Car shock absorbers "Kayaba": reviews. The absorber "Kayaba": price


2020-01-23 02:20:18




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Shock Absorber car – main damping element. You need to constantly maintain the working state of this node. He is responsible not only for comfort, but for safe travel. The fact that the main purpose of the strut is a car – the vibration damping body from the roadway. If reception has failed, the car will rock, you will see the noise and vibration. Let's examine the most popular option in Russia – shock absorber "Kayaba", consumer reviews and opinions of shock absorber Kayaba

Some General information

First of all, you need to understand the terms, as it is important for the further understanding. First thing you come to car enthusiasts is the concept of "hydraulic shock absorber". But on the official sites of the manufacturers of such products not. You need to understand that under "hydraulic stand," you see the oil.

Similarly, there is purely a gas strut. They are filled with oil. But at the same time casamassina struts are more expensive, reliable and durable, evidenced by numerous consumer reviews. The shock absorbers "Kayaba", for example, on the official website of the manufacturer there are both gas and oil, and combined. Need more detail to understand the feature of each design, as well as advantages and disadvantages. In addition consider customer reviews, which in our case would be the main criterion of quality assessment.

In Brief about the manufacturer

This world-famous Japanese brand holds a leading position in the production of hydraulic equipment in the areas of shipbuilding, aviation and engineering. The company was founded in 1950. Over 57 years of being on the market the firm has achieved incredible heights. KYB – the world's largest supplier of shock absorbers for cars. The global market share – 24 %, the organization ranks third on the supply racks on the secondary market in Europe.shock absorbers Kayaba reviews


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The headquarters of the KYB is located in Tokyo. All enterprises employs about 7,000 people. One has only to imagine what the annual turnover is more than $ 2.5 billion. In this case the turnover is more than 60% of shock absorbers "Kayaba" Excel G. the feedback about the manufacturer in 90% of cases are positive. This is not surprising, because the Japanese firm – the world leader in the supply of racks to the conveyors, which mean the highest quality products.

Shock "Kayaba": customer testimonials

As for the motorists, then there is mostly peace. KYB established themselves as a fairly high-quality products with a long service life. Despite the fact that the head office and factory are located in Japan, for car aftermarket racks are made in Brazil and Turkey. But despite this, the quality of the shocks remains high, which is confirmed by both ordinary drivers and experienced experts in the industry.

A once themselves for the first time decided to try the products brands KYB, others have advised friends. But in any case, people leave positive feedback. The shock absorbers "Kayaba" praised for their affordable price and good quality. Perhaps, currently, Japan offers the best ratio "price/quality". There are brands that offer more reliable reception, but the cost for many is prohibitive. KYB supplies the pipeline of their products in such famous brands as Audi, Volkswagen, Toyota, Mitsubishi etc.

Casamassina the shock absorbers and their features

As such, the gas struts don't exist, there is casamassina. But the majority of motorists, emit only gas, implying casamassina, and, accordingly, the hydraulic (oil).shock absorbers Kayaba reviews on VAZ

With regard to the design of the gas strut, it is all quite simple. There is a rod attached to the end of the piston. Also there are two cameras, one is oil and the second – gas under high pressure. The principle of operation of this device is as follows. When there is load on the shaft, the piston presses the oil, which is almost not compressed. Through the oil is passed the force on the movable partition, behind which is a gas. He, in turn, the additional load is compressed, thereby providing a smooth movement of the rod. When the load disappears, the gas returns to its original position, pushing the rod out.

The advantages and disadvantages of gazoballonnyj shock absorbers

Strengths here quite a lot. First and foremost I would like to highlight the fact that these stands have high rigidity. The wheels are always firmly pressed to the road, so both transverse and longitudinal rolls are virtually absent. Sports cars often use this kind of absorbers, which boasts the following advantages:

  • Don't boil the oil, as the gas takes the heat itself;
  • Provide high level of control;
  • Withstand enormous loads.

As for the cons, and here they are:

  • Extremely complex design;
  • High level of hardness;
  • Low level of comfort, regardless of the roadway;
  • Expensive.

As for price, here is very ambiguousconsumer reviews. Gas oil dampers "Kayaba" with "Lacetti" cost about 4000 rubles apiece, and "Lanos" – about 2500. At the same time, the oil counterpart is 30 % cheaper. Everyone has to decide for himself what to him is more important - comfort or handling at high speeds.

Oil shocks "Kayaba": reviews and features

From the title it is clear that the cavity of the cylinder filled with oil, gas is not there. The rest of the design is approximately the same. A rod with piston and check valve. Through the last is oil, which has holes of small diameter.shock absorbers Kayaba excel g reviews

It is Worth noting that such stand is not designed for operation on a roadway of low quality. A constant load leads to cavitation (formation of bubbles), in fact, the oil is boiling. As a result, appear cavity and reduced viscosity, faster oil flows through the check valve. For this reason, such a stand is not as efficient. It is the effect of cavitation reduces the performance of the node, this is indicated by numerous consumer reviews. Oleo "Kayaba" nevertheless enjoy increased popularity due to the rather solid construction of the product, and if desired, the counter of such a plan can be fixed.

Pros and cons

For city driving has not invented anything better the oil (hydraulic) shock absorber. It really makes the drive comfortable and peaceful. Such a stance swallows even serious holes, so small irregularities of the roadway, the driver will not even notice. It is possible to allocate the following advantages:

  • Lowest cost;
  • Easy maintainable design;
  • Long service life. KYB usually goes about 60 thousand km and more;
  • Very common.oil shock absorbers Kayaba reviews

On the downside, they are as follows:

  • Car with such racks will be banking in the turns;
  • Prolonged driving at high speed on a bad road can be the effect of cavitation;
  • Drop function if air from entering the cylinder.

In General, for regular driving in the city or suburbs is a great option. But as a sport it cannot be considered under any circumstances.

Line Excel-G

As they say motorists, it is the most tenacious of those stands that you can find for the same money. Indeed, testing shows that at moderate loads stand to go quite a long time. Despite the fact that they should be attributed to the gas shocks, they are not too tight. For example, Excel-G – the soft, Gas-a-Just – more stringent Ultra-SR – intended only for a sportier drive.

Before you buy be sure is to look at consumer reviews. The shock absorbers "Kayaba" Excel-G are considered to be inexpensive, and they are very often used on domestic cars. Also, drivers often say that this is the Golden mean. There is comfort while riding, and a sufficient level of stiffness for good handling vehicle. To buying can definitely be recommend, especially considering the affordable price. Although sometimes there are negative reviews. The shock absorbers "Kayaba" in vases are relatively inexpensive, so a rack very often counterfeited. It is advisable to buy from the dealer.rear shock absorbers Kayaba reviews

"Kayaba Premium": is it worth to buy?

If you visit the thematic forums in the Network, this line is recommended 100 % of users. Despite the presence of such words as "premimum", it's a pretty budget model, which are installed on most of the domestic cars. On cars they are also very often put and leave positive feedback. The shock absorbers "Kayaba Premium" completely change the feeling of driving a car. Although to rely on the rigidity here is not worth it, as this oil budget stands. It is inherent in all diseases of this type of absorbers. In great cold, they harden, and in the heat – to weaken.

As noted above, almost 100 % of users leave positive feedback. Rear shocks "Kayaba", for example, go over 60,000 miles. This is very good considering their cost. The set for "Chevrolet Lacetti" will have to pay about 9000 rubles. It is not very expensive, and if you take into account the resource, virtually free of charge.

Reasonable price and high quality

Here we started to grasp the Japanese brand, KYB. As you can see, this is a very decent manufacturer that offers high quality merchandise at an affordable price. This is evidenced in numerous reviews. The shock absorbers "Kayaba" for "Field" or "Lacetti" will be inexpensive. Regardless of the brand of car that drivers remain satisfied, because the handling and comfort are always changing for the better.gas oil absorbers Kayaba reviews

In conclusion

Riding with a non-working racks is simply dangerous. This can lead to the fact that at some time the wheel will lose grip, and there will be a complete loss of control. If money especially not, pay attention to this Japanese brand that produces stands of high quality. However, you must beware of fakes, so ordering is best done by a dealer or on the officialwebsite. To obtain warranty, you need to buy 4 racks and set them to a specialized service.

"Kayaba" – is a global brand, award-winning service. Dampers of this manufacturer are very durable and high quality, although there are those they have are too hard or simply don't like. But this is a personal matter, the benefit of the trademark now a huge number, so there is always plenty to choose from.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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