Target market segment - what is it? Research the target market segment


2018-04-01 14:03:19




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The Target segment of the market – is this the item that was selected according to the results of an analytical study of supply market for specific product, service. A distinctive feature of the segment – the minimum costs of the enterprise for marketing in this area. At the same time, the target part enables a larger part of the financial results and other criteria by which to evaluate the profit of the company.

the target market segment is


Definition of target market segments allows us to understand which areas have not yet been occupied by competitors or rivalry is there, but expressed in a weak form. Simultaneously, analysts determine what the market plane buyers are active, where they respond more positively to marketing strategy and how it is expressed. It is necessary to find a zone in which the profit is above average normative values. Successful work in this area – a pledge not only financial well-being in the present, but also the possibility of development in the future.

Who needs?

Mainly study the target segment of the market – the area of activity of the analysts at large enterprises and medium scale. For smaller companies the task of market segmentation and identifying features of each selected sector is not justified, require very significant time and financial investment, therefore, will not be really a reasonable activity.

In most cases for the small company area of interest – the segment in the segment, narrow field, their own niche, where the main component of success – the presence of an original and recognizable brand, good reputation and popular name. With these aspects, you can be sure in the excellent competitiveness. Avoiding analysis of target market segments, nevertheless it is possible, with a small business, discover your optimal site where there are prospects for further development. But for large companies such areas quite insignificant, and therefore not of interest and may not be used for profit.


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The Niche is:

  • Horizontal;
  • Vertical.

The First involves the expansion of the range, in the analysis attention is paid to various services, products. The second option – a situation when a company offers a product that suits different categories of customers.

the target market segment example

Identifying actual sector: where to begin?

First, you must determine the criteria on the basis of which it is planned to implement market segmentation. The choice of target market segments takes into account the specific features of the correct category. It is necessary to consider that consumer goods have their own particular features, not typical production, services are characterized by other specific features and require special analysis.

Begins the division of the market into groups according to the statistical information in the criteria:

  • Geography;
  • Demographics;
  • Psychography;
  • The behavior of a potential buyer.

Could you be more specific?

Psychography within the definition of the target market segment – identifying types of the identity of clients, identification of target social groups. The task of the analyst – preparation of a correct portrait of the buyer based on his lifestyle and moral standard. Talking about the behavior, within the analytical activities collect information about how the client reacts to the advertising campaign, changing the sales conditions. You need to calculate what time you need to this product was recognized, and on this basis to formulate a strategy for further promotion of products.

What next?

After the initial analysis work is needed on selecting a target market segment and positioning the product. First, evaluate the level of attractiveness found different sectors, studying the system of factors, conducting market research, allowing to estimate the scale of the strategies that will succeed in the market. For this you need to perform the following:

  1. How many buckets are needed to ensure success?
  2. What areas are most promising, profitable?

market segmentation choice of target segment


Identifying the target market segment – a difficult task that requires a thorough approach. To assess the attractiveness of different options you need to do Analytics on all volume sectors and to determine what annual rate of growth they show. In the context of several years need to find out how large the proportion of profitability as well as assess the competition in your chosen sector.

To understand how attractive different sectors, analyse them taking into account political, social, natural, and environmental factors when evaluating the energy intensity of the region and technological requirements for enterprises. You need to pay attention to how much impact on the business inflation rate for each interest target segment of the market. This is an important factor, largely determining the successful future of the company. It is also necessary to pay attention to the legal aspect.


Comprehensive approach towards the definition of the target market segment and positioning the product requires to analyse the possibility of adjusting the preferences of customers. The company must serve all customers. If there is a certain group of the population interested in the product, but their needs are currently not met fully or not at all satisfied, it is much easier to draw the attention of this audience to your product, rather than to make recognition of those who firmly acquires a different brand for quite a long time.

The Strategy of choice of target market segments are obliged to analyze the financial capacity of the clientele. Companies must first rely on those who are willing to spend quite a money to get their hands on the goods of a particular brand. Brand loyalty of the client – in many ways, the key to successful future of the company.

Do I need it?

Strategy Analysis of target market segments requires to adequately assess the feasibility, perspectives classes specific zones. You need to understand that the development of – not an easy process, plays the role of a wide variety of factors, you will have to spend potential of the enterprise. Costs are not only material, but also research will have to invest in equipment, to spend money. All this is necessary to calculate and assess, to compare with the opportunities that exit in the selected area and only on the basis of adequate analysis and assessment of how in a difficult economic situation to make management decisions.

study the target segment of the market

Positive result

The segmentation was successful, it is necessary to pay attention to only such area, for which it is possible to clearly define the boundaries, identify its characteristics in quantitative terms. If the segment shows an impressive capacity calculation for the long term, you can work with it, otherwise attachments are not justified. In addition, the selected sector must be available, that is, the channels of movement of goods, which are now to be applied to it. It is equally important to analyze the possible methods of product promotion – they should fit a particular company.

An Important moral decision-making. Choosing a market segment, you need to pay attention to its quality components and the acceptability of the product effect on the consumer. An example target market segment: a group of children. If the product can adversely affect the psyche, the moral basis of the work – questionable.

Another telling example of the target market segment – middle-aged consumers interested in purchasing natural and organic products. Such relevant, particularly for companies promoting farm products, food “directly from the village”.

What next?

Defining what sector of the market is really promising and attractive, you can start choosing between the strategies of coverage. Currently there are three popular variant:

  • Kontsentrirovanie;
  • Differentsirovaniya;
  • Nedifferentsirovannost.

Choose and share

Dividing the market into segments and analyzing the attractiveness of each of them, you need to choose whether you want the company to focus only on one sector or more promising to choose a few. On the basis of the decision to select the optimal strategy for the further promotion of products. The target segment will be somewhat right, if the decision is in favor of this option. The main condition-compliance with the requirements of the marketing company. When choosing a strategy it is necessary to identify strengths on which to focus when dealing with competitors and determine the market size and profit, to think about the building friendly to the surrounding image of the company.

definition of target market segments

The market Coverage provided by the prediction of differences between sectors. The company produces a certain product, supplied through a marketing strategy to the client as attractive. He is represented in the market. This is mass marketing. In case of impossibility of such approach or unwillingness to resort to it, you can concentrate on a single segment. Tactic is called concentrated marketing.

What else?

One way of choosing a suitable market sector – processing of several blocks. Each is assigned a unique product, variety of the same category. Optimal tactics – differentiated marketing. For each of the sectors form a unique plan to promote the product.

It's curious

As practice shows, is often a workflow allows you to detect such elements of the market, which for various reasons remained outside the purview of the producers. Finding such a phenomenon, talking about the market window. But the market niche is commonly understood as that area in which the company has a stable position, the company dominates over the other.

By Choosing a particular segment, it is important to assess what competitors are producing and how they work. Knowing their way of operation, the properties of the product, you can adequately identify the status of their proposal. On the basis of information about the promoted rivals goods you can properly position your, ensuring that it is precisely thosequalities that will help to allocate the product to buyer.

analysis of target market segments

Attention to all aspects

To succeed in today's business environment is frankly not easy. When it comes to enterprises seeking to capture a new market, everything here is particularly difficult. So, you can find the most suitable segment, which is characterized by growth rates that meet the requirements of the company. This area may be structurally attractive, large and promising. However, the choice in favor of it has a chance to end with the collapse of the company. To avoid this, you need to very seriously evaluate the capabilities of the company, the future development of the company and its activities at the moment. It is important to realize how great resources will be spent on product promotion and dealing with competition. If the operation is wrong, it is likely that simply not enough reserves, and the most promising, attractive of the identified areas would not become source of profit.

Undifferentiated marketing

This term to denote such a strategy of enterprise development, when the company doesn't pay attention to the difference between different shares of the market. There is one product with which the firm enters the market, and that it promoted, attention in the process focuses on the General needs of all group clients. But the difference is buyers are actually “overs”. Most promising in this marketing is an approach based on the mass. This applies both to advertising campaigns, and movements of products.

The Correct organization of the working process allows you to save money at the stage of investment. Very well illustrated this tactic is the approach of the company “Coca Cola”, especially in the primary steps of the formation of the business. At the moment the firm has released a standard drink which was bottled in strictly the same bottle. As you can see from the current state of Affairs, a mass of undifferentiated marketing tactics with proper organization of work gives really impressive results.

choice of target market segment and product positioning

Differentiated marketing

By this term is understood such a strategy when the company for each selected segment creates a unique product. At this point, it is based on the characteristics of the clientele. To succeed, you will have to produce quite an extensive complex of production and at the same time to promote several marketing campaigns. It is believed that with proper organization of work is possible to dramatically increase product sales and strengthen the position in each of the selected sectors on the basis of which to rise above competitors.

A Good example of such a strategy from the history – the company "General motors", to promote their cars like the car for all income levels, for different purposes. Product that meet the needs of every individual, found an echo in the masses. On the one hand, this tactic gives higher yield than described above, but also the cost of its realization is also more substantial.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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