Light of battery charging, but charging is - why?


2019-12-31 09:00:17




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The instrument Panels of classic cars of domestic production are not very informative. There's nothing superfluous, except for the performance of the main systems of the engine, but they are sufficient to the driver at the time was informed about possible malfunctions of the machine. However, it happens that something breaks down, and then we determine the damage in its initial stage becomes impossible.

In this article we will talk about the case when continuously lit lamp battery charging, for example the popular classic car VAZ 2106 and 2107. We will look at the main causes of this phenomenon and will try to diagnose and repair possible faults.light is on battery is charging, but charging is

Why you need a warning light charging battery

In order that the driver can monitor the charging status of the battery, the instrument panel is placed a voltmeter with a scale and a small red box, which installed the signal light. When we insert the ignition key and turn it in the lock on one turn, this lamp turns on and glows red. The voltmeter needle is in the zero position. This means that the generator is at rest and does not provide charging to battery. When the engine is started the lamp goes out, and the needle deflected to the right, showing the amount supplied to the battery voltage. This happens when the power supply system of the machine is completely serviceable. But if the lamp is lit charging battery VAZ 2106 and 2107, or after the engine is started, most likely, somewhere has failed. And our task is to find the cause and eliminate it.light battery charging 2107

What can testify to the constantly burning lamp of charging battery

If VAZ 2107 or VAZ 2106 light battery charging, cause there can be only one – on the battery not the voltage supplied from the generator, or comes, but its size is insufficient. Faults that lead to this, maybe a few:

  • Disruption of the normal contact on the terminals of the battery;
  • Loose stretch or damage the belt of the generator;
  • The lack of contact his “negative” o with “ground”;
  • Open circuit in rotor field or the wear of brushes of the generator;
  • Malfunction of the diode bridge.
  • Malfunction of the corresponding fuse;
  • Failure the relay-regulator.

Before you begin diagnostics

An Important moment in solving the question of why light battery charging 2107 2106 or is the very fact of admission to the battery voltage from the generator. In other words, if the battery doesn't arrive at all, nothing surprising here. Lamp is required to illuminate in a similar situation. But if light is charging, but charging is, to solve this problem will be a little difficult.

Our primary goal – to determine whether the voltage at the battery. To do this is not difficult, especially because it will need only one instrument – a voltmeter or multimeter on its mode. Start the car engine, raise the hood and measure the voltage at the battery terminals with a running generator. If all elements of the system are OK, the voltmeter should give 13,6-14,2 In, and nothing less. This is a working figure for the normal charging of battery. If the voltage is below these values, so there is a kind of fault.

Violation of the contact on the terminals of the battery

At this stage of diagnostics it is necessary to check the condition of the terminals and wire contact the battery terminals. Often they are oxidized, whereby the contact between them diminished. In the case where light is on the battery, but the charge is, that this malfunction is often the cause.Why light battery charging 2107 the Generator operates in the normal mode, the voltage at the terminals, but lost due to weak contact. It turns out that charging goes, but light on battery charging. And burning it in most cases dim light. Resolve a similar problem by Stripping the terminals and the contact pins of the battery, and also their water-repellent treatment liquid.

Loose stretch or damage the belt of the generator

In the course of diagnostics it is necessary to check condition of the alternator belt. Sometimes it happens that because of their long-term work or under the influence of other factors it is deformed, causing the drive of the generator gives the passes. Pay attention to the belt tension. Its weakening leads to the sameeffect.

If the belt is not deformed and has no visible damage, he can simply pull. Otherwise, it must be replaced. Considered normal that the belt tension at which it can rotate around a horizontal axis at 85-90 degrees.

No contact output of the generator with the “ground”

This fault as the first in our list is caused by oxidation of the conclusions and terminals. In addition, a contact failure may due to the weakening of their attachment. The solution to this problem is to clean the terminals and pins, and the processing liquid of type Charging, but light is battery charging

Generator Failure

In the case when the lamp is lit the battery is charging, but charging is (2106, 2107), the generator is subject to mandatory inspection. The most common problems in the context of our faults are open circuit in rotor field or wear (damage) of brush.

The First thing the generator must be removed and disassembled. To check the rotor winding use the same multimeter that is included in the ohmmeter mode. It connected the probes to the terminals of winding and measure the resistance. A healthy rotor it should not be less than 4.5 Ω. If the resistance reaches this value, most likely, somewhere happened interturn short circuit. In the case when it's not defined, it is possible to open windings.

Go to brush. Pulling them out of the seats and inspect for wear. If the length of the brushes does not exceed 7 millimeters or they have signs of damage, change them. Note on the state of the brush collector. Defects of his copper plates to change the rotor.a Constantly burning light bulb battery charging

Diode bridge

The Diode bridge serves to convert AC voltage to DC. The breakdown of at least one of the diodes, the device ceases to cope with their tasks, which in the side chain of the machine starts to receive the voltage, does not comply with its parameters. That is why the rectifying bridge be sure to check in the case when the light is charging, but charging is (2107, 2106).

To Determine the serviceability of the diodes is also possible with the help of multimeter in the correct mode. Turn on the tester and connect the red probe to the positive output of the bridge, and black – to one of the connections marked “ACE”. The threshold (bandwidth) voltage for a silicon diode is from 400 to 1000 mV. If the device will show you the value that does not fit into this framework, the bridge needs to be replaced. To fix it is impossible.VAZ 2106 light battery charging cause

Failure of the guard

Electric charging circuit to the battery, like any other, protected by a fuse. It is located in the Assembly block under the hood of the car. In “six” and “sevens" this fuse is usually labeled as F10, but in any case, before testing, it is better to look through the user manual. Most often if it is defective the voltage at the battery not at all, but it happens so that he becomes the reason that the light is charging, but charging is.

Check the fuse is tester of removing it from the landing nest. If the device shows that the item has worn, simply replace it.

Failure relay controller

Another reason that the light is charging, but charging could be a failure of the relay-regulator. It actually is responsible for the timely on-off of the lamp. In the car VAZ 2106, 2107 relay is installed in the engine compartment on the top of the wheel splash guard on the right side. The principle of its operation follows. When the ignition switch on (with engine off) through its closed contacts flowing current coming from the battery and feeds a test lamp.

When we run the engine, the work included the generator feeding the relay is already rectified voltage. Under the influence him an anchor device is attracted to the core, opening the contacts. The lamp should go out.light battery charging but charging is ВАЗ2106

To Check the relay yourself is easy. To do this, simply disconnect the two wires and snap them together. Start the engine andlook at the warning lamp. If it is not lit, replace the relay.

Some tips

To avoid the problems associated with the malfunction of an electric circuit charging the battery, use the following tips.

  1. Often pay attention to the dashboard of the car. So you will know not only about the charging status of the battery, but also on other systems and mechanisms.
  2. Regularly check the alternator belt. From its condition and tension depends on the correct operation of the entire on-Board network when the engine is running. Discovering the slightest defect in the strap, do not pull with his replacement.
  3. Don't be lazy at least once a month to check the amount of voltage supplied by the generator to the battery terminal. In the detection of inconsistencies with the recommended indicators diagnose the on-Board network.
  4. Periodically perform a visual inspection of the condition of the battery terminals and the generator terminals. Finding their oxidation, clean them with fine sandpaper and finish with a liquid of type WD-40.
  5. Avoid getting water on the alternator, battery and relay-regulator. It can cause a short circuit in the electrical circuit. Wash the engine it is better to entrust to specialists.
  6. During the repair circuit of battery charging avoid the use of parts, and questionable in quality.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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