Beekeeping is... horticulture of the ancient Slavs


2018-03-18 00:50:44




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The entire history of mankind the most urgent and most important problem was the organization and production of food resources. That's why people in ancient times constantly thought about searching for new sources of food.

The Gifts of nature into the pantry

The Beginning in this respect was the gathering (beekeeping – is one of the varieties collection of the gifts of nature). Our ancestors found the fruit to then eat it or try to save. Over time, they learned to Refine some vegetable crops using their seeds for the subsequent cultivation in the place where it was convenient for the person.

beekeeping is a

As for the use of animal food, the people were satisfied, not only meat. We are talking about using milk which is produced by some animals, and also the specific ingredients that are useful to man. The honey of the wild bees of the forest from time immemorial is used not only for food but also for healing.

Honey - an ancient fishing

The process of harvesting honey is known since ancient times. History is silent about the exact date of occurrence of such activity-that of horticulture. We only know that the wild tribes who lived in the 4-7 century BC, had already tried to put production of this product.

beekeeping in Russia is a

The Ancient people, constantly hunting in the forest, noticed that very often the bees use for their nests are hollows in large trees. Beehive in the hollow given the fact that the forest has many large predators, who are also not averse to eat honey, was situated at quite high altitude. Here it should be noted that the bees had chosen for their homes the deaf forest to restrict access to the local fauna. Therefore, beekeeping ancient Slavs demanded the application of extraordinary efforts to deliver nutritious treat for the purpose.


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Beekeeping – the oldest human occupation

As in the case of plants, seeds and fruits which are used in food, over time, the extraction of honey from forest hives turned into a more cultural form. Initially, the basics of beekeeping consisted of a series of natural hollows, which are simply selected on a territorial basis. Later people learned to make artificial nests.

Beekeeping is a craft of creating man-hollow (it was called “the Board”) for reproduction of bees. As a rule, the Board was created in living trees, they could provide the bees cool in summer and warm in winter relative, who are so fond of these creatures. It is worth noting that people specifically chose the most productive from the point of view of breeding bees in the forests. That is why wild bees eventually settled rather an artificially created cavities. Which in turn allowed people to place them at its discretion.

beekeeping in ancient Rus '

How to get a hives

So gradually, taking into account environmental factors, beekeeping in Ancient Rus ' has come to mean not only gathering honey, but also part of the regulation of its quantity and taste. Bumpers usually arranged in trees, at least 1.5-2 metres in diameter. That is the plant was able to withstand the weight of the entire structure.

Much attention was paid to the height of the hive. They tried to place as high as possible in the tree because of the many forest dwellers who were not averse to eat honey. Optimal was considered the height of not less than 6 meters, so the work of Bortnik demanded a fairly good physical fitness, and the people was considered difficult and risky.

Time period when the developed bee-keeping in Russia is 4-7 century BC. Well-known and still form this craft was acquired with the advent of humanity, the iron tools which were needed for successful processing of trees for the installation of the beehives.

beekeeping Slavs

Another Interesting fact that is made in the 10th century iron mounting accessories bortey has not changed its structure to this day. Based on this we can conclude that in those days was an optimal arrangement of all bortnicheskoe fishing.

Bortnik – an educated and tempered

If we talk about the nuances, beekeeping – it's kind of a privileged and somewhat mysterious craft. Knowledge associated with the fishery, was, as a rule, the family and handed down. The honey yield demanded kind of unity with nature, with the aim of knowledge. It was arranged bortne only in those forest areas where trees grow honey. To determine such a location, the ancient artisans had to have a fairly wide range of Botanical and biological knowledge.

fundamentals of beekeeping

And if we consider that suitable to harvest the plots at times were in a deep thicket, and great courage, because in those days in the forests there were often predators. In General, beekeeping in Russia - it was a venerated occupation. A certain closeness and closure of the busy honey-gathering people, the common people admired and respected. About the apiaries were composed epics and tales where they were called "proteins" for their ability to deftly climb trees. They attributed the skills of witch doctors and sorcerers for the use of the medical properties of different varieties of honey.

Tools and mechanisms

It Should be noted that beekeeping – not only strength, dexterity and observation tools, which eventually improved and modernized. If in a very ancient epoch Bortnik used primitive scrapers and ropes, in the process of development of the profession working Arsenal has expanded significantly. For work with bees, for example, there is a special mask that protected the face Bortnikov from the bites. These masks were usually made of horsehair, and the secrets of weaving passed down from generation to generation.

beehive in the hollow

As for the installation of Borta, here the dominant element, of course, was a special axe, which was vydalblivanii “room” for the bees. In addition, actively used the chisel sets a special scraper blades and circular knives.

To make borten, we had to climb a tree. There are several ways of ascent. Some apiaries used a system of leather belts, most of the ropes (quite a few cases - the stairs). However, the most common and effective way who knows the history of beekeeping, was the use of special spines and claws. They were worn on the hands and feet. By a hook over a tree trunk and gradually lifting the beekeeper reached the desired height.


After making Borta gave him to stand, sometimes it took a few years. Bees do not like the smell of fresh wood and are reluctant to give birth in such places the nest. An interesting fact is that a good quality Board can last a very long time. There were cases where age was found “working” hives reached several hundred years.

If we talk about productivity, it should be noted that, on average, one hive gave from 30 to 50 kg of honey per year. Given that a craftsman can handle a few dozen bortey, the total volume impressive even to the present day.


Protection from attacks animals with honey

It is Clear that this wealth had to be protected. Because hunters eat sweet "potion" among the animals was quite a lot. Unfortunately, the big fan of honey is very well able to climb trees. We are talking about ordinary bear. As a rule, he was ruined and destroyed, borty. To combat this, a clever and dangerous predator, the artisans have developed a security system that is worth telling in more detail.

The Most common method, which was guarded from climbing up trees predators was a pretty simple mechanism. At the entrance level in borten tied the impressive size of the log. When the bear reached the entrance, he had to push the obstructing obstacle. Given the mass of the beam, the bear had to make considerable effort to move it, thereby causing the rocking. The result of the pendulum movement of the logs, as a rule, the bear was on the ground.

Another very ingenious way of saving honey bortne was constructing a small platform that hung at the entrance level. In order to access the vault, the bear had to sit on design mount which has been made so that could not withstand the weight of the beast. As a result, he appeared on earth.

The End of whaling

Unfortunately, the beekeeping of the Slavs was completed at the end of the 19th century. First of all, this was influenced by environmental factors. Actively developing heavy machinery required to reduce forest resources. For obvious reasons, arrays for arrangement Bartney almost gone. And forests available to support this fishery were already pretty far that negate the potential profit from the production and re...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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