Mental retardation - what is it? Mental retardation and AH. Treatment of mental retardation in children


2018-03-28 01:17:30




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According to inexorable statistics, every year approximately 2-fold increase in the percentage of children with a diagnosis of mental retardation. What it is, don't know everything. Meanwhile, the acronym stands for mental retardation-delayed psycho-speech development. In addition to this deviation, the children have the other two, denoted by SR (delayed speech development) and mental retardation (mental retardation). All three in most of the cases are linked and interdependent. Not every mom and dad attach great importance to the fact that their child is barely utters a few words, when his peers are saying in full sentences. Many parents are convinced: the time will come and their little one “talk”. Knowledge of all the nuances of mental retardation, what it is, what caused, how to overcome it, and why do that will help to avoid mistakes and time to correct the situation. Because verbal communication in humans, and especially the youngest of our citizens is directly related to the adaptation in society, self-realization, to achieve some success, but generally - with a full life.mental retardation what is it

The rules of psycho-speech development

To help answer the questions "PVDD - what is it? And when it is, and when everything is in order?", give a scale the normal development of a child up to 7 years. It should be noted that psycho-speech development – it is a set of skills and abilities. In addition to simple playback of sounds, this includes the correct pronunciation of words and their logical use, linking individual words in sentences, the use of error-verbs of time, as well as pronouns (I, he, me, you, and so on), the ability is pretty clear and reasonable to Express their thoughts and desires. The diagnosis of mental retardation, the child must be the age of about 5 years. The table below will help parents to navigate, and at what age you should be able to their baby.


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Standards of child development
0-1 (months)

The Emotional response of a baby to appeal to him (in a gentle smile or any expression of joy, a sharp and strict possible, the crying, the sobbing, the expressions of resentment or frustration).

1-3 (months)

Goo goo talk, and towards the end of 3 months - pronunciation of the individual, the most simple of sounds.

3-6 (months)

The babbling at first involuntary, and after the intentional connection of the sounds in sound combinations, the baby should be interested in what he is doing, listen to them created new sounds, and closer to 6 months more than enunciate a few light syllables (BA, mA, da and so on).

6-9 (months)

A clear Enough pronunciation of simple letter combinations and syllables, but closer to 9 months babies should begin to follow adults syllables and first words (let, for). Also, children should already understand the meaning of some words and expressions, for example, “this mother’, ‘where?”, “"pne" does the kitty”, “"woof" dog makes” and so on.

1 (year)

Meaningful pronunciation of simple words. Someone they can be only 2-3, someone 10-12, but they should already appear in children's lexicon.

1-1,5 (years)

The Child with pleasure goes on contact, plays with enthusiasm every day learning something new. Doing active child activity, kid quickly develops your vocabulary, which over the next 6 months should reach about 100 words. The child may have to formulate the simplest of sentences, such as “kitty pne-pne”, “Mama give". Many of the words he pronounces while distorted, not all sounds are pronounced, where not understand, adds to the speech, facial expressions and gestures, can come up with new, not existing in the nature of words, but by how and what he's trying to say very well that his development is normal.

1,5-3 (years)

The child's Speech becomes more distinct. Some children in year 3 unable to correctly pronounce almost all the sounds, but often with “R”, “l”, “z”, “”, “h”, “u” and “W”. Vocabulary in 3 years expected to grow to about 3000 words and have to include “where”, “because”, “when”, and need to use them intelligently.

3-5 (years)

Children correctly pronounce all or the vast majority of the sounds are well able to combine words into meaningful sentences and make them short stories, describe picture, to answer questions not only definitely “Yes” or “no”, but more spatial, to tell something of what happened to them during the day.

5-6 (years)

Most of the children utters sounds without distortion, is able to have a dialogue and clearly Express their wishes.

6-7 (years)

It is correct and meaningful. The child should not be too difficult to paraphrase what he saw, the description of the picture. Many children at this age are able to read, count, solve simple puzzles in logic.

Deviations from these norms can become for parents a reason to contact a doctor for advice.

When to sound the alarm

The Values in the above table are not absolute, strict limits this question is no. Every man and child, too, is a person, a separate “universe”, has peculiar only to her individual characteristics. Therefore, all the above data can be adjusted in the range of plus or minus, but 7 years of development should be the norm. However, a significantthe gap from norms more often does not mean the individuality of the child, and the presence of mental retardation. mental retardation with autistic features symptomsOf the Symptoms, confirming the disease:

  • 3-4 months the baby does not react to an appeal to the parents, remains indifferent to offer him toys, not answering the smile on the manifestation to him of love, tenderness and care;
  • 9 months no babbling, the baby does not say single syllables (some children when they want something, can you explain your desire gestures, groaning at the same time or to repeat a single, most appropriate sound);
  • The 1st year the child is quiet, silent, constantly serious, not enough smiling, it is hard to contact;
  • 2 years of the vocabulary of suffering from mental retardation includes the 10 words or so, the child repeats for older new words, badly understands that from it want around, can not and does not attempt to even form sentences of two words, like "Mama give";
  • To 2.5 years baby is confused in the names of the subjects cannot quickly and correctly answer questions about body parts (“where is your nose?”, “where the lugs?”), often does not want to do what is demanded of him, as it did not pay attention to the most simple requests;
  • Mental retardation at 3 years or later is manifested by inability of a child to make their own proposals, misunderstanding of the meaning read him fairy tales, some kids start talking or very quickly, “swallow” endings of words, either too slow, or remain silent, answer the questions, gestures, facial expressions or do not respond, or selectively repeat adult words don't know how to use the potty.PVDD and AH

In addition to deficiencies in speech development, mental retardation can occur in the following:

  • Almost constantly open mouth;
  • Excessive secretion of saliva;
  • Aggressive;
  • Inattention;
  • Fatigue;
  • Poor memory;
  • The lag in physical development;
  • Lack of imagination;
  • Isolation.

Reasons contributing to the emergence of developmental disabilities

There are parents who doubt: mental retardation - what is it? Disease or not? However, scientists have long figured that out. The results of numerous studies have shown that delay in psycho-speech development caused by disorders of the brain and Central nervous system. They can be caused by various factors, some of which affect the baby before birth, and part occurs in the first months of life. These include:

  • During pregnancy infectious and other diseases, transferred to the future mother;
  • Birth complications (prolonged, rapid, premature, delayed);
  • Injury at birth (cervical vertebrae, skull, Central nervous system);
  • Severe infections in the first months of life;
  • Hypoxia in the womb of a mother;
  • Suffocation by an umbilical cord region of the neck at birth;
  • Some methods of education (too pesky custody, the repression of all initiative and independence demonstrated by the child, the brutal treatment, indifference of parents for their children a situation where they almost the whole day, starting from infancy, left to themselves, and caring parents is feeding and changing nappies);
  • Trauma kids in the early stages of their lives.

mental retardation with autistic features

Diseases causing mental retardation

Mental retardation, the child will almost certainly arise as collateral, and in some cases, and as one of the main symptoms in the following diseases:

  • Genetic, disturbing the cell structure of the brain;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Brain ischemia;
  • Anomalies in the Central nervous system;
  • Mental illness
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Hydrocephalus;
  • Intracranial pressure;
  • Brain tumor;
  • Leukoencephalopathy;
  • Nerve entrapment cervical vertebrae;
  • Problems with the blood vessels of the brain;
  • Broken liquorodynamics.

In addition, it often is a companion mental retardation autism, most doctors recognized as a disease of the nervous system in which there are changes in areas of the brain. Link these diseases with mutations in genes and changes in their interactions.

Mental retardation and AH

Start To explain what AH. In this case, this abbreviation means "autistic characteristics". The number of autistic people in our society increases every year. According to sociological and medical research, these people are about 3-5 for each 1000 people, and those who have seen certain autistic traits, much more. Adults with autism lead a secluded life, in most cases alone, often experience difficulties in social aspect. To notice mental retardation and AH the child since infancy, and they are often the first symptoms do not cause the parents anxiety, because underdevelopment is charged to age, and AH on the nature of the baby. Sometimes it happens that some children with AH at the General background of a gap with peers is characterized by unusual talents with which they do not possess, for example, the unique learning difficult words, numbers with lots of digits, and so on. In addition, many autistic children surprised and charmed my parents the love of a specific, memorized ritual, for example, before eating must wash hands with daily repetition of all actions to the last detail, and the slightest deviation from routine ritual often perceived “inbayonets”. In addition to preparing the food, often marked by observance of such children to the ritual of the bedtime routine. The kids AH do not throw toys, and put them all in their chosen way, while remaining unusually serious, perform a series of sequential actions of disguise and so on. Many parents such unusual age their children's behavior not only troubling, they even like it. Mental retardation with autistic features becomes quite pronounced at about 3 years. If in this period no action is taken, the grown-up child will experience great difficulty in school, inward, disengage from society or begin to show aggression to those who do not like him who do not understand or in any way ridicules.

treatment of mental retardation

Mental retardation with autistic features: the symptoms

To Suspect that newborn crumbs are features of autism that can cause further delay in development of such symptoms:

  • Strong crying and unnecessarily violent reaction to the seemingly minor discomfort and irritations (moved the lamp, turned on the TV, and the like);
  • Weak or even absent reaction to strong stimuli (e.g., pinprick);
  • Poorly marked motor recovery (legs, arms, smile);
  • The activity and interest focused only on the toy, with indifference to care and communication with him.

The older of these children, the brighter they develop mental retardation with autistic features. The symptoms of this disease at the age of 1-1,5 years:

  • No babbling;
  • Rarely and reluctantly answer the call by name;
  • Avoid looking in the eyes of other people, especially when the baby learns to walk;
  • Express a desire gestures, and often do so in the hand of the one who is next to them;
  • Show pen where, for example, mother, not waving “goodbye”;
  • Do not pronounce any syllables;
  • Hard to fall asleep and sleeping poorly.

Symptoms at the age of 3 years:

  • Children are rarely alone approaching other children;
  • Avoid contact, preferring to play alone;
  • Do not react to the emotions of those around him;
  • Do not understand what "to do at a time with other children (e.g., kindergarten)", poorly guided in the surrounding social environment.

Mental retardation with autistic features in this age range may manifest itself in the following deviations:

  • Small vocabulary;
  • Replace verbal requests to gesticulation;
  • Weak ability to combine the words that are already familiar;
  • Rare treatment to adults or other children requests;
  • Inability or unwillingness to tell her parents, for example, what is interesting today was in kindergarten and things like that;
  • Improper use of pronouns (the question “what is your name?" the child says “your name is Sasha”);
  • The inability to play those games that require imagination, imagination;
  • Fatal affection only to something to one (toy, book, fairy tale, TV show);
  • Autoaggression (harm himself).

In older children with a diagnosis of mental retardation and AH have difficulty with learning, inattention to school and other jobs which are not of interest, aggression (because of poor grades of the child already beginning in any way to punish).the diagnosis of mental retardation


Setting the final diagnosis of mental retardation is made on the basis of complex examination of the child. First and foremost, the attending physician shall:

  • To specify the data (to make history) how was the pregnancy, birth, what were the features of the first months of a child's life (infection, trauma, etc);
  • Analyze the child's behavior on the basis of personal communion with him, to test his attentiveness, logical thinking ability, memory, understanding questions and so on (child 5 years PVDD shows not only the speech problems, but also the inability to think logically, to solve simple tasks, appropriate to their age, to focus in terms of “faster-longer”, “more or less” and the like, to logically explain compare size, color, features of familiar objects);
  • To carry out a clinical examination (examination by a neurologist, speech therapist, neuropsychologist);
  • In some cases, the doctor may refer the child for tests (tests of chromosomes, metabolic and genetic analyses, etc.);
  • Sometimes conduct differential diagnostics of the computer.

Accurate diagnosis of mental retardation, the disabilities give, as a rule, for 1-2 years. Establish it on the basis of the findings of the MSE (mediko-social examination). Longer than 2 years, the disability does not give for the reason that the concept of “latency” means a temporary phenomenon and sooner or later assumes the achievement of the standards. Therefore, on expiry of the period of disability the children have to pass the Commission and to take the new report ITU.

Main therapies

All the doctors agree: the earlier treatment is started mental retardation, the more favorable will be the prognosis.

Methods of treatment for each baby can vary. It depends on the causes of developmental delay. In all cases, mandatory integrated approach, because only speech therapy sessions or pills to achieve 100% success is impossible. At the moment, treatments include:

1. Reflexology microcurrents. In this caseproduce minimal effects of electric impulses on bioactive points and zones of the brain, where detected violations, as well as those responsible for speech development, after which it returns to the work of the CNS. The greatest effect of the method was observed in patients with hydrocephalus. Method is used until children reach the age of 6 months.

2. Drug therapy.

3. Speech therapy classes, correction of diction and pronunciation.

4. Stimulating therapy.

5. Work with a psychologist, a therapist.

In severe cases, the treatment of mental retardation involves the application of autoserotherapy (introduction to brain nootropics) and microsurgery (prihramyvaya additional vessels to areas of the brain responsible for speech).

Excellent results are obtained by the treatment in Israel, Germany, China.a child of 5 years mental retardation

Additional methods

Surprisingly good results obtained by the treatment of mental retardation in children of non-traditional methods. These include:

  • Osteopathy (manipulative effects on particular points of the body. This is achieved by the balance of the nervous system, the psyche, metabolism);
  • Therapeutic riding (hippotherapy);
  • Swimming with dolphins (Dolphin);
  • The impact of no child music, smells (aromatherapy);
  • Multiple classes on logical thinking and motor skills (puzzles, LEGO), active games.

Parents need a lot of and regularly work with children who have seen a delay in psycho-speech development, using any of the available games, for coming up with child fun, interesting and understandable to him of the task.

The views of parents and physicians

Relatives of children diagnosed with mental retardation, reviews about the treatment, the activities of doctors and receipt of disability leave is different, depending on the result. About disability: a mom and dad against the fact that it give a child under the age of 3 years, and I think that some lag in speech development can be overcome, so no need to put on the child stigma. Also, many parents are against the direction of the child in specialized nursery schools, perhaps believing that in a regular kindergarten quickly disappear underdevelopment. The only thing I agree every parent: remedial children have a lot to do, consult a speech therapist, it's possible to apply an unconventional treatment that really helps, especially in cases the availability in addition to mental retardation and even AH.

A Lot of appreciative comments about the treatment of children in the Clinic of restorative neurology (Moscow), where the doctors truly work wonders and help to almost completely get rid of mental retardation, autism and other disabilities.

The Doctors about children with mental retardation believe that underdevelopment is not caused by serious diseases (cerebral palsy, down syndrome and others) can be fully reduced to zero, if treatment is started in time.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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