is treated against various pests. On how to perform this operation correctly, and will be discussed later in the article.

Classification of drugs used for the treatment of the grapes

What and how is the processing of grapes in the fall from illnesses, try to understand later. First, let's see what all drugs can be used for the treatment of vines, and in some cases. Such tools, in fact there are many. However, it can be classified into several major groups:

  • Insecticides. Used to combat such pests as aphids, butterflies, caterpillars, beetles.
  • Acaricides. Used for destroying ticks.
  • Fungicides. Used to combat infectious diseases and their prevention.

processing grapes in the fall from diseases

Preventive treatment

Processing of the grapes in the fall from disease may prevent this plant from a lot of trouble next season. Even in that case, if the vine is healthy, preventive spraying is to hold. One of the most popular means of all, to prevent infectious diseases of cultivated plants, the fungicide is copper sulphate. It was his solution (usually one percent) and processed the grapes in the fall. Sometimes the plants sprayed with Bordeaux liquid. This is the same solution of copper sulphate, but milk of lime (for 75 gr. lime 1% sulphate).


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feeding grapes autumn

Treatment of the grapes from oidium

Processing of the grapes in the fall from disease – event required not only to prevent, but in that case, if the vines in the warm period of time was sick of some fungal or viral diseases. For example, in this period it is possible to treat the plants against such infection as oidium. This unpleasant and dangerous disease affects all green parts of the vine. The infection develops usually in summer, in dry and hot weather. The main symptoms of powdery mildew are white powdery coating on the buds. Affected parts of the plant after some time, begin to dry and fall off. The berries crack. From plants with an unpleasant smell of rotten fish.

the processing of grapes in autumn

What to do with the grapes in the fall, to deliver him from this trouble? Winters the fungus that causes powdery mildew, scales under the grape buds. To prevent recurrence of the disease in the spring, should make spraying the same plants with copper sulfate. To make treatment it is best to cover grapes. Thus it is necessary to use a 4-5% aqueous solution. Spraying is carried out, trying to distribute the liquid evenly on the landing. Instead of copper, you can take less poisonous and dangerous vitriol. Autumn spraying against oidium occasionally and 3%-s ' solution of nitrofen.

A Method for preparing an aqueous solution of copper sulfate

To make a one per cent solution of copper sulphate, need 10 liters of water dissolve 100 gr. this substance. If you need 4% – 400 g, respectively. Do not pour powder in a bucket at once. First pour the warm water in half-liter jar. Pour the vitriol in there and stir well. Pour the resulting solution into a bucket. Stirring constantly, add water until until it is filled.

what to do with the grapes in autumn

How to work with a copper sulfate solution?

So, we have learnt, what should be the processing of grapes in the fall from a disease. Now let's see how to do it correctly. Copper sulphate, as already mentioned – the substance is toxic to the human body is very harmful. So you spray them with plants can only be taking some personal precautions. Work in rubber gloves and spray the mixture only in the direction of the wind.

maiden grapes in autumn

As a result of improper handling may suffer and plants. To the branches not appeared burns, spraying should be done in cool weather. Sometimes in the autumn afternoon air is heated to quite high temperatures. In this case, processing should be done in the morning or evening, or wait a few days before lowering the temperature.

How to handle the grapes in the fall yet?

Since September, the air outside is much colder still warmed the earth from the vines starts the outflow of nutrients from above-ground parts to the roots. It is possible to see the reduction of sugar content in the grapes. This natural process you should use in order to feed the plants. To do this 2-3 times for September were treated with a solution of potassium. You can apply kristalin or potassium sulfate in the amount of 20 gr. per 10 liters of water.

Feeding grapes fall

The Fruiting rather weakens the vine. If you do not take certain measures, the plants will take a bad cold and the next year will not give good harvest. One of the ways to strengthen the grapes are fertilizing and mulching. It is best to fertilize the grapes in the fall well-rotted manureor compost. Too deep fertilizer are to be applied. You can even just mulch with manure the soil around the trunks.

Fertilizing grapes in the autumn should be carried out only after it is removed all the leaves. The fact that it can spend the winter a huge number of different pests. The leaves need raking into piles and burned.

What else to do in the fall?

In Addition, the preparation of the grapes for the winter must include such an event as pruning. From the vine is necessary to remove debilitating old, diseased and damaged shoots. Too much to crop plants is not necessary. This applies particularly to grapes growing in the regions with a harsh climate. In this case, the vines need to leave the so-called “backup” shoots. If the variety is not frost, the grapes should also cover the spruce branches. For insulation you can use the straw. Sometimes grapes covered with plastic film or roofing material. In the latter case the planting of a special backup with a maximum height of 60 cm If the construction will be higher in winter, it can carry with the wind.

What to do with the grapes in the fall yet? Of course, you should try to protect the vines and different kinds of rodents. For this purpose, under the shelter leave any poison from mice and rats. In the spring the grapes can be opened only when the temperature of the air outside warms up not less than to -5 C. Water accumulating under the roofing material or film during the thaw or spring melting need to be uninstalled.

Features of the autumn care parthenocissus

Very often for the decoration of fences, patios and arbors used unusually showy plant twine – grapes girl. In the fall (photo below for proof) this ornamental looks extremely impressive. Bright red leaves of some varieties can be a gorgeous decoration of the site.

grapes in autumn photo

Of Course, girlish grapes in the autumn, as usual, requires some care. The plant is hardy, and so shelter him, and do not need. However, prevention against various viral and fungal diseases is to hold. As usual and parthenocissus are one and the same family (and hence disease they have the same), the fall this ornamental culture can also be sprayed with a solution of copper sulphate. This will prevent the development of different kinds of pathogenic fungi and viral infections.

So now you know how to handle the grapes in the fall. Pest plants can deliver by spraying a solution of copper sulphate. The dressing makes, processing plants hydrated potassium fertilizers. In any case, when properly carried out the preparation of the autumn, the grapes have a good winter and next year will surely give a good harvest.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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