Line Manager: definition, managerial activities, tasks and functions


2020-04-13 17:20:13




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Each organization has personnel management. They include three categories of people: artists, professionals and managers. The latter, in turn, are divided into:

  • Functional, which are responsible for specific units, perform specific functions in the field of management.
  • Linear, in the heart of which lies the principle of unity of command. They are responsible for the development of the entire company or its individual parts, for example, land, shop, Association and so on.


line Manager

The line Manager is the head of a separate subdivision, commercial or industrial. Using the assigned control unit it coordinates the work of subordinate employees, the key decision-making related to the functioning of his Department (Bureau, Department, company).

The Head belongs to one of the main provisions of the company. The bigger and harder the higher requirements will be issued to the applicant for the position. People have certain management rights, duties, and norms of behavior, always behaves individually, so it is essential for everyone to be able to control his subordinates, make important decisions, and delegate authority as necessary.

Main responsibilities


Management activities of line managers implies that they must be responsible for the site entrusted to them. To do this, they must:

  • To ensure proper and smooth operation of the trusted unit to them;
  • Run a production job;
  • Properly manage the staff;
  • To improve the work of the organization, optimize it.

If the line Manager relates to their duties responsibly, able to effectively manage employees and the production process, the company has all chances to gain financial wealth and success.


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Tasks and responsibilities

site supervisor

The line Manager performs a number of functions and tasks:

  1. Monitoring of compliance with production processes; identifying and Troubleshooting.
  2. Tracking that workers adhere to work rules and discipline, following the rules of safety and labour protection.
  3. Conduct a briefing for employees; forming of teams, coordinating their activities, monitoring their skills and professionalism.
  4. Implementation of measures for the correct use of available tools and equipment, meeting the demands of industrial hygiene.
  5. One of the main duties performed by the section chief, is the acceptance of completed work.
  6. Installation and explanation of the work of production tasks, monitoring their implementation, a summary of the results.
  7. Analysis of employees, their promotion, sanctions, training; conducting of educational work, team building.
  8. Carrying out activities to improve productivity, reduce costs, improve conditions of professional activity, the dissemination of innovative experience and so on.

The Effectiveness of management activities

official status rukovodila

The Official status of the head affects its behaviour and the sequence of actions in matters relating to organizational structures and distribution of powers. He defines social and functional role of the Manager.

Effectively cope with their activities of section chief, can be estimated using some parameters:

  • Outcome Evaluation of the functioning of the organization, as well as the cost management process.
  • The Level of the organization and content of a leader's job.
  • The Rational structure of the company, its organizational and technical capacity.
  • Ability to motivate subordinates, force them to exert maximum efforts to achieve the goals.

Head section

Foreman is a linear mid-level Manager. It should have a higher vocational or secondary technical education and experience, which is at least three to five years.

This position involves the following activities:

  • Management of the shop;
  • The implementation of production tasks;
  • Improvement of used technologies;
  • Planning and accounting work;
  • Creating a safe work environment;
  • Service equipment;
  • The selection of personnel;
  • Motivation of staff;
  • Create a positive atmosphere in the team.

The foreman should be familiar with the production technology, the key organizational documents, effective methods of planning and stimulation of workers, the basics of management and Economics, rules of labor protection.

Human resource Management

management activities of line managers

The Priority of the line Manager - staff development. It is much better to do not investment in production capacity and improvement of personnel. For thisyou need to train employees, affecting the amount of skills and knowledge; improve their skills; to send people to professional reorientation.

The line Manager must:

  • To support those members of staff who are capable of learning;
  • Implement best practices;
  • To develop qualified personnel;
  • To reduce the fluidity;
  • To convince other managers of the importance of staff development.

So, heads linear type perform important tasks for the rational management of the companies or their separate divisions. They must do their utmost to increase production efficiency not only through the use of innovative technologies, but also staff development. A good leader knows the optimal time to achieve goals, motivate staff, plan and make adjustments to correctly assess the results obtained.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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