Examples of inferences. What is the conclusion? Direct inference


2018-03-18 01:00:24




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What is the conclusion? It is a certain form of thinking and the only correct conclusion. The reality is that in the process of learning it becomes clear that claims are prompted by evidence, not all are true, but only a certain part of them.

what is inference

To establish the full truth is usually a thorough investigation to clearly identify the issues, relate with each other already established the truth, dosobirat facts necessary to make tests, test all along the way encountered guesses and display the final result. Here it is - the conclusion.

In logic, a form of thinking looks not only from true propositions - one or more - subject to certain rules extraction yields the following new proposition, which follows directly from the previous.


So what is conclusion and what is it made? Of judgments (packages), opinions (new judgments) and the logical relationships between propositions and the conclusion. The logical rules by which appears the output point to a logical connection. In other words, the conclusion (any) consists of a simple or complex judgments, which equip the mind with new knowledge. The same judgment, if acknowledged as true and can give birth to a new synthesis, called the truth of the conclusions.

The Judgment, obtained by processing the parcels where the work methods of inference, called the inference (and, or imprisonment, or logical consequence). Let's see how are judgment and reasoning. Formal logic sets forth the rules that a true conclusion. How is deduced the conclusion? The examples we give several assumptions.


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  • Student Natalia is wonderful at playing the piano.
  • Elizabeth the second year participates in competitions of piano ensembles-in duet with Natalia.
  • Conclusion: Elizabeth successfully studying at the Conservatory.

For example you can easily understand that such a conclusion and what is its relationship with the proposition (judgment). Importantly, the parcel was a true, otherwise a false conclusion. Another condition of the connection between the judgment must be according to the logic of properly structured to gradually and unmistakably build way further - from premises to conclusion.

inference examples

Three groups of inference

The Division into groups is made after verification of the degree of generality of propositions.

  • Deductive reasoning, in which thought moves from General to specific, from big to small.
  • Inductive where the idea goes from one knowledge to another, increasing the degree community.
  • Reasoning by analogy, where the parcel and the conclusion have the knowledge of the one degree community.

The First group of inferences is built to the particular and from the unit, if it is equal to the total. That is, in any case, the method single: from the General to the particular. Deductive reasoning called deductio - "withdrawal" (from the General rules, the investigation moves to the particular case). Working on the logical deduction of any judgments of unions: categorical reasoning, separation and categorical and conditional separation. They all received the deductive method.

Deduction begin to study with the most typical forms, and it is a categorical inference is a syllogism, which translated from Greek means "back-counting rules.". Here begins its analysis of the arguments that arise from judgments and concepts.

concept inference

Analysis of simple structures

The Study of complex mental structures always starts with the simplest elements. All human reasoning in everyday life or in a professional environment - the same conclusions, even indefinitely long chain of reasoning - each derives new knowledge from existing ones.

Environment - nature - has given to mankind a little more than an animal, but on this Foundation grew up gorgeous to the enormous size of the building where a person learns and space, and elementary particles and high education, and the depth of the ocean valleys, and extinct languages and ancient civilizations. None of the available knowledge would not be obtained if humanity was given the ability to build a conclusion.

Examples retrieve output

To Extract conclusions from the information received - not the whole mind in full, but without it man can not live a day. The most important aspect of the human mind - the ability to understand reasoning and the ability to build. Even the most simple phenomena and objects require application of the mind: waking up, look at the thermometer outside the window and if the mercury dropped to -30, dress accordingly. It would seem that we do it without thinking. However, the only information that appeared is the temperature. Hence the conclusion: frost on the street, although it is nothing but a thermometer, not confirmed. Maybe we won't be cold in a summer dress? Where is the knowledge? Naturally, this chain of efforts of the mind requires. And additional packages too. These are immediate inferences. Smart man can have the maximum information from the minimum knowledge and anticipate the situation with all the consequences of their actions. A good example is Sherlock Holmes and his loyal Watson. Syllogisms also composed of two or more parcels and also are classified based on the nature of the constituent judgments. There are simple and complex, short and slozhnosmeshannye syllogisms.

reasoning logic

Direct inference

As shown above, the direct inference is a conclusion that can be derived from a single parcel. By transformation, circulation, opposition creates an inference logically. Transformation - a change in the quality of the parcel without changing the number. Judgment in the bundle is reversed, and the statement (predicate) - a notion entirely contrary conclusion. Examples:

  • All the wolves - predators (aboutmedicine judgment). None of the wolves is not nejishika (obsetricians judgment).
  • None of the polyhedra is not flat (obsetricians judgment). All polyhedra with non-planar (aboutmedicine judgment).
  • Some mushrooms are edible (chastnoutverditel judgment). Some mushrooms are inedible (casinoachatenligne judgment).
  • Part of crimes are not intentional (casinoachatenligne judgment). Part of crimes are unintentional (chastnoutverditel judgment).

The same appeals reversed the subject and predicate in complete subjection to the rule of distribution of terms in judgments. Treatment is pure (simple) and with the restriction.

The Opposition - direct inference, where the subject becomes the predicate, and is a concept totally contrary to the original judgment. Thus, the bundle is reversed. You can consider the opposition as a result, after-treatment and transformation.

Conclusion logically - the same kind of immediate inferences where the conclusions are based on logical square.

Categorical syllogism

Deductive categorical inference - that is, where two true judgments, the conclusion follows. Concepts, being a part of the syllogism, are denoted by the terms. A simple categorical syllogism has three terms:

  • The predicate of the conclusion (P) is the larger term;
  • The subject of the conclusion (S) - shorter term;
  • The set of parcels P and S, absent in the conclusion (M) - medium term.

Forms of the syllogism, which differ by the middle term (M) in the premises, called figures of categorical syllogism. There are four shapes, each with its own rules.

  • 1 figure: overall a great package, Yes a small;
  • 2 figure: overall a great package, less negative;
  • Figure 3: an affirmative a smaller parcel, private opinion;
  • 4 figure: the conclusion does not happen absotively judgment.

Each figure may be several modes (it's different syllogisms the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the premises and conclusions). In the end, the figures of the syllogism are nineteen correct modes, each of which has its own Latin name.

reasoning by analogy

A Simple categorical syllogism: General rules

To the conclusion in the syllogism turned out true, you need to use true assumptions, to honor the rules of the figures and a simple categorical syllogism. Methods of reasoning require compliance with the following rules:

  • Avoid Echeverria terms, there should be only three. For example, traffic (M), forever (P); going to the University (S) movement (M); the conclusion is false: going to University forever. The average term is used here in different senses: one philosophical, the other everyday.
  • The Middle term necessarily distributed in at least one of the parcels. For example, all fish (P) swim (M); my sister (S) swim (M); my sister is a fish. The conclusion is false.
  • The Term of imprisonment is distributed only after the distribution in the parcel. For instance, all of the polar cities - the white nights of St Petersburg - not of the polar of the city; in Saint-Petersburg is the white nights. The conclusion is false. The term of imprisonment has more than packages, more the term...

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AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/education/4640-examples-of-inferences-what-is-the-conclusion-direct-inference.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/adukacyya/8247-pryklady-vysnovy-shto-takoe-vysnova-nepasrednyya-vysnovy.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/bildung/8249-auch-die-argumentation-was-ist-die-folgerung-unmittelbare-folgerungen.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-educaci-n/8254-ejemplos-de-razonamiento-qu-es-la-inferencia-directos-de-la-deducci-n.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/education/4643-examples-of-inferences-what-is-the-conclusion-direct-inference.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/education/4641-examples-of-inferences-what-is-the-conclusion-direct-inference.html

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PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/educa-o/8245-exemplos-de-racioc-nios-o-que-a-infer-ncia-imediata-conclus-es.html

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ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/education/5036-examples-of-inferences-what-is-the-conclusion-direct-inference.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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