Now - 07:58:58
Each of us must have noticed on the streets of the special vending machines for coffee and tea, payment terminals for replenishment of mobile communication, systems for printing photos and more. All these devices belong to the category of "vending machines". And about them we will talk in this article.
Just want to note about vending is that it is “General” concept, which in fact includes the whole field of trade. And, of course, one article is not even worth to try to cover some details of this sector. We will describe only the most basic things in order to enter the user in the course of the case.
Let's start with the definition of "vending". What it is, you may have heard, if not - remember, the term comes from the English “vend” (“trade”). When used this concept, once should be clear that we are talking about unattended installations for trade. The term is called a whole industry in business, based on offering public goods with the help of automated systems. In our country, if compared with foreign indicators, this area is still virtually undeveloped. Therefore, employers have a real opportunity to “turn” in this field.
This kind of business obviously has its own substantial “pros”, which are to begin to engage in them. First, there is no need for a large number of staff. Since it directly interacts with the client machine, hire vendors and consultants don't need - everything you can write in special instructions and attach it to the vending equipment. Second, vending (what it is you already know) is a broad field in terms of a subspecies of the products that you offer. Let's just say using machines, anyone can distribute not only coffee drinks, but also snacks, booties, and generally anything. Plus, of course, it is possible to deliver services using mobile communication terminals. All that limits you in this area - only your imagination. Third, the vending market, as we mentioned above, today is almost unoccupied (about vending the reviews of those who already works here, this is confirmed), so there is plenty of room for original ideas and solutions. Of course, deciding to establish a new terminal for refilling, you will enter a highly competitive market, where it will be difficult to fight for the client. However, if you connect the imagination, you can come up with something original than to try to win a niche.
Of Course, such areas as vending (what it is, we already knew), there is also a "minuses". First, the high cost of commercial equipment. Here everything is clear: each unit has a set of characteristics that enable him to perform essential functions. The more complex the machine, the more expensive it is. And in order to at least try here, you must purchase (or rent) at least one camera. To the cost of “start” also add the cost of storage, transportation, installation and maintenance of your equipment, not to mention the rent. If in the case of transport and installation is clear, the maintenance of the same coffee machines is a science. You can find a lot of reviews about this business, which indicates the following: the service you provide your vending machines directly determines your future income. The time added to the new products (or ingredients)? The client could not make a purchase and left. The same applies to a situation with dirty equipment encountered a failure in the mains which the machine has shutdown, taking the buyer's money, etc. Situations could be, and you need to predict at least the most difficult of them.
Second, the downside of this business is often low margins and long payback periods. Roughly speaking, spending on the apparatus of 30-40 thousand rubles, you will need to wait another 3-4 years for them to return. However, his need to regularly to fill, check and adjust (depending on the specifics of the business). That's all had at least some sense (in terms of yield), you need to have to work at least 15-20 machines. And their content is a big job. Vending thing at all more complex than it might seem at first glance.
Third, there is a risk that consumers simply do not appreciate your camera properly (or you will not understand how (why) to use). This can happen for the reason that the service may be new to humans, it will not know howsuch work machines and so on.
If we are talking about a business like vending, a business plan here is different from what we see in other categories. It depends on a number of factors that determine whether the best the whole thing or not. The entrepreneur has to predict them, predict how each of these and other factors will affect his business.
For Example, one of them is the location of the apparatus. We all understand that the machine must be installed where there is maximum flow of people (potential customers). However, the point placement in a crowded subway or near a large shopping center gives the expected results. The purpose of the business - not just a “light” his point the maximum number of people, and to find more loyal buyers. The specificity of the sphere is such that it may be a small office environment where you work are actually regular customers.
Another factor can be called design. Agree, you would do not come to a sloppy, ugly and do not inspire confidence in the machine. Instead, each of us would prefer clean, colorful, modern machine (regardless of the category of merchandise that it offers). Therefore, if you begin to engage in such business, know that vending machines (vending instruments) should be attractive to the buyer.
Next - prices. It is necessary to calculate not only the cost of the goods and to determine their margins so that the product was not too expensive for the buyer, but to think about bills, what to pay people, and, of course, calculate how will be change.
A lot of Nuances - advertising machine, rental, resources for trade, protection, collection and logistics... All these processes somehow create more problems. Vending machines (vending in General) have a wide range of settings that you want to manage to begin to make a profit.
Of Course, in addition to the usual coffee machines and terminals there are plenty of other varieties of machines for automated trading. We can initially be divided into two categories - those that sell goods and those that carry out the provision of services to the end client.
The First group is subdivided into three industries (for its specificity) is the implementation of prepared food or beverages (coffee, soda, popcorn, etc.); selling snacks (foods in packages, candy bars, cookies), as well as implementation of any other commodity (flowers, Shoe covers, etc.).
The Second group, which consists of vending - coffee machines for the provision of services. It is difficult to carry out some split, because there is a huge list of types of services by using terminal. The first thing that comes to mind in most cases - replenishment of accounts of mobile phones, the Internet and other things. Through terminals it is possible to pick-up shipments (postomaty) to pay for Parking, to take a turn and so on.
Now briefly characterize the features that is included in each of the categories.
Perhaps the most busy industry in this area because of its profitability. If the terminal is at the level of 50-60 thousand rubles, he is able to recapture the money invested fast enough (you only need to choose the operator with which you carried out the job and receive referral fees). The main trick is to position the machine within reach a large audience. Now that the terminals are popping up like mushrooms, one caveat is competition. You need to make close to your people didn't use the other terminals (which is probably quite a lot), and this is a technology of vending. What is it? It's all kinds of so-called chips. For example, set the minimum fee or equip a more comfortable place for working with machine, than the competition. Figure out how to attract the attention of a passer-by and still get him to do completion.
In the market of the coffee trade is also the situation is not very simple. The machine appeared on our streets for a long time, and then grew to a large network of companies serving a few thousand units. As you know, confront them on the issue of the cost of purchasing useless - such structures can set lower prices, offering high quality service. And the price of the coffee machine is higher than for the same payment terminal. So be prepared for hard work and application of new original ideas to attract customers. Correctly pick up coffee forvending (which it should be for variety, you can learn only after carrying out some practical tests and experiments).
In Less occupied niche can be called the sale of candy bars and other packaged products. However, again, the cost of vehicles to trade them in the order above, than in the case of coffee machines and terminals. And to compete with the startup of such a business will have with other vendors, and cafes, cafeteria and buffet - depending on where you will install the device and that it will sell.
To Earn here, you can, but only after applying some settings of the whole business. And to think, what to trade (other than bars), not so difficult. For example, you can implement contraceptives in places where young people (clubs, bars and pubs); or to offer disposable Shoe covers on the first floors of hospitals. Each of these examples has been working, but if in your city this is not, you just have to try!
The provision of services in this business, like auto manufacturing, it's just untilled field (especially in Russia). Everything you run is the idea and the corresponding vending equipment. And you can come up with a draft apparatus in any direction. From the most innovative you may recall, for example, about the terminal to print a photo from "Instagram": the user enters account information, finds a picture and puts it in print.
Abroad similar machines on the streets - thousands, whereas in Russia there are only the first tentative steps in this direction. Whether they will develop enough to and we had a “revolution vending machines”, difficult to say. The original system (vending machine) - tens of thousands of rubles for the issue, and perhaps hundreds for the creation of the design and development of all kinds of drawings. Not everyone is ready to allocate the funds on an experimental branch.
We talked of the most General, basic concepts and categories that apply in the field of vending. Now let's focus on how to count your possible income in this business. For this you need to be focused on vending business plan.
It needs to include: estimated sales (daily), the number of workers for the day, the cost of raw materials and maintenance of machinery, rental rate, the final cost of the finished product. Putting all these indicators that you receive a sales plan for the subsequent time. Following it, you will have the opportunity to recoup their investment over a certain period (which it is also customary to specify in the business plans).
For Example, we have a coffee machine worth 120 thousand rubles. We put it in the business center, where rental costs are another 500 rubles. In addition, we take cups, coffee, sugar and stirrers - let all it will cost the cost at the level of 4-5 rubles a glass; we plan to sell for 20. Maintenance of the machine will be, say, 400 rubles per month. Consider: in 25 working days and 30 sales per day, we can earn about 15 thousand roubles (the total income). Of these, about 3750 roubles will be spent on raw materials, 500 on rent and 400 on maintenance (left 10350 roubles). Minus 2 thousand of taxes will be about 12 years payback of the machine. Increasing sales, achieving reduction of the purchase price - and the figures change significantly.
Is There a future for the vending market? Of course. The farther, the more urgent becomes the question of automation, simplifying processes, bringing in less energy-intensive resources. With this in mind, the business in this field becomes an opportunity for everyone to demonstrate their abilities to the analysis and forecasting and, thus, begin to show their entrepreneurial skills. And who knows, maybe your success in the field of vending machines is not far off!
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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