Now - 09:55:29
Each of us are supposed legal right to proper rest and adequate sleep. Rules of observance of silence regime are required to fulfill all. Now, its violation will be punished by law.
What are you talking About? About the normative act, called the new Federal Law No. 52-FZ. In today's article, we will talk about its content with the explanation of some important nuances on the example of the regime of silence in Moscow in apartment buildings in 2017.
Not every loud sound effect refers to the offences. What do we mean, talking about noise? How and by what means to fight to keep us quiet neighbors? Are there penalties here and what exactly? What is the mechanism of action of the law and what is required to know each of us on the topic of silence in the context of an apartment building?
This phenomenon is one of the most pressing problems of all residents in Metropolitan areas. People in large cities are surrounded by noise everywhere. Not get rid of him, either in the office or in transport, or in the spacious halls of the Mall. Upon returning home, any of us want only one thing - rest and absence of any irritating factors. Why are our rights and then violated?
By definition, noise is any violation of the silence. And the reasons for it may exist a lot. They can take the form of repairs (especially frequent lovers break the mode of silence during the weekend), music high volume, singing or playing musical instruments, as well as children crying or the dog barking. With noise, move furniture, or viewing TV. It occurs and the result is too loud household appliances (air conditioner or refrigerator), sudden emergencies, pyrotechnic explosions.
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Lots of loud noise happens when talking or scandals among members of his own family or neighbors behind the wall and in case of any emergencies. Haunt us and the sounds of car alarms, as well as repair and construction activities, especially in the late hours of the day. In their homes we have had a noise from traffic and road works, unloading and loading, events, urban landscaping, and industrial noises, sounds of operating the plant or those that are coming from the nightlife.
If you dream of peace, living in an apartment building, you should follow two basic rules. First, to abide by the silent rules yourself. Second, to understand the intricacies of the law of silence.
Why is it important? There are some types of noise, which affect not possible. We are talking about emergency works and liquidation of consequences of accidents and other force majeure circumstances, such as urgent investigative actions. In this case, breaking the silence move good reason, and complaining does not make sense.
In theory the law prohibits the access in the buildings housing the institutions related to the sphere of public catering (restaurant, café, or karaoke bar). But practically this provision is violated everywhere. In this case, the owner of such a duty to attend to the measures associated with the reliable sound insulation of the room.
Trouble and anxiety to tenants possible even located on the first floors of apartment buildings of beauty - for example, regular on-off of fans and other mechanisms.
The silence Mode in the repair of apartments in Moscow, the day does not prohibit work, but it is very desirable preliminary discussion of their schedule with neighbors. We should not lose sight of living in your entrance families with kids who need adequate sleep. Another problem relating to the maintenance of silence of an apartment house, - the presence of a large number of living animals. Sometimes the neighborhood dogs are able to create downright unbearable conditions, no complaints to the management company can not do.
A Rare house there is no human habitation, the problem which is alcohol addiction. In these families the abuse and scandals - normal household background. The fact that such fights can be disturbed peace all around, such tenants are almost never care. And the silence regime in Moscow for this reason suffers no less than in the province. Meanwhile, this problem does not belong to the category of irrelevant.
Such actions could be construed as disorderly conduct, and if you do not close your eyes to them, it is quite possible to achieve at least a fine. However, usually the poor fellow-neighbours such marginal elements and already know the path to your district.
And what if we are talking about a small child neighbors, regular loud cry which often irritates you? What to do in this case? Unfortunately, virtually nothing. Toddlers under the act are not subject to. The only option - a family may be dysfunctional, and the constant cry of the child shows lack of elementary sanitary and health conditions for him. In this case, the duty of the neighbours to notify the police and social services.
The Government does not leave us in the lurch. Federal law No. 52 regulates the regime of silence from 2016 in apartment houses of Moscow (and not only). He was taken in order to provide the citizens of our country. To the concept "my home is my castle" has ceased to exist for a large number of Russians in the form of abstract formulas.
The law "On regime of silence" in the Moscow region in 2017 introduced a number of amendments clarifying some important points. Now rules have to be observed both day and night period.
During the day, noise levels cannot exceed the threshold of 40 dB. To understand how it looks like in practice, enough to give a few simple comparisons. For example, a loud car alarm sounding may reach 100 dB. If you have no special device for determining the sound level, you can roughly focus on the following: threshold of 40 dB corresponds to normal human speech. If we are talking about the whispering or the ticking of the clock mechanism, the level of their vocalizations is approximately at the level of 30 dB. Little child crying with the volume of about 78 dB (average).
30 dB is the level which must not exceed the noise during the night. What hours do they treat him? C 7:00 am to 23:00 h time of day is considered, later the night. In particular, in Moscow, the repair is allowed only from 9:00 to 19:00. Inserting a drill sooner or later data readings of the dial, you will violate the established regime of silence in Moscow in 2016 legislated by the hour.
A nuisance for residents under categorical prohibition from 21 hours to 8:00 am. The silence regime in Moscow at the weekend, aimed, respectively, at the level of 22 hours and 10 o'clock in the morning. Any noise similarly prohibited and holidays (in the same time frame, and day).
Changes in the Federal law No. 52 introduced from 2017, touched holiday dates January 1st. In this day you can make noise. During the holidays, according to the new law, the silence regime is observed in Moscow on weekends.
In other regions of our country may be some options in the definition of night hours of silence. For example, to Voronezh this time lasts from 22 o'clock till 7:00 am in Yekaterinburg, it is forbidden to rustle from 23:00 to 8:00 in St.-Petersburg from 20:00 to 12:00, and in Pskov and Kazan - from 23:00 to 6:00 am.
Under the new law, the regime of silence from 2017 in Moscow and Moscow region shall be respected every weekday evening from 21 hours to 8:00 am, and in weekends from 22:00 to 10:00 am. This corresponds to the above figures relating to the overall Federal time limit.
The silence Regime in Moscow and in weekend and weekdays prohibits noise of any kind between the hour of the day and three. At this time is not allowed loud music or TV, to engage in the relocation of furniture or repair work, otherwise the consequences could be quite serious. That is, to solve your household and other concerns residents have within the permissible sound level determined by the legislation of the watch.
On which objects subject to the law on silence mode? These include first of all the totality of premises, as well as courtyards, entrances and playgrounds. Here we are talking about institutions for temporary stay. That is, hospitals, nursing homes, hospitals, etc., and country homes.
To Defend their own right to silence is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Legal aid here, perhaps, is not required. Enough to carefully study the provisions of the law referred to take action.
You Should know where to go in case of need, in addition to law enforcement, the duty of which is to ensure compliance with the silence regime in Moscow and other cities and towns. To address this issue on duty and management companies, the task of which is to provide tenants with optimal living conditions, and the authorities responsible for the lack of violations in the observance sanitary-epidemiological norms and judicial authorities.
What actions can you recommend to combat troublemakers in the context of an apartment building? The first and most simple remedy is to talk to the neighbors and explain that they create others problems. In the absence of understanding you can proceed to call the police outfit and applying in the address of the precinct. Other quite effective tools is the direction of the complaint to the management company and the options to appeal to the authorities and the court.
Before you call the police make sure that there is a crime structure. Namely, the sounds interfere with people. After all the noise to the number of offences does not apply. If in addition you suffer and other neighbors, should join forces for a joint struggle. The chances of success in this case repeatedly rise - all institutions in our country, collective applications are considered faster and more readily than of individual character. In addition, the performance of an organized group able to bring the problem to public attention and cause resonance.
Pre-trial methods of solving problems areamong the most common. Broken silence - go with application to the CPS. This specialized organization is obliged to control the observance of consumer rights of the population. Silence refers to the data of sanitary-epidemiological nature, level, and the fact of its violation, it is possible to measure by physical methods.
If the limit of noise prescribed by the law, your neighbours are regularly disturbed, then it becomes a real option of calling the representatives of this organization to carry out the necessary examination. The disadvantage is the relatively high cost, but in the case of winning the case in court, costs will be compensated by the perpetrators.
Residents may be issued a free-form statement. On the basis of its employees of the organization must be drawn up, fixing an administrative violation. As the response needs to be conducted to fix the level of noise, which is reflected in the final act of closing.
To Start, of course, should be peaceful and polite conversation with the "enemy", that is creating inconvenience to neighbors. The conversation should not go beyond the bounds of decency and to be in correct, the best official tone. Because neighbors are those people with whom you have to live for more than one year. Psychologist's advice in this case - not to join in such a conversation, being in a state of irritation, which could lead to a serious flare-up of conflict. If the facts of infringement of your rights by neighbours have taken place not once or twice, to stand on ceremony with them should not be.
In common parlance, most people in our country almost nothing is known about the output of the said act. It is because in case any noise should not immediately rush to call the police. It is likely that a peaceful solution to the problem is quite real. Warn your neighbors, indicate that they violate the silence in the house, give a reference to the paragraph of the law.
If the results of verbal persuasion leave much to be desired, you can move on to more drastic measures. The police called by numbers 02 from a landline and 112 from mobile phones. If you want to achieve a specific result and not just scare the neighbors, can't warn them about the expected departure of guards. Let this event will catch them by surprise - law enforcement officers it is important to give the opportunity to verify the existence of the offence, to fix it documented in a Protocol. If this does not happen, your efforts will go down the drain.
However, some offenders may calm the mere threat of calling the police. So the best solution in each case - it is purely individual.
Come on call the police records the exceeding of the noise and reflects it in the relevant act. Then the case goes to the district. The duty to arrange a conversation with the offenders under the prevention of further recurrences. If the law is ignored regularly, the neighbors have every right to be fined.
To Contact the district can and you personally. This should get to him and apply, which will be signed by all disgruntled neighbors. Collective turnout for the filing of such complaints is not required.
At the same time the tenants of an apartment building it makes sense to pay a visit to the HOA or management company with complaints of the same content. The result, especially of hard struggle can become even forced eviction of the noisy neighbour on the basis of regular violations of the law. Although it should be clarified that the solution to this problem is impossible without a court order.
In any case, the key to success is perseverance and a strong desire to bring to an end a fair fight for your legal right.
If none of the above methods to no avail, there is only the option to appeal to the courts. The filing of a claim requires supporting documents. Guiding statements in the SES, housing office, HOA, district, place yourself second copies. This evidence base, which will need to demonstrate in a courtroom. It consists of copies of all the statements of the examination report to identify the volume level of the noise, the testimony of witnesses. Very good audio and video coming from the neighbors sounds. The video should be recorded the time of day when the noise occurred.
Most Often, by results of consideration of such a lawsuit, the court appoints a penalty in the address. A more serious measure to seek is its compulsory eviction. But, unfortunately for plaintiff, this rule applies only to tenants. When it comes to ownership of property, eviction according to the law impossible.
A Statement on the violation of silence regime in Moscow (or any other city), addressed to the district, written in his presence. For this there are ready-made forms. In case of difficulties with filling them with the district may have to help you. If there is no time or opportunity for personal visits, such Declaration may be written at home and mailed. The same applies to appeals in any similar structure.
Form of drawing up the application - free. According torules of registration of any business document, it is written in the first person simple and clear language, without the use of complex literary forms. Since the appeal, it is among the official, the writing style needs to be appropriate. Is a statement from several parts of the entry (commonly called a cap), the main text that contains meaning, and concluding with date and signature.
A Written application may be by hand, and typed on the computer. Do not forget to check the main details - name and address as recipient and the Complainant, the name of the document, the essence of the formulated problem, signature and date. If you make such a paper alone does not work, the sample download on the Internet - this now no problem. In this case, you will avoid possible inaccuracies and get the correct basis for the appeal to the district.
In the upper left corner the full name of police Department that receives your document, with the name of the district. Below - details of the applicant (name, contact phone number, address and email). The contents must consist of the description of the problem with fixing at the time. Be sure to cite references on points of law, the violation of which took place.
The Result of this part should be the presentation of the request, that is, the enumeration of those actions that are required from the district. The optimal size of the document - no more than one or one and a half pages. You should not turn it into a school essay (this does not apply to the observance of grammatical rules). By all means avoid the use of vulgar or vulgar revs, not to mention obscenities.
The Statement must not contain insults against the offenders, as well as subjective value judgments. The style of presentation must be dry, concrete, exclusively business to emphasize respect for the letter of the law and specific law enforcement officials.
The required elements of the statement date and your signature, next to the last required transcript in the form of a surname completely. If necessary, complete the statement with a list of applications that you are willing to provide photo and video materials, audio recordings, etc. As any other document, your appeal must be registered. Don't forget to follow through.
What to expect do not comply with the silence regime in Moscow region in 2016? This involves the administrative. The usual measure of sanctions for such misconduct - a penalty fee. The size of his in recent times has grown considerably. According to the articles of the law, police officers must first be issued a warning. In the absence of reactions to it should be fine.
Being Punished for breaking the law of silence in our country can be both physical and legal persons. The difference is more the amount of the fine levied with the latter. If your noisy neighbor will pay the amount of 500 rubles., the organization or individual can be fined up to 40 000 RUB. in Addition to them, there are more serious consequences. The court may order the organization to cease work activities during the three month period.
The Figures given above do not apply to cities of Federal significance. The silence regime in Moscow and the cultural capital is "worth" more. In St. Petersburg, violators will have to fork out more than in the regions. The ordinary citizen "shines" to pay from 500 up to 4 000 rubles from his own pocket, a legal person - up to 50 000 RUB In case of repeated violations, the amount will increase even more.
More so fined for the violation of silence regime in the Moscow region and in the capital. Penalties could leverage a company or organization in a wide range - from 10 000 RUB to 300 000 RUB., job description the person will part with the amount of 500 to 40 000.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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