Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies at home


2018-03-25 21:21:28




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The Body of each person negatively impacted by viruses. These pathogens cause a surge of various diseases, which peak falls on spring and autumn. This is not surprising. Because at this time the body is exposed to the restructuring in connection with changes in temperature. If a person has a strong immune system, then when time begun and adequate course of treatment for any ailment for him particularly at risk will not submit. Often, however, after acute respiratory illness occurs complication, expressed by the bronchitis. And this disease in its course and needed to remedy the course of therapy is quite complex. Could it be the treatment of bronchitis at home in adults and in children with the application of the recommendations of alternative medicine, consider in this article.

General information

What is bronchitis? It is a disease accompanied by the appearance of foci of inflammation in the mucosa of the bronchial tree that lines it from the inside. The emergence of these phenomena contribute to the pathogenic viruses and bacteria into the body. They destroy the cells and gradually penetrates deeper into the tissue of the mucosa. The result of this activity is increased in the bronchi of the number secret. This substance thickens the wall. The bronchial lumen is narrowed.

image foci of inflammation for bronchitis

Sometimes this inflammatory disease is not due to pathogens. It cause some annoyances. They can be chemical substances and allergens.

The Bronchitis may have different shapes:

  1. Sharp. In this type of the disease the mucous membrane of the bronchi are covered by sharp and intense inflammation, sometimes passing to the vocal cords and the trachea. The patient develops a cough. It is quite frequent and accompanied by expectoration. In acute bronchitis the doctor diagnose the swelling of the mucous membrane. Sometimes there is an impaired patency of the bronchi and their obstruction. The symptoms of the disease sometimes resembles its obstructive form.
  2. Chronic. In this form of bronchitis is frequently observed exacerbation. Periodically they are replaced by remissions. Chronic pathology can be attributed to the complications of the acute form, arising from its partial cure. With this ailment, the structural changes are themselves the bronchi, as well as the secretory system. While the airway gradually begin to lose their functions. They become unable to carry out the cleansing of the bronchi and their protection.
  3. Obstructive. In this form of bronchitis occurs swelling of the mucous membrane, which develops a blockage of the airway.

Popular media

Can be produced by the treatment of bronchitis at home in adults and in children? Yes, and to do this is to resort to folk remedies, which for this disease there are so many.


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herb pot

Very often with bronchitis used a plantain. This plant is nature has given a great expectorant. Of plantain leaves prepared tincture, taking them in the amount of 4 tablespoons Bay and 0.5 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture insist four hours, strain and drink slowly throughout the day.

For treatment of bronchitis used eucalyptus and caraway seeds, thyme and St. John's wort, pine buds and fennel. These herbs have a wonderful cleansing effect. They make tinctures and solutions for inhalation.

A Qualitative effect on the bronchial tubes have broth mother and stepmother, yarrow flowers, violet and marshmallow root.

One of the areas of national treatment of bronchitis in adults and children is improvement in immune status. With this purpose it is necessary to take a syrup made from licorice root, and natural Shilajit and Echinacea tincture.

the girl coughs

When the tormenting night cough to alleviate the patient's condition will allow you to RUB the chest with goose fat. To consolidate the effect of such a procedure a person needs to wear warm thing (preferably wool) and a glass of milk, which added honey or raspberry.

Effective relief from bronchitis and possibly with the use of mustard. They are put on the oblast, located in the upper part of the chest close to the throat, and calf muscles. Duration – until the occurrence of a burning sensation. Mustard can be replaced with a mixture of castor oil and turpentine (20:1). Sometimes the two alternate.

Effective treatment of bronchitis folk remedies possible with the use of horseradish. The root is scrubbed, and the resulting mass is moistened a piece of cloth that you wring out and applied to the chest.

The Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies at home can be done with inhalation that use sea salt. This component taken in amount of 1 kg and is heated vysypat in a container of water. In this solution it is recommended to add medicinal plants (black elderberries, strawberry leaves, mother and stepmother, thyme and forest mallow).

Tools with aloe

What recipes are best used in the treatment of bronchitis folk remedies? The most effectiveof them will be discussed below.

aloe leaves

One of them means the main component of which is the aloe.

  1. The Leaves of medicinal plants (4 pieces) filled with 0.5 liter of wine. The resulting mixture was infused for four days. Tincture ingested 1 Dec. spoon three times a day.
  2. Aloe Leaves finely chopped to the filling of one glass. The same amount to take olive oil. Ingredients medicinal drugs from bronchitis are lime honey (130 g), Linden blossom (50 g). Add to the mix and birch buds (150 g). Honey melt. In the resulting mass add aloe. The mixture of these two ingredients are steamed. Then take lime color together with birch kidneys. Them brewed in 2 cups of water, then boil for another 2 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and poured into a chilled mixture of aloe with honey. All mixed and poured in two bottles with addition of equal amounts of olive oil. Taking the drug 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon Before eating a drug which should be stored in the refrigerator, the bottle is shaken.
  3. Aloe Vera Juice mixed with pre-melted honey and butter (1:1:1). Drink a potion before meals 2 hours spoon four times a day. Course of treatment lasts 5 days.
  4. Bronchitis Treatment at home folk remedies, including aloe, can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Dry cough this plant mixed with honey in equal amounts and take the mixture one tablespoon three times a day. The drug is kept in the refrigerator, shifting in a glass container and tightly closed the lid.
  5. As a means of treatment of bronchitis in adults you can apply another prescription. In its composition in addition to aloe and honey is added to Cahors. All the components are mixed together. Take aloe Vera juice (300 g), honey (500 g) and wine (0.5 liters). The resulting mixture was stored in the refrigerator in a glass container tightly closed. Drinking the healing infusion 3 times a day tablespoon.

Pharmaceutical pellets

What else can you use folk remedies for treatment of bronchitis? The most effective of them contain honey. In order to deliver man from the strong and painful cough, this bee product is prepared tortillas. This can be applied one of several most popular recipes.

For the preparation of the drug take 20 grams of flour, the same of honey and sunflower oil. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Thus obtained pellet is placed in a piece of cloth, is applied to the sternum and closes package or wool. The poultice is kept for 3 hours. Used pellet removed and the skin wiped with a damp cloth or towel.

According to the following recipe, ingredients natural remedies for bronchitis are honey and sunflower butter, flour and mustard. Each of these components is taken in amount of 1 tbsp. After thorough mixing, the resulting mass is rolled to give it shape pellet. It is applied to the chest or to the back in the area between the shoulder blades.

Get Rid of a cough

As an effective treatment of bronchitis with home remedies? It is recommended to use honey, add it to the decoction of elecampane. For the preparation of the drug necessary to take the dry chopped roots of medicinal plants in the amount of two tablespoons, the Gulf water (0.5 l). All this is cooked holding capacity with a mixture of 20-30 minutes on low heat. Broth insist 1 to 2 hours, carefully strain and add water to achieve 0.5 l, and, in addition, honey to taste. Take warm three times a day, ½ Cup.

The list of tools the most effective in the treatment of bronchitis is turnips. Chopped roots (two tbsp) pour a glass of water (pre-boiled). All this is put on fire for 15 minutes After the broth infused for 0.5 or 1 h and added water to volume of 200 ml. is Used for tincture ¼ article in equal portions four times a day. It can be consumed all at once and always at night.

Recipes with ginger

This medicinal root is also very popular in the treatment of bronchitis at home. Consider recipes with ginger, which helps get rid of cough.

For the treatment of acute bronchitis in adults and in children need to take a healing root and grate it on a grater. 1 h. spoon of juice extracted from the crushed ginger, add same amount of honey and lemon juice. The mixture was infused for half an hour. Next infusion is poured 200 ml of boiling water and covered with a lid. Drink the potion every half hour for 1 h. a spoon.

The popular treatment of bronchitis in adults and in children involves the use of gorgeous alternatives pharmacy syrup. An effective remedy for cough relief will be jam made from ginger. To obtain it you will need to prepare the sugar (0.5 cups), ginger juice (1 tbsp), plain water (1 Cup) and a pinch of saffron and nutmeg. How to prepare the healing gem? Sugar dissolved in water with the addition of juice of ginger, and then boiled until a thick mass. Add nutmeg and saffron. The jam is ready to use.

Recipes with propolis

The Treatment of bronchitis this bee product recommend not only popular but also traditional medicine. Propolis tincture, which is diluted in milk or water, taken as drink to eliminate cough. A significant effect of suchdrugs becomes noticeable in infectious bronchitis. The unique properties possessed by the propolis, can also help to relieve coughing, as well as to soften tissue of the bronchi and bring the phlegm.

In the treatment of acute bronchitis in children tincture is made from bee product, is added to warm milk. What is the dosage of the drug in this case? Treatment of bronchitis in children in the home will require adding in ½ Cup milk 10 drops of tincture of propolis, if the little patient is under the age of 6 years. Older children and adults the dosage is increased three times.

The same quantity of tincture it is recommended to take during the day when you add it to the water. To reinforce the desired effect and improve the taste of drink, he put a teaspoon of honey.

propolis and propolis tincture

Bee Products are the main components for the preparation of resolving and warming ointments. Applying a similar composition with bronchitis, can alleviate the symptoms of cough, eliminate pain, and to facilitate the course of the disease. To prepare the salve is not difficult. However, it can be used for home treatment of bronchitis in children and adults, as well as other pathologies of the respiratory system. The resulting composition is completely safe thanks to it the natural ingredients.

How to prepare this ointment? For this, propolis, finely crumbled and mixed with pork fat at a ratio of 1:5. Instead of animal product can be used butter. The resulting mixture was set on fire and melted in a water bath. Also add 1 tbsp of honey. The composition while stirring brought to a boil and remove from heat. Then the mass is cooled and stored for a long time in the refrigerator.

In the treatment of bronchitis ointment applied for the night. Apply it and before the day relaxing. Ointment with propolis is very effective in the treatment of bronchitis in children in the home. The kids it is rubbed into the skin of the upper back or chest. During application means useful to make the little patient a gentle massage. According to parents, this remedy has no side effects.

Treatment of acute bronchitis in adults and in children includes the use of inhalation. They are carried out using an alcohol tincture or aqueous solution of propolis. Such inhalations perfectly reduce the irritation of the throat and soften the cough. Preparation begins with the preparation of a solution for inhalation. For it take 1 h. spoon of tincture of propolis by adding it in a glass of boiling water. Next the patient must inhale the healing vapors. Similar effects on the body allows to obtain dry powder and bee product (3 g), which is added to boiling water. Last inhalations 15 to 20 min.

During bronchitis is the irritation of the tissues of the larynx and throat. This is due to the impact of pathogens on mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. To lessen the pain and to disinfect the throat for bronchitis will help prepared on the basis of propolis solution for rinsing. His recipe is simple: 1 tea spoon of tincture of propolis needs to be added to a glass filled with warm water. Rinse the throat with the use of this tool five times a day for 3 or 5 minutes.

Recipes onion

About the beneficial properties of this vegetable has been known for a very long time. The bow was used by our ancestors, not having in its Arsenal of antibiotics, antiseptics and other medicines. Use this gift of nature today in the treatment of bronchitis folk remedies in adults and children.

True helper in the fight against numerous diseases are many herbs, leaves, fruits, and vegetables. However, the bow at all times was considered a real king among the natural healing agents. From bronchitis it is used currently due to its ability to effectively and easily eliminate all signs and symptoms of a cold. Is this effect due to included Luca volatile, which vegetable is a large number. These substances perfectly eliminate many pathogenic bacteria and do an excellent job with infections.

Upon confirmation of the diagnosis "bronchitis" doctor, be sure to prescribers, the orientation of which depends on the type of cough-wet or dry. As for the onions, this vegetable is used in any case. Because he acts on all types of cough. Timely begun treatment with the use of onion will be possible to avoid some pretty serious consequences. This will produce stimulation of the immune system, reduced inflammation in the Airways and increased expectoration of sputum.

Recipes to cure bronchitis at home, which used bows, a lot. But the most popular and effective of them is the one in which this vegetable is mixed with honey.

To prepare the therapeutic mixture, a pound of onions, cleaned and finely cut it. In the thus prepared vegetables add natural honey (4 tbsp) and the same amount of sugar. The mixture is stirred with the addition thereto of a liter brought to kipee of water, and then tightly closed and infused for about an hour. Used the drug as a disinfectant, expectorant and immune-boosting funds in the amount of 4 tbsp for one day.

The Second variant of this recipe involves chopping onions, adding thereto honey(1:1). The mixture was thoroughly stirred until uniform and applied in a day for 3 or 4 tbsp, you can use it not only to get rid of the cough, but also improve the immunity. To use this cheap but effective drug can be for both adults and children. Little patients are encouraged to make the mixture sweeter, adding honey a little more.

Recipes with radish

How to treat bronchitis using folk remedies? Great helper in this matter will be a black radish. It effectively reduces the cough, making it productive due to the effect on sputum, which after consumption of the product begins to move much faster.

Significantly enhance the useful properties of radish allows honey. In addition, bee products will have anti-inflammatory action and will actively fight against viral infections.

black radish

The Use of black radish with honey will give excellent results in cough, which is characteristic for any kind of bronchitis. But that's not all the positive qualities of the remedies suggested by the people's doctors. Radish with honey is not only struggling with bronchitis. It strengthens the body as a whole. A strong immune system starts with itself to restore the health of the body.

There are many recipes in which the use of radish and honey. Look at some of them:

  1. A washed vegetable is a recess, into which is poured a small amount of honey. After some time the roots will start to let the juice. It is mixed with another portion of honey and used to combat disease.
  2. Radish is cleared from the skin and rubbed on a grater. The resulting slurry is used to obtain the juice, which is 1 to 1 is added to the honey.
  3. The Peeled root is cut into cubes. They are placed in the container, filling with honey (1 to 1).
  4. 150 grams of juice obtained from radish, mixed with sugar and honey, taken at 30 g. the resulting drug are encouraged to drink at a time with small SIPS. The procedure is repeated throughout the week.
  5. Juice squeezed from a single root vegetable mixed with 100 ml of milk and 30 g of honey. Drink for the night. The course of treatment should be 1-2 weeks.

Recipes with pine kidneys

The Use of this herbal product helps in getting rid of bronchitis. The decoction of pine buds contributes to the revitalization of the epithelium lining the respiratory tract from the inside. Also, it reduces the viscosity of sputum and facilitates expectoration.

pine buds

Adults and children bronchitis is very useful for inhalation of a decoction of pine buds, which should be a breath, wrapped with a towel for 10 minutes If the patient is a small child, the process will need to carefully monitor. This will help to avoid accidents. In this case it is better to buy a special inhaler designed for home use. In the same way folk medicine recommends to stop the cough that occurs in chronic bronchitis.

Treatment of disease is carried out with the use of the pine syrup. This product will appeal to both adults and children. The product is used at 1 tablespoon per day. Use the syrup separately or with tea.

For the treatment of cough pine kidneys do not have to harvest them in the nearby woods. You can buy them at the pharmacy. For the preparation of the drug take it in the amount of tablespoons and pour a glass of water. The resulting mixture is thoroughly boiled and infused within a few hours. The cooled broth is ready to drink after straining. Dosage-one teaspoon no more than 4 times a day. Storage means for time - within 48 hours when placed in a dark place.

Recipes with pine cones

This plant material also effectively eliminates the cough associated with bronchitis. This is possible due to its antimicrobial and disinfecting properties of pine cones.

If the cough is painful, folk healers recommended to facilitate the patient's condition remedy, the recipe of which is supposed to use ten cones, one liter of milk and one spoon of honey. How to prepare a medicinal drug? Cones filled with milk brought to a boil, and after languishing on heat for 20 min. thus Obtained medicinal solution is used in the form of heat. Drink for a day. Course of treatment means is one week.

The decoction of the cones is recommended soar feet. It will also allow you to get rid of the cough. How to prepare medicinal teas? You will need to take ten cones and 1.5 liters of water, putting them on the fire. The mixture just to the boil, and then boil for 10 min. thus Obtained medicinal decoction is poured into a wide basin, mixing it with cold water comfortable. Feet need to soar to cool the solution. The effectiveness of the described method lies not only in the warming effect, but also in the flavors that Istachatta cones. They are very useful for a person.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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