Classification of cardiac arrhythmias


2019-08-03 10:20:34




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According to medical statistics, in the first place among all diseases are pathologies of the heart and vascular system. What caused it? The cardiovascular system is affected by many negative factors. One of them – the constant stress and lack of time for proper rest. His negative role in the growth of these pathologies plays and air pollution. But the man suffers not only from the deteriorating environmental conditions. On the health of the inhabitants of our planet have a negative influence of magnetic storms. From these bursts in the Sun especially bad feeling it is the core. The initial stage of more serious pathologies, often threatening a fatal outcome, it becomes an arrhythmia.

Essence illness

Often the term “FIB” is not perceived by us as a diagnosis. But it is not necessary to treat this health disorder is so irresponsible. The normal number of heart beats should be not more than 90 minutes. Thus this value should not be less than 70. But for many people, this information is not known. And, as a rule, we do not control your pulse, he visited a cardiologist and not pass on its own initiative EKG. However, such actions are the very minimum the preservation of their own health.

cardiac arrhythmia classificationMany of the failures of such an important organ as the heart, can not only prevent, but to stop. And the first bell for the adoption of urgent measures is the slightest deviation from the performance rhythm that is considered the norm.

Some of the reasons why there is a change in the level of the pulse are:

- strong stress;
- an overdose of alcohol;
- a congenital heart defect.

The Essence of arrhythmia is that it represents the irregularities in the cardiac system.

Cardiologists distinguish different degrees of severity of this deviation. For example, simpler treatment serves such state, in which until the desired frequency is not enough only a few strokes. However, quite often patients suffer from a significant increase in contractions of the myocardium. It is very dangerous to humans and can lead to death.


Unified classification of arrhythmias is currently lacking. This is due to all the ongoing discussions about the grounds should be put in its basis. In fact, despite a century of scientific study of this disease, the desired result in the treatment specialists and have not received.

classification of arrhythmiasFor Example, in 2014 it was suggested that the classification of the arrhythmias included three basic types of pathologies. Among them:

1. Arrhythmia is a normal reaction of the body, manifested in the adaptation, but leads to certain violations, threat to the organism.
2. Arrhythmias arising for the regulation of cardiac activities.
3. Arrhythmias caused by disorganization antimonopole functioning of the heart muscle.

Classification of cardiac arrhythmias (who) identifies three large groups of these pathologies. These include the following diseases:

is caused by disturbance of formation in the cardiovascular system of the electric pulse;
- associated with disorders of conduction;
- combined type, due to both the first and second cause.

Classified arrhythmia and because of its origin. Thus, there are congenital, acquired and idiopathic pathology. The first of these three types is detected since the appearance of man on the light. Idiopathic arrhythmia has an uncertain origin. As for acquired disease, it occurs throughout the patient's life and becomes a consequence of some dangerous diseases, including coronary heart disease, diabetes and hypertension.

In the event of arrhythmia, the heart muscle just as before, continues to pump blood. However, this pathology can cause the development of pathologies such as thromboembolism and heart failure. And it says about the risk of arrhythmia.

Violation heart rate

This is one of the reasons for the development of pathology. In this regard, there is a classification of arrhythmias according to heart rate value. It includes:

1. a Sinus tachycardia. This pathology is associated with malfunction of the sinus node, which is the main mechanism of formation of electrical impulses of the heart.

 classification of cardiac arrhythmias who

At the tachycardia of this type of heart rate exceeds the upper threshold equal to ninety beats per minute.Such a state is felt by the patient as palpitations.
2. Sinus arrhythmia. This pathology is the irregular alternation of heart rate. Most often sinus arrhythmia is observed in children and adolescents. Often it is functional and has a direct relationship with breathing. During inhalation, heart rate increase and during exhalation, in contrast, become more rare.
3. Sinus bradycardia. Her main symptom is a reduction in heart rate to 55 beats a minute. This phenomenon can be observed even in healthy and physically strong people during sleep or at rest.
4. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. In this case there is much palpitations, having the right rhythm. In humans, heart rate is 240 beats per minute. It causes weakness and pallor, increased perspiration and lightheadedness. The reason for such situation is the occurrence of additional impulses arising in the Atria. As a result, their appearance is very strong reduction of the rest periods the muscles of the myocardium.
5. Paroxysmal tachycardia. This pathology is a correct, but very often the rhythm of the heart muscle. Heart rate in this case is in the range from 140 to 240 beats a minute. Paroxysmal therapy, usually occurs and disappears suddenly.
6. Beats. This type of arrhythmia is extraordinary (premature) contraction of the muscles of the myocardium. While a person can feel reinforced and aftershocks in the region of the heart, and fading.

The help of a cardiologist

The Most convenient from a practical point of view, classifications of arrhythmias in Kosakowska. It includes three groups of pathology. They have a detailed description of all affiliated pathologies. Let us consider the typology, which includes the classification of arrhythmias.

Irregularities in formations rhythm

This group consists of three sections. In the first of them, which is the classification of arrhythmias allocates under the letter “A”, are nomotopnye pathology. They represent irregularities in the sinus node. This release:

1. Sinus tachycardia.
2. Sinus barcardi.
3. Sinus arrhythmia.
4. SSSU, or syndrome of weakness of sinus node.

The Next section includes ectopic causes heart arrhythmia.

cardiac arrhythmia classification etiology pathogenesis clinic

Classification allocates this list of pathologies under the letter “B”. This subsection includes the disruption caused by heterotopic rhythms that arose in connection with a predominance of automatic ectopic centers. In this list are:

1. The residual (slow) slip rhythms and complexes, including atrial and ventricular, as well as from AV-connections
2. Migration observed in the driver supraventricular rhythms.
3. Neparoxizmale types of tachycardia or accelerated ectopic rhythms type.

In the next section are not related with violation of automatism of heart arrhythmia. The classification allocates the data of pathology under the letter “In”. This includes:

1. Extrasystoles (ventricular, atrial and AV connections).
2. Paroxysmally the form of tachycardia.
3. Atrial flutter.
4. Atrial fibrillation (flickering) of the Atria.
5. Ventricular fibrillation.

Violations conductivity

This group includes a few other ventricular arrhythmias.

arrhythmia who classification

Classification Kosakowska distinguishes thus:

1. Sinoatrial blockade.
2. Vnutriepreserdna blockade.
3. AV-blockade.
4. Intraventricular blockade branches bundle branch block, including mono-, bio - and trifascicular pathology, striking respectively one, two or three branches of the atrioventricular bundle.
5. The asystole. ventricular.
6. Syndrome of premature ventricular excitation.

Combined pathology of rhythm

This group includes the following disorders:

1. Praxithea.
2. Ectopic rhythms, characterized by the blockade of the exit.
3. AV-dissociation.

International circuit

It is Worth saying that the definition of such illness as heart arrhythmia, the who classification considers such groups almost in the same order. The pathology is divided into diseases caused by various causes malfunctions of the heart muscle. Thus, the who identifies the following groups of arrhythmias:

1. Caused by disorders of automatism, including:

A) a pacemaker in the sinus node (sinus tachycardia, barcardi and arrhythmia, and SSSU and mediately sinus arrhythmia);
B) pacemakers outside the sinus node ( nieprzetarty, atrioventrikuljarnuu and idioventricular rhythms).

2. Caused by disorders of excitability suchinclude:

A) sources of pathology (ventricular, atrial and atrioventricular);
b) number of sources (mono - and polytropic);
) at the time of occurrence of early (during atrial contractions), late (at the time of relaxation of the heart muscle) and interpolated (with a dot localization between contractions of the Atria and relaxation of the heart);
d) by frequency group (with a few in a row), pairs (two at a time), unit (five or less) and multiple (more than five).
e) order (quadrigemina, trigeminy, bigeminy);
e) paroxizmalnaya tachycardia.

3. Caused by disorders of conduction, that is, its increase (WPW-syndrome) or decrease (different types of closures).

4. Mixed (flickering/fluttering of the ventricles/Atria).

All types of diseases are accompanied not only by disturbances in the anatomical structure of the heart. They lead to imbalance and all metabolic processes occurring in the muscle of the myocardium. It is different in nature and duration types of arrhythmias. To put the true diagnosis can only cardiologist. They will be the cause of arrhythmia, classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic on the basis of the obtained electrocardiographic data.

Ciliated type pathology

The classification of this type of disease included the character of its clinical course, electrophysiological mechanisms, as well as etiological factors.

 classification of arrhythmias according kosakowska

What is atrial fibrillation? The classification identifies the following kinds:

- chronic (permanent);
- persistent;
- the transient (paroxysmal), lasting from 24 hours to seven days.

At the same time chronic and persistent form of pathology can be recurrent.

There are two types of atrial fibrillation by type of violations of heartbeats. With isolated atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation.

For the frequency with which reduced the ventricles, and atrial fibrillation are distinguished:

- thistleclaw (90 times or more per minute);
- normostenichesky (60-90 times per minute);
- it's bradycardic (less than 60 times per minute).


This option pathology is characterized by extraordinary contractions of the heart muscle or its parts (extrasystoles). The person feels anxiety, shortness of breath, a strong impetus to the heart or fading. This pathology may lead to angina or disturbances in cerebral circulation.

Any arrythmia is characterized by lot of parameters. That is why when it is full classification, there is more than ten sections. However, for practical applications allocate only those close can reflect the course of the disease.

ventricular arrhythmias classificationClassification of arrhythmias on the Lawn was an important step in the history of cardiology. Using the proposed grouping, the Clinician can evaluate the patient's existing pathology and the severity of its course. The fact that the digestive arrhythmia of the heart (VES) is very widespread. This pathology is celebrated in almost fifty percent of patients seeking the advice of a cardiologist. In some of them the disease is benign and no threat to life in itself does not carry. However, there are patients who have detected a malignant form of GEN that requires a particular therapy.

The Main function performed by the classification on the Lawn, is to separate malignant from benign pathology. Thus there are five classes of disease:

1. Monomorphic ventricular premature beats, the frequency of which is less than 30 per hour.
2. Monomorphic VES, with a frequency of more than 30 per hour.
3. Polytopes.
4. In the fourth class there are two subsection (paired VES and ventricular tachycardia with three or more VES in a row).
5. Arrythmia when the R-wave on the first 4/5 prong of T.

This classification finds its use in cardiology and in cardiac surgery. For many years are using it and doctors of other specialties. Introduced in 1971, she became a reliable support for professionals with the installation of arrhythmia, classification and treatment of this pathology.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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