Border States is... (definition). Limitrophe state


2018-03-18 15:45:14




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Border States – is a term which initially meant a state formed on the territory of the former Russian Empire after 1917. In the 90 years this definition became known as the country that was formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After the victory in the great Patriotic war, the term was used in a historical context, because at that time, some land that was formerly part of the Empire, returned to the Soviet state.

History of the term

Border States – this definition, which has deep historical roots. In ancient times, the so-called border region of the Roman Empire, who were obliged to contain the Imperial troops. The word means ‘bordered" that emphasizes the responsibility of the local population to maintain at its own expense public military education. Officially the concept was recorded in 1763. Later this term began to understand a new country on the Western borders of the Russian Empire: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian state. Sometimes this list is added Finland and Poland.

border States it

Use in the twentieth century and in our time

Border States – a concept that in the 20-ies of the last century marked the border of the state, neighboring Soviet Russia (primarily had in mind the Baltic lands and Finland). At the end of the century Tsymbursky has introduced the use of the word in the sense of geopolitical. Now this word came to be applied to countries that are adjacent to one common centre, and the associated economic relationships, similarity of culture, language and traditions. Nowadays, with the accelerated process of globalization, this word denotes those States which are not only geographically adjacent to one centre, but also linked to any power of information, economic relations. In the latter case, border States – States that may be geographically separated from the city center, but keep with it cultural ties.


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state limitrophe

The Concept of tutoring

Many modern scientists have proposed a geopolitical interpretation of the concept. They believe that great powers deliberately establishing their influence in smaller States in order to maintain their position in a particular region. Some scientists believe that Cuba at one time was in the zone of influence of the USSR, although removed from it, and Vietnam – under the influence of the United States. Thus, the state of the border States – this is a country that is ideological, the economic mainstay of a large centre. Historians have noted that as authoritarian, liberal-democratic regimes sought to establish their own spheres of influence.

regions limitrophe

The Problem of borders with other States

These countries are sometimes artificial boundaries that formed as a result of an agreement between the neighbors. Therefore the notion is closely related to the definition of "buffer state". This term is commonly understood public education, which arose between the other two, who were not able to determine the boundaries between them. They are the hidden arena of geopolitical struggle of larger powers. This situation was observed in the twentieth century, especially after the First world war. Regions-border States were often formed in the result of confrontation between different blocks of countries belonging to different camps. It is very well traced by the example of the events of the cold war, when the Soviet leadership adopted the doctrine that it was outside a certain area of influence, in which an invalid action of other States. In political science this situation is referred to as critical boundary.

border States Russian


An Integral part of modern geopolitical space are border States. Russia is surrounded by a number of States, the former Soviet republics, which in our days keep our country relatively close economic, political and cultural contacts. Communication is diverse sharing of resources, professional staff, the creation of a single information space, funding and lending. In our days, has acquired great importance to trade, investment, banking investments. All of this reduces the distance between States and facilitating their integration. The Baltic border States – this country that was formerly part of the Soviet Union, and currently are the Western neighbours of our country. Relationship with them is rather complicated because of the whole complex of contradictions that had accumulated over several previous decades.

Baltic border States


In the twentieth century, the border States were often the object of armed confrontation powers for economic and ideological influence. In the years of the cold war, their territories were often inflamed local conflicts between the two opposing camps. Often the target of opposition is the struggle for natural resources, so necessary to maintain power, prestige and authority of a particular state. Often the territory of a state border States became an arena to counter the major powers. Often, these countries give to their allies space to accommodate economic enterprises or military bases. History shows that the country has become the border States of both voluntarily and under duress.

Types of modern States

Modern scientists conventionally divided States according to their geopolitical influence on the superpowers, regional powers and small countries. The latter, as a rule, are border States. Due to the weak economic development, they are adjacent to larger and more powerful the state and fall under its influence. However, the border States can become economically developed States who, because of economic interests or the practical benefits are included in the sphere of influence of any power. Such public education pursue an independent policy and retain the ability to change course.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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