Disability is... disability, list of illness. Rehabilitation of the disabled


2018-03-25 05:22:21




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Due to serious deviations in health condition, by limiting the life of the people received the status of “invalid”. Disability – is the condition of the individual with intellectual, mental or physical disabilities, in which there are obstacles to productive work. This status is established by the institutions of medico-social examination. When considering the degree of health disorders, disability people with disabilities are assigned to certain groups of disability benefits for which you installed the law of the Russian Federation.


disability is aOn what grounds the ill person can receive the disability? In Russia it is called "Rules of recognition of the person by the disabled person”, approved by the Decree of the RF Government in 2006. They contain a common definition of this condition. Medical organization, where the examination of the patient, or the bodies of social protection give direction to the Bureau of medical-social expertise. The criteria for determining disability are as follows:

  1. Persistent violations of the functions of the body, which causes are disease, trauma.
  2. Full or partial limitation of activity.
  3. The Need for social protection.

After a review, the verdict is status. Depending on the disease, disability is divided into groups. First given at 2 years, second and third – one year. Until the age of 18 years established a group of “a child with a disability”. Disability indefinitely may not be later than two years after the initial assignment of status with respect to diseases, disorders of the organs, the detected defects. Permanently assign a category not later than four years after passing the examination in cases when confirmed the impossibility of elimination of violations of health, despite conducted rehabilitation activities. To appeal the decision of medico-social examination can be a month after the verdict. The application for reconsideration is served in the same office where it was seen.


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Group disability

In the category disability – is strongly pronounced social failure, in which a person needs help. The main criteria for belonging to the first group are:

1. Complete dependence on other people in self care and movement.

2. Disorientation.

3. A failure to communicate.

4. Uncontrollable behavior.

Category is subdivided into subgroups A and B. the First includes people with a high degree of health impairment resulting in the need constant supervision and care. This category includes patients with paralysis of two or more limbs, heart disease, tuberculosis in severe form, with malignant tumors and others.

Sub-group B includes people with significant dependence on other parties and partial inability to perform some self-service facilities. Category is set in such diseases as bilateral anophthalmos, stump both lower extremities, paraplegia, total aphasia, renal failure grade 4. and others.

Group disability

The Main signs of belonging to this category are:

1. The ability to self-care and movement with the help of auxiliary means.

2. The opportunity to work in specially created conditions, equipped workplace, with the use of tools.

3. The ability to learn in special schools or at home.

4. With the help of others is orientation in space and in time.

5. The ability to communicate with the use of tools.

6. The ability to partially or completely control the behavior.

group disability benefitsIn this case, the disability – is the ability to at least the minimum set out in the following conditions:

1. The active form of tuberculosis.

2. Cirrhosis of the lungs.

3. The consequences of mental illness lasting longer than ten years.

4. Transplantation of internal organs (after five years under the supervision of a physician).

5. Injury to the spinal cord with the impaired ability to move, and others.

Disabled this category have srednevyrazhennymi limitation of activity. Often they can take care of themselves and lead a relatively independent lifestyle, but need the protection of social services and assistance of others. Disability (list of diseases given above) gives people the opportunity to work, but with a commitment from the employer for the establishment of special working conditions. To facilitate the work provides for additional breaks, sokrasheny change, reduction standards, additional vacation.

The Third group of disability

What are the indications for the establishment of a category? In this case, disability – the human condition, in which the following conditions are met:

  1. Self-service and movement with the help of special funds.
  2. Ability to learn and work in compliance with special learning mode or when making the necessary adjustment in production.
  3. The Ability to Orient in space andtime using the tools.
  4. Ability to communicate, characterized by reduced speed of receiving and transmitting information, and the decrease in absorption.

A Group of appointed people, almost completely independent, which does not interfere with work and study disability. The list of diseases

- strong defect of the skull bones;

- false joint of the shoulder or the forearm.

- lack of some fingers on the hand;

the stump of the thigh, foot, calf;

- dislocation of the hip joint with the inability of certain functions;

- scoliosis of the third degree;

- absence of one lung, kidneys;

- extirpation of the stomach, and others.

The Third group is the working or limit the work. The reduction of working hours is not provided, is set a 40-hour week.

Disability children

A Child under 18 belongs to the category of "children with disabilities" if he has a significant impairment of life. To recommend the establishment of a status of unable hospitals of different levels. This recommendation is recorded in the history of the development of the child in the medical ambulatory card. The documents are sent to the hospital, where the medical Advisory Commission draws the desired conclusion in two copies.

rehabilitation of disabledIn cases where persons already under the age of 18, are categorised as “disabled”, and this establishes that the disorder began before the age of majority, the person receives a category “disabled”. After this age, the patient undergoes re-examination, after which he is issued a certificate, where it says status. If the treatment in the medical-social examination is the first time, during the test and studied the documents on the status of the individual from birth to 18 years. You need to remember that there are a number of pathologies in which the person enough to hand over documents about the diagnosis, as well as a certificate of examination by the expert Commission. Such diseases include: complications of polio, congenital shortening of limbs, mental retardation, and others. The status of a disabled child is given regardless of age and length of labor.

Children with disabilities

The Disability of children under the age of 18 years is entitled to a number of benefits:

  1. For the period autumn-spring 50% discount on train fares, on international routes and airlines.
  2. Travel on all public transport for free.
  3. Free travel to the place of treatment in suburban and intercity buses.
  4. Once a year travel to the place of treatment and back at the expense of public funds.
  5. Housing out of turn in the absence of parents or guardians.
  6. Families with a disabled child discount not below 50% on utility bills.

For families who have a disabled child, provides a number of benefits. Namely – early retirement of the mother, an additional four days off, the monthly payment for the care of children with disabilities. When the child reaches 18, he receives the benefit, put in one of three disability groups.

The pension Accrual disabled child

In 2015 is expected to increase disability pensions and social benefits. So, for disabled children it will be 1035 rubles, resulting in a total monthly payment 11411,86 of the ruble. Disabled children without accumulated service is entitled to a social pension. Parents of children with disabilities provided early retirement seniority in mother 15, father – 20. Caregivers who brought the child up to eight years, ensuring there are with a decrease in the retirement age by one year for every six years of care, but not more than 5 years. The legislation contains a provision on the inclusion of periods of care for children with disabilities or the invalid of the first group in the insurance and General employment.

Disability Group. Benefits

disability list of diseasesThe provisions of the housing law shall require the provision of housing, its size, and also privileges on payment of utility bills for this category. To receive housing out of turn citizens can apply, with the following diseases: active tuberculosis, malignant tumor with abundant secretions, epilepsy, gangrene of the extremities, mental disorders with severe exacerbations, bowel and urethral fistulas, and others. Persons with disabilities have the right to a separate room that is included in the registration to improve housing conditions. Also the individual's retained its footprint in the housing Fund, in the case of his placement in a residential institution.

Disability in Russia is supported by a number of benefits. So, for the first group the following privileges:

  1. Labor and social pension.
  2. Free medicines on prescription.
  3. Treatment in sanatoriums at the expense of the state.
  4. Payment or reimbursement of the cost of the tickets for the train or plane.
  5. Passenger transportation at the expense of the state.
  6. Discounts on utilities, phone, electricity.
  7. The Possibility of obtaining additional living space to persons with certain diseases, preventing the accommodation from other people.
  8. If the disabled person needs the provision of prostheses and orthopedic shoes, this service is free of charge.
  9. Non-competitive admission to professional educational institutions.
  10. Availablethe social worker and others.

For the second category of disability in the list of benefits of a number of changes. For example, the establishment of a shorter working week while maintaining a full salary. In determining benefits for the third group focused on a number of nuances. The part of the citizens of this category are entitled to use one type of benefits (e.g., free treatment), the other – something else (free travel on public transport). General list of benefits for the disabled of the third group looks like this:

  1. Children with Disabilities are exempt from paying property taxes, registration fees from individuals who expressed a desire to do business.
  2. Exemption from tax on the purchase of a car that is specially equipped for use by people with disabilities.
  3. Discounts on purchase of medicines issued by prescription (if the individual is recognized as unemployed).
  4. Providing a thirty-day leave, and additional leave without pay.
  5. Discounts on utility payments and others.

Most people with disabilities rely on home-based social services. For example, the purchase of medicines, goods, products, cleaning apartments. A list of disability groups gives you the ability to correctly identify benefits and services that rely people.

Calculating pensions

disabilityAll three disability groups stressed the right to a retirement pension, regardless of the causes of this condition, period of insurance, the availability of work.

What are the conditions for obtaining pensions for people with disabilities? First, it belongs to categories of military personnel, war veterans, astronauts, citizens injured in the result of technogenic and radiation accidents. Second, the determination of disability by the Federal state institutions of medico-social examination. Thirdly, time of injury or disease. For example, the military pension is entitled, if the disorder occurred during service. For those who have suffered in disasters, a prerequisite for the accrual of money is the definition of disability.

disability in RussiaThe Pension is the disability group has several types. The first type is – the retirement pension. She is assigned to the invalid of any group, if it has a minimum length of service at work (maybe one day). The main condition is the payment of organization insurance premiums. The second kind – a state pension. She is assigned to the veterans, soldiers, individuals affected by radiation or man-made disasters. The social pension-this is the third form of pensions accrued by each disabled person, regardless of seniority. Under pension law, if a citizen has reason to receive two types of pensions, paid by one that is larger in size. For the simultaneous assignment of several kinds of payments have the right people who were injured in military conflicts, and other categories.

Aid Opportunities in Russia

disability kids

In our country there was a wide support for persons with disabilities. This status allows you to receive benefits, drugs at state expense, equipment recovery, discounts on travel and housing, vouchers to sanatoriums. Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities involves a range of measures of social and health character.

Since 1999 the country has “Union of invalids of Russia”, which organizes different charitable, public events. Organization “Prospect” makes every effort to promote independence for people with disabilities and improving their lives. In many cities of Russia there is a network of companies «Independent», which are also engaged in the solution of problems of citizens with disabilities. Some private companies are providing support to people with disabilities. So, the company "Megaphone" has a tariff "Contact" for persons with hearing impairments. Of course, our country is far from perfect in this area, but we are on the way to creating a barrier-free environment in each city, and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities will be one of the main tasks of the state.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/health/8244-disability-is-disability-list-of-illness-rehabilitation-of-the-disable.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/zdaro-e/14719-nval-dnasc---geta-stana-lenne-nval-dnasc-peral-k-zahvorvannya-reab-l-t.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/gesundheit/14720-behinderung-ist-die-feststellung-der-behinderung-die-liste-der-krankhe.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-salud/14727-la-discapacidad-es-el-establecimiento-de-la-discapacidad-la-lista-de-e.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/health/8248-disability-is-disability-list-of-illness-rehabilitation-of-the-disable.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/health/8247-disability-is-disability-list-of-illness-rehabilitation-of-the-disable.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/densauly/14720-m-gedekt-k---b-l-belg-leu-aurulardy-t-zbes-m-gedekterd-o-altu.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/zdrowie/14715-niepe-nosprawno---to-ustalenie-niepe-nosprawno-ci-wykaz-chor-b-rehabil.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/sa-de/14709-incapacidade---o-estabelecimento-de-defici-ncia-uma-lista-de-doen-as-a.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/sa-l-k/14723-engellilik-kurulmas-sakatl-k-hastal-klar-listesi-rehabilitasyon-engell.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zdorov-ya/14720-nval-dn-st---ce-vstanovlennya-nval-dnost-perel-k-zahvoryuvan-reab-l-ta.html

ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/health/9013-disability-is-disability-list-of-illness-rehabilitation-of-the-disable.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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