Light sleeper. Phase of the human sleep by time - table


2018-04-02 14:14:29




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Everyone is different. So, one person will not Wake if next to him talking loudly, vacuuming, or play music, while the second goes into a state of wakefulness after the gritted floor. Light sleep – such as man, in which he is able to quickly Wake up, greatly irritated at the same time. For many people and their close relatives with whom they live in the same apartment, this phenomenon becomes a real problem.

light sleeper

Phases of human sleep by time: table

When a person sleeps, he is always in one of the stages of sleep. There is two of them: fast and slow. Each phase has its own characteristics, which are listed in the table.

NREM sleep

REM sleep

First stage: the state of sleep in which the subconscious of a person can unknowingly arise new ideas and interesting thoughts. He would rather sleep, and not sleeping. In this state the person is from 5 to 10 minutes.

REM sleep-the fifth stage of sleep. During this period the condition of a sleeping person as active as possible. But despite this he is in the same position as his muscles become paralyzed. The subconscious works very well, so he remembers all the dreams that were seen during the fourth stage. That is why, if you Wake him at the time of the fast phase, he will tell you all the dreams in vivid and colorful detail. At this stage it is hard to Wake up. If you want to Wake a person who is in a state of REM sleep, you will make it difficult, much more difficult than if it was in the fourth phase. In addition, in this period a sharp transition to the cheerful state may violate the psyche. About 1 hour, the human need for REM sleep.

Second stage: human consciousness is completely disconnected, it sinks into restful sleep. But during this phase, worsen the auditory analyzers. Therefore, in this period, the mother may Wake up if a small child moving in bed, and anyone who opens his eyes when near him say his name. 20 minutes - the average duration of this phase.

The Third stage is a deeper phase of sleep.

The Fourth stage is characterized by the deep sleep. Person is difficult to awaken, he sees vivid dreams or may be suffering from sleepwalking. As a rule, none of this, he remembers going into the state of wakefulness. The third and fourth stage lasts approximately 45 minutes.

When a person goes through all these stages, he concludes the first cycle. For rest you need to sleep for five cycles.

Sleep should be consistent. Ideally, a person must go through each of these stages. That is why all physicians insist that the ideal sleep duration is 8 hours. Do not neglect this rule to keep mental health. Phase of sleep of a person according to the time table described above, the need for maximum productive throughout the day. What to do if a person wakes up from the slightest noise and therefore cannot pass each stage, know professional doctors.


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Phases of human sleep by time: table

Causes of sensitive sleep

Time sensitive sleep can benefit the person, for example, if he wants to take a NAP, not plunging into unconsciousness completely. But if such a phenomenon occurs constantly, about the normal functioning of all body systems may not be considered. Persons sleeping but not getting enough sleep, not pass all the stages of sleep to fully rest.

Causes of sleep surface are different. You have no reason to worry if one of these factors applies to you:

  • You have recently become a mother. In this case, the light sleep is called your body on a physiological level, so you can constantly monitor the condition in which the newborn baby.
  • You Have an organism there are hormonal fluctuations. This applies to pregnant women and women during menstruation.
  • Your job is the night shift. In this case, the body adapts to your schedule;
  • You are experiencing psychological stress. It may be associated with stress at work and waking up earlier, unusual for you time.
  • If you instead of the 8 hours of sleep for 10 and it will become a habit, the sleep will become longer, but less quality.
  • If your age exceeds 50 years, that light sleep can become your constant companion.

All of these reasons are either natural or easily disposable, so if one of them touches you, don't worry, your health is in safety. But it happens that the factors that caused a short sleep means that the body violations had occurred. Such reasons include:

  • Depression and anxiety. Mental problems can destroy the ability of the subconscious go into a dream state.
  • Somatic illnesses need to be treated because they can cause sleep disorders.
  • Improper intake of pharmaceutical drugs or abuse of alcohol lead to sleep disorders. The man who drank alcoholic drinks, falls asleepquickly, but the dream and the sensitive surface.

Such factors should be avoided, therefore try to avoid such manifestations.

Short sleep

What to do if you have a sensitive sleep

What it means a light sleep for the body, knows almost everyone. But do not confuse this concept with insomnia. If you create perfect conditions, the person will Wake up well-rested in case of light sleep. If in complete silence and darkness to sleep you cannot, you are dealing with insomnia.

If you are a light sleeper bothers you as much as you remember yourself, you should seek the advice of a doctor. If this phenomenon recently appeared in your life, then you can try to overcome it yourself.

Tips to fight the strict sleep

If you want to learn how to deal with a sensitive sleep, take a look at the list of useful tips and recommendations:

  • Create the most favourable conditions in the room. To do this, turn off the lights, make sure that the room was quiet, and that was not too cold or hot.
  • Lay a clean linen which will not distract you too strong smell.
  • Before going to sleep take a relaxing bath or enjoy massage services.
  • Refrain from drinking drinks which is the caffeine.
  • Try to devote enough time to doing sports.
  • Avoid stress at work and at home.

If such events do not help, you should take more serious measures.


Drastic measures in the fight against strict sleep

If no methods do not help you Wake up due to any extraneous factors, even the most insignificant, try the following methods:

  • Purchase a sound generator that is capable of reproducing white noise. According to psychologists, this sound can help a person to sleep, but also promotes a more sound sleep. As a result, you will Wake up refreshed.
  • Melatonin – this medication is to be taken by elderly people who have trouble sleeping. It promotes a deeper, long-lasting and recreation.
  • If the above methods proved to be useless, try to seek the advice of a therapist. A professional doctor will quickly determine what the problem is and help resolve it.

And remember, if you have insomnia, then going to the sleep required.

Sleep Problems in a child

If a light sleeper for a small child, you should take steps to baby sleep more deeply. But it is normal for infants, but for older children not enough rest is fraught with bad consequences.

Do Not accustom the baby to sleep in absolute silence, so it does not react too aggressively to the background noise. In addition, if you are not an enemy rest and then go to sleep with the baby together. Usually the babies I feel much better with moms.

dream State

How to deal with a short sleep in a child 2 years of age

Children after 2 years can also suffer from problems with sleep. Try to take the following steps:

  • Check that your child felt well and did not experience any discomfort being in his bed.
  • Have your child observe the day. If it is at one and the same time will eat, learn, play, and sleep it will be faster.
  • White noise is much more effective for children than adults. Use it and baby will rest better.

It is Important that all of these methods were carried out in the complex, then you will see the result very quickly.

How to learn responsive sleep

Not always the ability to fall asleep for a short time people want to get rid of. Sometimes you need a quick rest during the day, for example, if you have to do a lot of things, but the forces have left. During the short sleep, the man charged with plenty of energy and ready to work. Here are the basic rules of this holiday:

  • 15 to 26 minutes should last the rest. After that you will Wake up refreshed.
  • For the development of this technique needs training.
  • Need to Sleep at the same time.
  • Before going to sleep do not use modern gadgets.

If you are willing to follow these rules, you can begin to master the technique. Regular exercises will lead you to success.

Time light sleep

Learn keen dream

To fall asleep, follow these steps:

  • Wind the clock and lie down in a comfortable position for you.
  • Focus on how to calm down and turn off all mental processes.
  • Your brain will understand that he needs to sleep, and he begins to sink into unconsciousness.

Don't expect that the result will please you the first time. Usually need at least 10 workouts to fall asleep quickly. But after developing this habit, you will be able to arrange a quick relaxation on a daily basis.

What should be the awakening after REM sleep

After a light sleep should be such a revival:

  • We Need to get out of bed as soon as you opened the eyes.
  • After waking up banned againto sleep.
  • Eat, it will help you to finally Wake up.
  • If possible, go for a quick walk.

The First few times you may not get such a revival, but do not worry. Do not throw training, even though they may seem heavy, then very soon you will be able at any moment to chill out, not dropping out at the same time from the normal rhythm of life for an indefinite period.

How to deal with a sensitive dream

Cycle of sleep and wakefulness in humans

Even if a person slept through all the necessary phases, it can feel tired. Cycle "sleep-Wake" is not only related to our health, but also with biological factors in the environment. Body temperature drops at night, which is why we need to relax. If you slept well during the day, then when you work the night shift performance will still fall, since the temperature regime will change.

In the experiment, the scientists found that these rhythms are always in effect, even if the person is deprived of the opportunity to see the change of day and night. So try to sleep during the night time to the day your productivity is increased to the maximum level. If this doesn't work in force work schedule, then try to master the technique of light sleep and use it during the night.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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