How to cook a Turkey steak in the oven


2018-05-26 19:00:43




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The Steak not so long ago entered the list of frequently preparing our compatriots dishes. Mostly due to the fact that thick piece of meat qualitatively fried or on the grill, where an open fire or in the grill pan. Neither most ordinary Russians can not boast. However, the recipes slowly adapted to our realities. And not only cooking, but also used ingredients, how to cook a steak, Turkey easier and faster than traditional to cook Turkey steak

Turkey steak with mustard

It can be used as poultry fillets, and a commercially available billets. Before cooking Turkey steak, washed and dried meat rubbed with salt and optionally pepper. Third sheet is covered with foil, which must be lubricated. By the way, for this recipe no matter what – vegetable or melted butter. The steaks are laid out, they each poured a spoonful of thick sauce made from Dijon mustard, heavy cream (take a quarter Cup) and mayonnaise, taken three times more of one of the previous ingredients. This amount should be enough for 6 pieces of Turkey. On top of everything wrapped another piece of foil. The edges are wrapped under the sides of the pan. Such a Turkey steak in the oven will spend about half an hour. To fundamentally control the process: if the sauce starts to drain from the Turkey, spoon it should be returned to its place. Eat this yummy hot, with cherry tomatoes and fresh herbs.Turkey steak in the oven

Steaks with tomatoes

They better be able of fillet. The drumstick and itself is juicy, but the breast of the bird is somewhat dry. Half a kilogram of fillet cut across the grain on a narrow, but not too thin plates. Two tomatoes cut into thin rings, Salada, perchta, and each of them squeezed out of a tube of mayonnaise. How much, depends on how much you love him. But even if the mayonnaise is not to your liking, even without this sauce will not do, because to cook a Turkey steak in this manner without it will not work. Sour cream sauce here is no substitute. The only thing you can do – to build the mayonnaise itself. Salted and peppered slices of tomatoes, covered with mayonnaise, placed on each Turkey steak. In the oven temperature rises to 180 degrees. The tray put in it for 50 minutes. Once the dish from the oven is better not to get it, let the meat “rest” warm. But within ten minutes, fragrant and juicy meat can be served for to cook Turkey steak


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Garlic steak

The First two recipes we've had “third”. However, there is a recipe how to cook a Turkey steak in the pan, and promised that the result satisfied and will inspire. This harvesting of drumsticks or thighs poultry shallowly incised lattice on both sides. Is a mixture of grated on a fine grater or crushed garlic, mix ground pepper and salt. This “pasta” steaks are rubbed, and you should try to get in the incisions. The meat is then formed into the package at night hiding in the fridge. Morning steaks fried in vegetable oil under the lid for about twenty minutes. To prevent sticking, they need sometimes to turn. And in order to get the coveted crust, just before ready just to remove the cover.Turkey steak with a bone

Turkey t-bone steak

For best results, the meat will need to marinate, this time at the quarter hour and in a mixture of curry, paprika, salt and ground pepper-red and black. Each Turkey steak with bone fried in a thick-walled pan with olive butter. When meat is browned directly in a pan, removed from heat, you have a few minutes to cover with foil or parchment. Thanks to this trick Turkey steak with the bone becomes very soft and juicy. And in combination with vegetables – fresh or salt-your dinner promises to be unforgettable.steak drumstick Turkey

Calf – fit the birds

Before cooking Turkey steak, bought a lower leg needs to be cut – straight from the bone – across the legs. Get a couple kruglyashi, very juicy and well progulivayas. Of course, you can buy ready-made "wading" of steak, but in most supermarkets they are sold frozen, which is much more boring fresh. Two onions cut into rings, a couple of garlic cloves very finely chopped (to RUB or push it is better to work with a knife). First in the pan perepuskajutsja onion rings, at the end they are joined by garlic. The steaks are rubbed with vegetable oil, prikalivatsja and perchta. To mitigate this they should lie down for about half an hour. Grill pan is heated strongly. If the special crockery not fit the one at the bottom of which there is a convex grating as in the old cast iron. In a dry frying pan laid out the meat, then quickly Browns on both sides. After she poured a third Cup of water, and she hides in the oven for half an hour. Served with meat laid out for him by the fried and sprinkled with herbs. Note that the steak drumstick Turkeyis more juicy than filet. Dry it is almost impossible.

Marinated in lemon

Before you cook steak, Turkey, it can be soaked and as follows: mix two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one – rosé wine, the juice of one lemon, five cloves of crushed garlic, spices and chopped greens. Meat enough to stay in this marinade for half an hour only, so the result is tender and fragrant. On – optional:

  1. Grill Pan (if any). It just both sides are grilled marinated chunks of Turkey.
  2. The Grid (if you are staying “nature”). The principle is the same, which is cooked on a fire, for example, fish. The main thing - periodically sprinkle "barbecue". For example, beer. Otherwise it may burn and become solid.
  3. Or the oven – the most affordable option. In the latter case, form something lubricated, and then laid out the steaks and baked to a crisp. Lid to close should not be, otherwise the meat will likely boiled (or steamed) and baked.

Select the way how to cook Turkey steak, which you like. And make no mistake - you to him have no time to return.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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