KINETICA is... What is studying kinesio?


2018-03-25 00:58:11




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It occupies an important place in human life. After all, with the help of it, people communicate, exchange information. But an important role is also played by non-verbal communication. This area studies KINETICA.

What this is

KINETICA is the science that studies the signals of nonverbal communication. What is meant by a non-verbal communication? It's facial expressions, posture, gestures. If your it people can control it with other signals is not so simple. Often it is possible to determine the true meaning of what I wanted to say the source.

In psychology, everything is interconnected, and often facial expressions and gestures provide more information about the interlocutor than his speech. If studying non-verbal communication KINETICA, other information more specialised study of psychological science. This communication examines with kinetikos the proxemics that it explores the spatial relationships.this KINETICA

The Creator of this technique

Ray Birdwhistell, an American anthropologist, is the Creator of the science of cinesite. He decided to combine his research and the research of colleagues, and, analyzing them, came to the conclusion that most of the gestures people use in certain situations. In 1952 he published his monograph "Introduction to kinesio: annotated recording system movements of your hands and body".

This publication was the beginning of the formation of cinesite. In their study, the researchers tried to create something similar to the catalog of gestures that would have described a universal for all peoples of the importance of gestures and facial expressions. During his travels Birdwhistell noticed that some people have gestures, which are used only between them, and with the guests they communicate in a completely different way. And that's when the researcher asked a question of the relationship between speech and non-verbal signs.


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Ray Birdwhistell one of the first interested in the question of the relationship between gesture and pitch of the voice. Thus, KINETICA is not only the science of gestures, it covers a much larger area.

What gestures

Despite the fact that research on non-verbal communication being the first year, for most people do not understand the meaning of the study of gestures. What we need to study it?

  1. Gestures to complement information obtained verbally by. Using them to understand the emotional state of the interlocutor, his attitude to the participants or the topic of conversation.
  2. With the help of gestures, you can tell how emotionally close are discussing the issues for a person.
  3. Gesture Usually comes before the phrase, so you can predict what people want to say.

nonverbal communication KINETICA

How important is the look, posture and gait in neverlike

KINETICA is a study of sight, posture and gait, because it also relates to the field of nonverbal communication. And if the gestures and poses of the person it is easier to control everything, look and gait is more difficult. Why?

Eye contact is considered very important when talking with someone. At the time it is always possible to determine whether the person speaks the truth, whether he is pleasant interlocutor, or the topic of conversation. If the duration a person may try to control the size of the pupil - no. And they are a common reason to guess about the true relation.

The Posture that a person takes during a conversation, I can tell you interesting information about the interlocutor. If gestures and facial expressions of the person from an early age are taught to monitor, control POS has received little attention. The position of the human body can determine whether he's ready to make contact or not, whether he is inclined to dominate and what his emotional state.kinesio the proxemics

Gait is determined by the person's attitude to life, his physical and mental condition. People who are confident and look at life with optimism, easy gait, posture straight when walking they actively waving hands. People who are depressed, tired, have the "heavy" style of movement. Their shoulders stooped, and his hands are usually in his pockets.

Therefore, it is wrong in the study region neverlike to give priority to the study of only one - kinesic everything is interconnected, everything complements each other, helping to create the right psychological portrait of a KINETICA

Common gestures

KINETICA is the field that studies non-verbal communication in all its diversity. Therefore, non-verbal signals not always possible to interpret only from one point of view. But there are things that all cultures have the same value:

  • If a person touches the ear, he does not like what is said of its source;
  • Man props his chin when he gets bored;
  • Crossed arms and (or) feet indicate that a person does not want to communicate;
  • If a person touches the neck, then he's embarrassed or not confident;
  • If the person covers his mouth with his hand, he said false information;
  • Man drumming his fingers on the table, looks at his watch twitches or leg, it is a sign of impatience;
  • Rubbing points suggests that the sourcethinking.

Values of the non-verbal signals - a lot more they become when they are considered in conjunction with verbal information. It is therefore important not only to know what it means, or other non-verbal action, but also how it can be explained in combination with other signals. This is what science deals kinesio.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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