Form of human activity: art, creativity. Development and forms of artistic creativity


2019-04-30 20:00:33




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Form of human activity, artistic creation – these concepts in the light of social identity of the individual is associated with conditions that are more or less reflect his credo. The goals and needs consistent with the objective laws of reality in the context of the socio-historical postulates.

form human activities art

Progress in the spiritual realm

Artistic human creativity reflects mainly its creative activity, although sometimes there is a substitution of values. And in this case to the forefront of destruction, destroying stereotypes and aggressive frees up space for the new. The diversity of creative activity allows you to combine some of my life priorities.

Certain types of artistic creativity turned to progressive change in the spiritual realm, others, on the contrary, focused on the logistical and practical side of public life. In any case, the advantage of the creative aspirations of man are obvious, the question is only to guide them in the right direction and optimize the parameters.

Technological progress

Some aspects of artistic creation can be universal and be applied in different spheres of public life. Separately can be considered technical work, which has given the steam engine, automobiles, lasers, space rockets. Of course, material values could not form by themselves – they arise as a result of joint efforts of specialists from different areas. Moreover, technological progress would be impossible without the scientific work which became the basis of many projects of global significance.


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This form of human activity-artistic creation –is multifaceted. The organic combination of different activities helped to achieve significant results in industry, in the production of numerous goods in the economy as a whole. In the result of the dedicated efforts of many skilled professionals has become a real emergence of civilized methods of organization of production capacity in the whole country and, as a result of this activity – wealth necessary for the normal existence of society and its further development.

art of man

The most Important area of human creativity are literature, painting, theatre and cinema, music and singing. Conventional delineation of these areas does not exclude their interaction, and sometimes even involves the synthesis. For example, a combination of technical and artistic creativity became the basis for the emergence of the design profession. But such a laborious occupation, as the film industry demanded a strong technical base and got it-on the film industry today employs thousands of plants and a variety of techcentral.

The Most common form of human activity-artistic creation – a vast field for the many thousands of projects involving art, technology, science. Some of these developments are long-term and evolve over the years. Such projects are especially effective. Other projects short-term, but are necessary for successful social development.

Social work

Public relations involves a number of special functions focused on the development of artistic creativity, and the next stage – and material production. The result of these and similar actions can become a significant progress in infrastructure development. The category of social creativity can be attributed to the actions of a political nature, educational and even religious.

The actions of public orientation can be collective or individual, nationwide, state, national. Creativity within society is usually accompanied by a certain responsibility for the final result. This may be the election campaign, technical standardization, the creation of new forms of public life. In the process of formation of new entities, defining the mentality of the population, there may be some slowdown, but it will only benefit, since the quality of change will replace the number.

artistic creativity in the middle group

Surprising is the fact that the artist and scientist have much in common. Not every painter or sculptor can rise to the level of true art, moreover, the path to artistic heights often continues for many years. Only persistence and professionalism can be the key to success. Similarly, the scientist is able to achieve considerable success in his research with dedication. History knows many examples, when talented surgeon did a unique operation, saving a man's life. In such a case his skills – it is also an art.

Highest level

Sometimes the word "art" used as a synonym for artistic creation. It's wrong or not quite right. Forms of artistic creativity Assume a precise definition. Just as it is impossible for scientific creativity to identify witha science and should not compare art with art. However, the division into categories is purely arbitrary, because the painter is constantly being improved in your case. Sooner or later there comes a time when his paintings become signs of true art, and he himself becomes the true master. Most often it happens with works in the category of "folk art". The artistic merit of a painting or sculpture is based primarily on the traditions that are inextricably linked with art.

Artistic creativity of man brings entire Nations, it serves as a means of live communication between people. And in a deeper sense becomes the connecting link between generations gone and now living. Thus, there is continuity in social development. The art is always figurative, while science follows the logic and empirical concepts. Follow these rules any artistic action and the art – any sphere or area. Art usually has a flexible nature, however, there are times when it becomes undisputed and requires strict compliance with certain rules.

art of man

Art and history

In the process of artistic cognition is the reflection of reality expands and becomes deeper acquaintance of man with various aspects of life. Many works of art reflect images of a certain era. From them we learn about society, social structure, historical value of certain events. Writers try to carefully convey authenticity and doing it in a manner captivating narration, while the historian prefers to present the same events in the form of indisputable facts. Russian philosopher Nikolai Chernyshevsky in his time, wrote: "the Story tells of the life of mankind, and art – about the life of a person."

Academics and art

Another difference between scientific and artistic creation, is to evaluate their results. Features of artistic creativity lies in certain characteristics. The weight of a scientific theory is determined by its objectivity, it will never contain personal opinions. The scientist, the knower of reality, is trying to avoid subjectivity, he is guided only by facts and can not afford art retreats.

In art, everything is different – creativity begins where the scientist stopped the others, at the point of knowing the truth. The basic form of human activity-art, creativity, manifesting In various spheres of public life, contributing to the development of new areas in any field. Characteristically, science melds with art when you need it. The process of mutual penetration takes place organically, without the slightest tension or conflict. As a rule, the Union of these two seemingly distant from each other the system gives results immediately.

Especially notable is the fruit of interaction between science and art, if, for example, in a theatrical setting uses a specific philosophical orientation, or at least used analytical interpretation. This is when the piece needs a deeper development of the plot. This does not always happen, for example, theatrical productions of the plays of the great Russian playwright Anton Chekhov do not need additional philosophic, as initially configured by the viewer on a deep understanding of the plot. But modern works frequently contain no depth, no meaning, and the Director has to call on the help of science, in order to enrich the content, to make the action more interesting by the scientific-philosophical approach.

artistic creativity in the older group


The Difference is deepened by the fact that scientific creativity is based primarily on the theoretical thinking and art – on an emotional perception of reality, hence the difference in the methods of reflection. Both artist and scientist try to put the events into separate pieces to better analyze them, but the ultimate goals are different. Experimenting one and the other, but the degree of responsibility in this disparate. And if scientific work is the dialectic of generalization it is assumed in the form of abstract, sometimes abstract concepts in art there is a script that sometimes contains elements of surprise, but mostly coherent.

Common ground observed in the mapping technology and the arts in terms of mutual complement, although initially the impression of their remoteness. Technical creativity a priori aimed at creating material values, while in art the material components are conditional and are only present in certain types. The relationship of opposites is evident, and it is organic in nature. With this favorable scenario we can expect good results, and they will not wait long.

a specific human activity of artistic creativity manifested

Craft andart

However, the connection between art and technology is undeniable. This trend can be traced in the origin of the term. The Greek "techne" ("technology") means "craftsmanship", "skill". The main form of human activity-artistic creativity manifested in different areas – contributes to the development of both equipment and art.

Mastery of any form involves a thorough knowledge of the subject. Thus, the line between craft and art becomes negligible. In Ancient Greece, the master called everyone who fully mastered their craft. Currently there is a perception that the technique in the philosophical sense, is the source of art. There are some types of creative activity, which is impossible without technical support. An example is theater arts, which is closely associated with various behind-the-scenes mechanisms providing activity of the scene and driven by the sets and other devices.

Children's art

The Younger generation – the little painters and sculptors, their creative abilities are developing at a rapid pace in pre-school institutions under the supervision of teachers. There are certain programs that promote the personal growth of the child. Artistic creativity in the middle group of kindergarten kids opens wide opportunities for knowledge of the fundamental criteria of painting, sculpting and other fine arts. Every educator knows that such a NODE. The acronym stands for "direct educational activities."

The Programme "artistic creativity" in the children's garden blends seamlessly with the global standards of the GBR. While methodologists of kindergartens is successfully used its own design, focused on the development of the child.

Artistic creativity in the middle group of the kindergarten – this is the main pastime of the younger generation. The most popular is a pencil drawing. Children love to put on lawn, houses on the grass, mom and dad, beloved dog and much more. For sculptural children's creativity the main material is clay (mixed colors, in easy boxes). Creative educators can offer their wards to combine drawing and sculpting. The result of this experiment will be children's art work in 3D when against a painted house appears plasticine figures similar to dad and mom.

In recent years the children's work is increasingly leaning towards the technical means of expression. It's all kinds of transformers, modules, constructors. Technical sets for children designed in such a way that the child with their hands could build a fairly complex structure and thus have experienced the joy of creativity. To make the game more exciting, it uses a diode equipment, miniature multicolored light bulbs are completely safe, but effective.

children's artistic creativity

Art in the older group

The older Children get acquainted with more complex techniques used in the visual arts. Artistic creativity in the older group is associated with educational benefits, the child learns to distinguish between colors, shades and tones with regard to their distribution in color. In accordance with special programs children learn non-traditional drawing techniques, sculptural images. In addition to these two classic methods of children's creativity-drawing, and sculpting – there are modern games based on logical thinking of the child. With the help of a caregiver small parties to distribute among themselves the role. It begins a kind of performance. Usually action resembles a picture of real life. Children remember and what happens in one day, and then everyone imagines how it would be possible to change the events. Built a retrospective, and children "edit" his own life one day.

In the senior kindergarten group teachers also use the GCD, giving kids the opportunity to think for themselves, offer them a simple task, made on motives of fairy stories. The method is based on a fascinating virtual journey. Children "fall through the depths of the sea", where they are greeted by the underwater king, surrounded by many of his subjects, mermaids, octopus, dolphins and goldfish. Each child can choose a friend among the sea creatures, to establish a dialogue with him and chat on interesting topics. After this, the process itself of artistic creation, children may fantasize, invent roles for participation in underwater adventure.

The Basic form of human activity-artistic creation – covers all areas of life, including childcare. Organisation of events is entrusted to a professional body, and it is hoped that young artists will have the opportunity to fully Express themselves in art. It is important the process to be exciting and productive.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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