All about insects: the type, class, structure and characteristics of


2018-03-18 00:41:04




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One of the most typical well-known representatives is a ciliated Paramecium. It inhabits, as a rule, in the water standing, as well as in fresh waters, where the current differs with the exception of assertiveness. It's habitat must contain decaying organic matter. Its advisable to consider in detail all aspects of this fauna.

Representatives of the ciliary

ciliates (type)

Ciliary (Ciliates) – protists included in the group Alveolata. It is important to note that among these, there are various forms of representatives: attached and motile, colonial and solitary. The structure of their body is very diverse. Ciliates is characterized by the body dimensions that range from 10 µm to 4, 5 mm (this applies to single forms). As noted above, they live mostly in fresh water bodies of nature, but are found in the seas in the composition of benthos and plankton (rarely – in the soil or mosses). It is important to note that a considerable part of the flora is commensal or parasites of other creatures: fish, annelids, mollusks, and so on. Furthermore, many ciliates (one example is Type of ciliate-shoes) can be seen in the role of model organisms in relation to biology at the molecular level.

Systematic aspect

type of ciliate

Note that Ciliates –, nevazna which comes from the word “tincture” (translated from Latin). This can be explained by the fact that the first representatives of protozoa was discovered in tinctures herbal composition. Over time, the development of this type began to rapidly gain momentum. So today in biology know about 6-7 thousand species, which includes Ciliates. If you rely on data from the 1980-ies, it can be argued that the type contains in its structure two classes: ciliates (has three superorder) and Sucking ciliates. In connection with this information, we can conclude that the diversity of living organisms very well, which is genuine interest.


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Type of Ciliate representatives

type of ciliate-shoes

Outstanding representatives of this type are ciliate-ʙalantidij and Paramecium. Distinctive features of these animals are coating pellicule cilia, used for movement, protection of ciliates by specially designated bodies, trichocysts (located in the ectoplasm sheath), and the presence in the cell of two nuclei (vegetative and generative). In addition, the oral groove on the body of the ciliate forms a mouth of the funnel, which has a tendency to turn in cell-mouth leading into the throat. That is where digestive vacuoles are generated, which are used directly for digestion. But the undigested components are removed from the body through porosity. Characteristic of a type of Ciliate is very versatile, however, the highlights discussed above. The only thing you should add, that the two contractile vacuoles Paramecia are placed in opposite parts of the body. It is through their functioning removed from the body of excess water or the products of metabolism.


feed type ciliates

In order to qualitatively examine the structure and way of life so interesting organisms unicellular structure appropriate to refer to the relevant example. This requires ciliate-shoes, which are widespread in the reservoirs of fresh nature. They easily can be diluted in the usual containers (e.g., aquariums), Bay meadow hay the easiest fresh water, because the tinctures of this type develops, as a rule, a great many types of protozoa, including the ciliate-shoes. So, through the microscope it is possible in practice to examine all information that is provided in the article.

Characteristic of ciliate-shoes

As noted above, Ciliate-type includes many elements, the most interesting of which is the Paramecium. This single-celled animal, the length of which is half a millimeter, is endowed with a fusiform shape. It should be noted that visually, this is reminiscent of the Shoe body, where, correspondingly, and such an intriguing title. A Paramecium is constantly in a state of movement, and floats it with the blunt end forward. Interestingly, the speed of its movement often up to 2.5 mm per second, which is pretty good for a representative of this type. On the surface of the body of the ciliate-shoes it is possible to observe cilia that serve as locomotor organelles. Like all ciliates, the body has in its structure two cores: large is responsible for nutritional, respiratory, musculoskeletal and metabolic processes, and small takes part in the sexual aspect.

The Body of the ciliate-shoes

description of ciliates

The Device body of the ciliate-shoes very difficult. Outer cover this specimen is a thin elastic shell. She is able throughout life to maintain the correct body shape of the body. Faithful agents to serve flawlessly developed reference fibrils in the layer of cytoplasm, which is tight to the shell. The surface of the body of the ciliate-shoes endowed with a huge number (about 15000) of the cilia oscillating regardless of external circumstances. At the base of each of them is basal body. Cilia move approximately 30 times per second than push the body forward. It is important to note that wave-like motion of these instruments is highly coherent, allowing ciliates in the process of moving slowly to rotate around the longitudinal axis of the body.

Insects – the type is definitely generating interest

For a complete understanding of all features of the ciliate-shoes, it is advisable to consider the basic processes of life. So, Type of food ciliates limited to the use of bacteria and algae. The body of the organism is endowed with a cavity, called the cell mouth and passing into the throat, the bottom of which food goes directly into the vacuole. There it is digested in about an hour, making in the process of transition from acidic to alkaline. Vacuoles move within the body of a ciliate, through the current of the cytoplasm, and the undigested remnants emerge at the rear of the body through porosity.

The Breath of ciliate-shoes is carried out by means of oxygen into the cytoplasm through the integument. And excretory processes occur in two contractile vacuoles. As for the irritability of organisms, ciliate-shoes tend to gather in bacterial complexes in response to the action emitted by bacteria substances. And drift away from such a stimulus they like salt.


type of ciliate (representatives)

A Paramecium can reproduce in one of two ways. There was widespread asexual reproduction in which the nucleus is divided into two parts. The result of this operation in each ciliate is 2 cores (large and small). Sexual reproduction is appropriate when there are some deficiencies in the diet or changes in temperature of the animal body. It should be noted that after this ciliate can turn into a cyst. But the sexual type of reproduction the increase in the number of individuals excluded. So, two ciliates join together for a certain period of time, resulting in dissolution of the shell and the formation of the connecting bridge between animals. The important thing is that a large nucleus of each of them disappears, and little is in the process of dividing twice. Thus, each ciliate is formed 4 child kernel, after which three of them are destroyed, and the fourth is again divided. This sexual process called conjugation. And the duration can reach up to 12 hours.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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