The learning process is an important component of human life


2019-03-25 02:00:19




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There is a saying: “live – learn”. And even one who tries to refute this view, not wanting to comprehend everything that is new, understands that learning helps to strengthen in this world and to achieve goals and heights.

The training Process – a system which deals with the study of a special science-didactics. Among its main tasks – the consolidation of the already obtained data about the process, and further study of its nature and driving forces. The learning process as a whole – is a combination of several interrelated, complementary stages. Professor of Canada Ryerson University Peter URS Bender, studying the learning process, identified the following most important steps:

  1. Desire and intention. Any training always begins with the inner push to learn new. If the person is willing and wanting to discover something new, it is easier to learn. The greater the desire, the more he can learn.
  2. Awareness is also included in the learning process. To think, to really assess what is happening around you, observe the movement of other people, to hear and consciously perceive what they say. Awareness – the sense of direction that helps to understand what you want or what has not yet managed to learn that from you as a personality, you may want to others.
  3. Information. Through mindfulness the person receives a variety of information.
  4. Action. To assimilate the information received is not enough just to hear it, to read it. It is important to act – to learn to apply the lessons learned in practice, and never to forget.
  5. The Final results. Going through all the stages of learning, eventually the person receives the following: satisfaction from the study, the embodiment studied in reality, the willingness to share knowledge with others.

Training Process starts from the moment when a person is born. First, it is based on feelings and sounds, and then gradually becomes more complicated, allowing a small child to gradually grow up, crossing to the next step of life. Throughout his life the person is in continuous search for new information, interesting new facts and discoveries. Interest to everything around him allows you to take a certain social cell, to find your calling and share their experience to those whom it might be useful.

Factors affecting the learning process, are the most diverse. They are not only social, but also political, economic. The education of children begins in the family, and from what it will be involved, depends on the further development of man. School the learning process is the most important, how it will be organized, depends on the perception of students of the world, the study of the Sciences and application of this experience in life. School – this is the important stage of life that gives people basic skills, allowing it to define the profession and find an incentive for further life. If to speak about the political and economic factors, the learning process depends largely on how much attention the process is paying the state, as well as the extent to which it deals with its financing. Also the learning process largely depends on what kind of health the person. As a rule, sick people motivation to learn is greatly reduced, there are irregularities in the characteristics such as memory, attention, concentration.  And finally, an important factor in the learning process, is the native spirit of man, because, according to Ryerson Peter URS Bender, only the desire and aspiration may give rise to cognition.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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