Very fat people: photo


2018-03-25 05:14:15




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Obesity is one of the biggest problems of modern society. A lot of people in the world suffers from excess weight and complications to which it leads (heart disease, veins and so on). The greatest number of obese people living in developed countries. Improper diet (fast foods), lack of exercise, overeating - all these factors lead to excess weight.

Below are the top 10 most fat people on Earth and photos of the most fat people who lost weight.

Mayra Rosales, Elizabeth

Her maximal weight was 500 pounds. This woman had a really great willpower. Mayra was born in 1980 in the United States. In 32 years due to unrealistically large weight the girl is almost not moving. Thanks to eleven operations, strict diet and special exercises have managed to lose about 400 pounds. very fat people

Now Myra is a special course for everyone who wants to say goodbye to excess weight. A woman's whole life is proof that you can achieve everything. It is necessary only very to want it. To date, Myra has decided to lose another thirty pounds, and that for sure she will succeed!

Hughes Robert Earl

Maximum weight of 486 pounds. This very fat man in the world was born in the United States in 1926. Problems with excess weight, this is truly a giant of a boy was observed since childhood. So, at the age of six, Robert weighed ninety-two pounds and thirteen of his weight reached 248 lbs. At an early age the boy was ill with whooping cough, after which the weight gain became uncontrollable. Many times Robert tried to lose weight, but all attempts proved futile.


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Using his weight, the young man was making money. As a curiosity, it was shown at fairs, and the citizens willingly pay for such an unusual spectacle. Brought Hughes to the event on a special trolley so as to move independently young man was extremely difficult. In those years, clinics for the treatment of such problems was not.

During the next "showing" Robert contracted the measles and died, because it simply did not have time to drive to the nearest hospital. At a funeral of a very fat person in a hurry thousands of Americans. Hughes died at 32 years of age.

Dijual Patrick

Born this is one of the very fat people in the United States in 1962. The weight of his body was 511 lbs. a Few years Patrick never came out of his house because of the inability to move independently. After admission to the clinic, where Diwali removed the fat and part of the stomach, as well as several months of diet and exercise he was able to get down to 193 pounds. The total loss of weight was 318 pounds.

Hebranko Michael

The Maximum body weight this giant is 453 pounds. During his life, Michael was able to lose weight and get better by approximately two tons.

Born this is one of the very fat people in the United States in 1953. From early childhood he started problems with being overweight. At 16 years of age, his weight was 160 kg, and for 23 years has grown to four hundred pounds. After a complicated treatment, Michael was down to ninety pounds, and his waist has dropped 3 times. To achieve these results helped exercise and diet. most fat people on earth

However, two years later, Michael again suffers from excessive weight and weighing 453 kg, which he re-entered the hospital. Then again I managed to pull myself together and lose weight up to 80 kg. Died this man in 2013 with a weight of two hundred and fifty pounds. Thanks to his efforts, Michael was included in the Book rekordov Guinness as the only person that dropped the most weight in history.

Bradford Rosalie

Rosalie was Born in 1943 in the United States. Already by the age of fourteen years, her weight had reached ninety-three pounds. The maximum mass of Rosalie scored for forty-four years, it amounted to 544 kg. then the woman fell into a deep depression and even tried to commit suicide. At the time Rosalie for the great mass were limited in their movements and could do that only to clap.

But managed to cope with depression, took himself in hand, followed the diet and doing sport, so a year later, her weight dropped to one hundred ninety pounds. Subsequently, the weight loss amounted to a total of four hundred and sixteen pounds. Despite his successes, Rosalie still gave up the diet classes and again began rapidly to recover. In 2006, the woman died due to postoperative complications when she excised the excess skin.

Walter Hudson

Maximum weight of 544 kg. Walter was born in 1944 in the United States. Went down in history as one of the very heavy people with a waist circumference of nearly three meters. The man died in forty-seven-year age in 1991. A coffin for his funeral resembled a railway container.

Manuel Uribe

The Maximum body weight is 587 pounds. Since childhood, this Mexican boy was fat, and twenty-two years old, his weight reached 130 pounds. But the process of weight continued, and soon Uribe could not move. very fat people photo

The Doctor suggested to make him a special surgery, but Manuel chose a strict diet, thanks to which subsequently lost weight up to three hundred eighty-one kilograms and was even able to get out of the house. In 2008 Manuel married and for three years was able to lose up to one hundredeighty-seven pounds. But in 2014 the man died in hospital.

Khalid Bin Mohsen Shaari

The man from Saudi Arabia was born in 1991. His maximum weight was 610 pounds. Saari to move independently. At the moment he is the fattest man on Earth. Saudi Arabia's rulers ordered personally to Share transferred to the capital and was hospitalized. In 2013, the man had the surgery, which he got rid of one hundred and fifty pounds.

Minnoch John

Weight - six hundred thirty-five pounds. Born in 1941, and by twenty years reached one hundred and eighty pounds. For thirty years his weight increased to four hundred pounds, which the young man could not walk. A sedentary lifestyle has provoked an even greater weight gain. For several years, his weight increased to 635 kilograms. The man couldn't even roll over without assistance.

Minneha hospitalized. Thanks to diet his weight had dropped to two hundred and fifteen pounds. Unfortunately, after cessation of therapy still the pounds quickly came back. The man died in 1983.

Yeager Carol

Maximum weight is 727 pounds. Is the thickest among all the very fat people. Carol was born in Michigan in 1960. Since childhood, the girl suffered from excessive weight. In his youth, the cousin tried to rape her, and from-for endured stress she began to eat too much. Carol was hospitalized repeatedly, and each time was transported with the help of firefighters. a very fat man in the world

The Doctor helped her to lose a few pounds, but after treatment they came back again. So Carol reached a record seven hundred twenty-seven pounds. Body width in this case was five feet, and the body mass index is equal to 251.

Due to obesity woman became disabled with heart failure and diabetes. To go she couldn't. In 1994, Yeager died at a mass of five hundred forty-five pounds.

How to lose weight very fat people

Treatment of obesity is complex. And for very fat people (see photo above) treatment should include consultation of a psychologist, a nutritionist, a set of exercises, special diet, medication (for example, restoring hormonal) and surgical treatment and therapy of concomitant diseases (diabetes, etc.).
photo of very fat people who lost weight

Among surgical operations for obesity, there are:

  • Gastric Banding. Is a laparoscopic (i.e. without incisions) intervention, during which the stomach impose a special ring that gives him the appearance of an hourglass. The upper part of the stomach has a volume of fifteen milliliters and the fill (i.e., saturation) need only a tablespoon of food. Therefore, such an operation simply eliminates the overeating. The indications for such interference is the weight more than 180 kg.
  • Sleeve gastroplasty. Specific operation that is applied with the aim of narrowing of the stomach (to limit excessive intake of food). When conducting such surgical intervention from the stomach to form a narrow passage so as to impede the passage of solid food.
  • Gastric bypass surgery. Is appointed, if necessary, getting rid of ninety percent excessive weight. This intervention combines the gastric bypass and malabsorption, i.e. insufficient absorption of food. This intervention involves the formation of a so-called small stomach by curbing body and podseleniya to it a loop of the small intestine. As a result, the food much faster overcomes the gastrointestinal tract. Small stomach volume to sixty grams severely limits the amount of food eaten, and the bile food ball found only after it passes through the small intestine with a length of five meters.

In addition to the above methods, liposuction is applied and subsequently excision of the "extra" stretched skin.

Pictures of very fat people who lost weight

The Problem of excess weight is trudnoreshaemyh. But some people are overweight due to a clear goal and incredible force of will managed to get rid of the hated kilograms. Below are very fat people who lost weight pictures before and after.very fat people who lost weight pictures before and after

Myra Rosales: to lose weight its weight is 500 kg, and after about 70. most fat people who lost weight photo

This is Emma Seeley. Her weight before weight loss was equal to 181 pounds, and after weight has decreased to almost 51.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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