Review and rating of industrial washing machines. What are the industrial washing machines for laundries


2020-05-23 08:20:17




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Industrial washing machines differ from consumer models in that in most cases have better performance and other modes and cycles of operation. Of course, it should be noted that even with the same technical settings professional model will cost significantly more. A little later you will understand why it is so. Industrial washing machines used in laundries, hotels, restaurants and cafes. In General, they are almost everywhere where you need a lot to wash.industrial washing machines

What are the differences between professional and household washing machines

Let's face it, what is the fundamental difference between the units. Industrial washing machines are designed for continuous operation without interruption. For example, some models can work without rest for 5-8 hours. At the same time, household model cannot be used. Usually they last several washings a day, otherwise it may burn out the motor, or the protection is activated, which just will not turn on the unit. You need to understand that the drive belt is a professional model more robust and durable. As mentioned a few above, they differ, and performance. If the average household model is to load 5-10 pounds, professional – to 20-25 lbs. it is Easy to conclude that the engine power is very different. Well, now let's move on.

Industrial washing machines

Most modern companies produce multiple types of professional models. Such a need appeared for a long time and it is due to higher engine capacity and other factors. There are the following types:

  • Directly a washing machine – require installation of special Foundation. This type of machine has the function of pressing, which is implemented using a centrifuge. Differ affordable price.
  • Patesserie – are characterized by the presence of the active damper system. It is needed for damping vibration that occurs during spinning linen. This approach allows immediately after washing and spinning to send lingerie in the tumble dryer.
  • Barrier washing machines – designed for use in hospitals and other healthcare enterprises, as well as in large industrial organizations. This is due to the large loading mass, which in some models can reach 240 pounds. In addition, such models are almost completely automated.

industrial washing machine with dryer

Industrial washing machines “Vyazma”

This manufacturer is quite well known. The company is well established, and today its products are in high demand. Currently “Malin" produces a 4-line professional models of: washer extractors, aggregates a series of "VEGA" series “Lotus”, as well as washer-extractors, barrier-type. Well, now a little deeper into the specifications and features of products of the company «Vyaz'ma”. For example, the aggregates washing extractors have stainless steel housing, tank and drum. All the machine line has the function of pressing, which is carried out at speeds of up to 1 000 Rev/min residual humidity is not more than 50%, so the Laundry can immediately load for drying. Design all the cars suspension, most models have a large number of automatic programs (up to 99 pieces). In addition, you can customize and create your own.


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A Brief review of several popular models

One of the most professional high quality washing machines is considered to be ASKO. This Swiss company produces only high-quality equipment. For example, “Debacle” WMC64P 8 kg is in high demand. The number of advantages of the machine quite extensively: electric heating, microprocessor control and interface, the spin – 1 400 rpm, and lack of attachment to the floor. The machine has 22 programmes with flexible settings, which makes it so popular.

industrial washing machine for 25 kgAnother company, known throughout the world – DANUBA (USA). The most popular machine series WED download-from 13 to 120 pounds. It is noteworthy that any such industrial washer-extractor has a large number of programs (84 pieces). In addition, units of this line are known for their wet cleaning. All machines are equipped with electric or steam heat and are guaranteed against manufacturer – 24 months. And now, let's discuss a TOP industrial models.

Rating washing machines

According to consumers, is the first product of the LG company that is a leader in professional models. The most popular model WD-1069BD3S. For the relatively small size of the drum it is very spacious (100 litre), energy and water consumption thus belong to the low class, which allows significant savings.

In second place is the industrial washing machine 25kg in series "VEGA". The unit is designed for washing, rinsing and drying in automatic mode. The machine can work all day without breaks.Residual humidity of linen is 68%, which allows not to use a centrifuge and send linen from the drying machine. It is worth noting that the "VEGA-25" has a variable-frequency drive ensures a smooth acceleration and deceleration.washing machine industrial

Third place is a professional washing machine manufacturer's Alliance, a cost of 160 000 roubles. This unit is characterized by its simplicity. Despite the fact that there are only 6 wash programs, everything you need is here. There is a function for door locks and microprocessor control. Drum capacity 10.2 kg, made of stainless steel. Doorway custom – wide, for easy loading/unloading of linen.

Industrial washing machines for laundries “Whirlpool”

Not to mention the Whirlpool company, which is engaged in the production of household and industrial equipment. Distinctive feature of the organization – high quality and precision products. This extends to industrial washing machines. Despite the fact that the simplest models cost a lot of money, they are very long and efficiently. For example, the "Whirlpool AWM 8100" will cost about 35 thousand rubles. The drum is 8 kg of dry linen. In this model, installed a brushless motor (permanent magnet), which provides low noise level and almost total absence of vibration. Users of washing machines “Whirlpool” say that it is very high quality appliances. The seals then silicone (prevent bacterial growth), and the drum is made of stainless steel alloy with titanium, which provides high strength.industrial washing extractor machine

What to do if you need a repair?

In most cases, manufacturers give warranty for few years. However, it so happens that the machines fail to order early. This may be due to improper use of the product or manufacturing defects. In any case you will need repairs. In practice often fails the engine breaks the timing belt. In the latter case, it is possible to try to replace myself. However, if a case of warranty, better to contact the service. It is worth noting that the repair of industrial washing machines must be performed quickly, since idle is not good. If household machine will not function for a couple of days, it is possible to survive, but in a restaurant or a hotel dirty linen will not wait. For this reason give preference to those companies that provide good service.

More features

industrial washing machines for laundries

To accelerate the process of washing and drying in modern machines are equipped with a variety of programs and additional functions. One of these – tumble dryer. In most cases, is fully automated, but the machine should have the function of pressing. After the amount of moisture in linen is reduced, it is automatically sent for drying, which is located in a single housing with a washing machine. At this time, you can load the next batch of Laundry. Despite the fact that industrial washing machine with dryer is of high value, mostly because of the complex construction, this solution is advisable, especially if you need to save space and time.


repair of industrial washing machinesToday, there are a huge number of manufacturers of professional washing machines. However, many users do not recommend to buy products from China at a low price, due to a lack of quality. You should pay your attention to the fact that the washing machine (industrial) has a number of advantages over semi-automatic equipment. One of them is that a full wash cycle can take place without operator. If the technique “smart”, she will decide when the Laundry needs to be overcome, and when to rinse or wash. Industrial washing machines can not be replaced everyday, even the most powerful, do not forget about it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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