Basic rules for the use of the school library


2018-03-25 22:00:18




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In Modern conditions are ideal for the formation of personality of a new type, with a high level of information requests and needs. This trend is due to the specific historical period, as well as those innovations that occur in the national education system.

rules for use of the school library

The Importance of school libraries

The most Important concern of the state is the use of mass media for the development of intellectual skills in the younger generation.

An Assistant in the work of any teacher is played by the school library. Rules for the use of textbooks, fiction books, scientific books know even elementary school students. It is difficult to imagine a complete education without the school library.

school library rules for the use of textbooks

Interesting facts

The Results of sociological research conducted in 32 countries, showed that our country is on the 27th place in terms of reading. In a classic Soviet school, he was considered the primary means of formation and development of creative abilities of children.

That is why in every educational institution had its own library, in which the funds were not only textbooks, methodological guides for teachers, but also a variety of dictionaries, works of domestic and foreign writers and poets.

Library in the modern world

Not all kids know the basic rules for the use of the school library, some for the entire period of their study never used its funds.

Her distinctive features can be considered as functioning as a social system, aimed at the disclosure of the intellectual potential of the younger generation.

terms of use books from the Fund of school libraries

School libraries

After the reform of the educational content they act as information centres assisting teachers and students in the educational process.

If the school does not have a good library, it is unlikely she will be able to create optimal conditions for the adaptation of children in the modern information space. The cooperation of teachers and educators gives excellent results, having a positive effect on the literacy of children, stimulate their desire for self-development, and promotes the formation of logical thinking.


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regulations on rules of use of the school library


In every educational institution, a special regulation on the rules of use of the school library, which was approved at meeting of labor collective.

Lists rules for the issuance of educational and fiction literature, terms. The librarian helps teachers to generate sustainable interest in reading. Of particular importance in the second generation of GEF is paid to extracurricular activities, so the librarian helps teachers to select material for classroom hours, themed tours, quizzes and contests.

Factors for high-quality work

There are several basic factors in the work of the school librarian, to promote reading activities, the implementation of the children creativity:

  1. The time Factor. Child and librarian for several years communicate with each other, between them there is mutual understanding.
  2. Collaboration. The librarian sees his readers not students, and young people.
  3. Empathy and compassion allows the librarian to act as a mentor to its readers.

Book funds

The Basic rules for the use of the school library involve respect for learning and literature.

Currently, the General Fund of school libraries is estimated at a billion volumes. Each has about fifteen thousand copies, with nearly half of all books are textbooks. Rules for the use of the school library is the same regardless of the number of students, status of educational institution.

the rules of using books in the school library


Among the main duties of the employee the school library note:

  • Planning and reporting;
  • The formation of book collections;
  • The accounting and processing of documents;
  • Work on the creation of bibliographic apparatus;
  • Information service;
  • Implementation of methodical support of teaching staff.

rules for use of the school library as a gift

Reader Service

Rules for the use of the school library include a section associated with the issuance of textbooks and workbooks, and requests from teachers. For example, currently, there is a gradual transition in average and the senior link on the Federal educational standards of new generation. This process involves the change of educational and methodological books on all subjects of the school curriculum, therefore, updating of the library Fund.

Rules for the use of the educational Fund of school libraries assume a certain sequence of actions.The teacher submits a request for the purchase of new educational, reference, methodological literature up to December of the current academic year. In the application, he indicates book titles, author, publisher, number of required copies.

The Librarian receives the request, places the order and after receipt of the literature, creating books for special forms. The rules of using books from the Fund of the school library require the tracking of time use of books.

If the child loses the textbook or leads him in improper condition, used for replacement is equivalent to the artistic or educational literature. Rules for the use of the school library are on the special stand, they are available to every schoolchild.

In Addition to the traditional issue of textbooks and books for teachers and children, the librarian performs work related to the design of a room is a regular file, does a book catalogs.

A special place in his activities is the collection of material for various exhibitions, placing it on portable tables, stands, exhibition display.

The Rules of using books in the school library provide an opportunity to build a clear interaction between the librarian, children, teachers. In spite of active introduction in educational institutions of computer technology, only in terms of school libraries has created digital catalogs.

Still, the librarians decorate the library forms issued manually enter children books and fiction.

Some rules for using the school library as a gift require the issuance in the hands of those books, which are deducted from the funds is permitted and free of charge, receiving parents, children literature in the school reading room.

At present gradually into the library system, introducing innovative processes, here there are modern computers, printers to simplify manual labor school librarian.

terms of use of the educational Fund of school libraries

The Rights and responsibilities of readers

To Use the services of the school library can parents (legal representatives) students, teachers, and other employees of educational institutions.

Customers are entitled to the following services:

  • Get full information on the composition of library holdings, services, information resources;
  • Use reference and citation system;
  • Count on a full consultation in selecting and finding the necessary sources of information;
  • Take for temporary use in the reading room and subscription to printed publications, audio and other information sources;
  • If necessary, extend the period of use is taken AIDS;
  • To take part in events organized by the library;
  • Count on the advice from school librarians in the selection of material for research and project activities;
  • Use of electronic and other equipment for copying (reproduction) of some literary sources.

The Order of use of the school library

When writing of students of educational institutions in the library use the payroll class. Parents, teachers, other school staff present the passport to the librarian, only then carried out the registration form, the issuance of educational and methodical literature.

Annually re-readers are excluded graduates are issued a new library card sheets for first graders.

All participants in the educational process, was in the school library, unable to house a multi-volume edition in the amount of 2-3 books. There are certain terms of use of educational literature established individually in each school. For example, textbooks, collections of tasks are issued for the academic year.

Informative, popular scientific, fiction can be used for 30 days. For periodicals and materials that are in high demand from readers, a period of use up to five days.

Rare, encyclopedias, and reference books available in the library collection in a single copy authorized for use only in the reading room. All library users are obliged to comply with basic rules to treat any printed publications: books, reference books, problem books, encyclopedias.

It is Forbidden to make notes in books, tear out their pages out of library books, not written in a library form. If you violate the rules of use of library funds, the reader shall compensate for the damage is excluded from the number of users.

The Entry for the subscription and in the reading room is for every participant in the educational process is a voluntary process, it is carried out on an individual basis.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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