How to use "Videntem" (ointment)? Instructions for use, price, reviews


2018-04-15 19:00:38




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Inflammatory diseases of the skin, accompanied by dryness and a long healing process, is very important to choose appropriate medication. As a rule, to treat conditions use dermatoprotectornoe funds. They help restore the skin and accelerate the reproduction of skin cells.widestep ointment manual

The best-selling regenerating drugs include ointment “Widestep”. Instructions for use, characteristics and indications this medication will be presented next.

Composition, shape, packaging, description of local ointment

The Drug “Widestep”, which reviews are presented at the end of the article, goes on sale in the form of ointments for external application. It has a smooth texture and a light yellow color. To buy this medication in aluminium tubes of 15, 10, 35 or 20 G.

The substance Which contains the drug “Widestep" (ointment)? The manual reports that this 0.5% of the drug included such active ingredient is retinol palmitate. Besides him, the medicament contains butylhydroxytoluene, emulsion wax, butylhydroxyanisole, glycerin, vaseline oil, clean water, and ethyl alcohol.

Pharmacological properties

The Drug “Widestep" (ointment), the statement of which will be described in detail hereinafter, has dermatoprotectornoe action. This tool promotes skin regeneration and speeds up the process of reproduction of epithelial cells.

Not to mention the fact that this drug helps to slow down keratinization and does not allow to develop hyperkeratosis.

According to experts, on the surface of epithelial cells have specific receptors reynoldsville contributing to the local effect of the ointment “Widestep”.widestep reviews

Local Kinetics of drugs

Absorbed if the drug is “Widestep”? Reviews report that this tool quite easily and quickly seeps into the skin, and in four hours reaches a peak concentration in the blood of the patient.


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The Effect of drug remains for twelve hours. The time of its half-life is 5.5 hours.


“Widestep” from acne doesn't always help. This is due to the fact that this drug is intended for treatment of inflammatory areas of the skin, accompanied by dryness and slow healing of wounds. This medication is highly effective for dermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis (only non-acute), abrasions, cracks and halimah. It should also be noted that such an ointment often used in the rhagades of the breast.

Can I use “Widestep” from wrinkles? Specialists indicate that this drug may be prescribed for people with age-related skin changes and diseases arising from disorders of the processes of keratinization.

As trigger of reparative processes that the tool is effective in dermatoses of various types and after was passed the treatment of glucocorticosteroid drugs.ointment widestep usage instructions


Ointment “Widestep” is not indicated for patients who suffer from hypersensitivity to its ingredients, as well as people with hypervitaminosis A and acute skin diseases of an inflammatory nature.

During pregnancy and lactation the drug is used only in extreme cases under strict supervision of doctors.

The Drug “Widestep" (ointment):

This medicine is used only externally. The ointment is applied to areas affected skin in a thin layer twice a day. The drug should preferably be used in the morning and before bedtime.

If the patient is a strong peeling of the skin, you may use occlusive dressings.

Before you use the ointment, you want carefully treated with antiseptics, all scrapes and cracks.

Nursing women should apply the preparation on the nipples twice a day. To carry out such procedures it is desirable immediately after feeding in the morning and before bed. The time between application of a preparation should make not less than 12 hours.

After using this tool (before the next lactation) the mammary gland should be washed with warm water (with soap).widestep acne

This therapy should last 4-12 weeks. Its duration depends on the disease.

Side effects

What are the side effects occur after using the drug "Widestep”? Ointment, the instruction which has been described above, in some cases it causes severe itching and redness. As long as these signs do not disappear, it is strictly forbidden to use the drug again.

It is Also possible to develop allergic reactions.

Drug interactions

Consider the drug should not be combined with remedies that contain retinoids and vitamin A. otherwise there is the risk of hypervitaminosis A.

Also, this medication does not combine with tetracycline antibiotics.

Analogues, price, reviews

The Price of the drug “Widestep” is about 100-200 rubles (depends on the volume of the tube). If necessary, you can replace the ‘RetinolAcetate”.

Most consumers who use this stuff, leave her positive feedback. According to patients, this medication is highly effective for atopic dermatitis, eczema, skin dryness and cracks on the nipples.widestep wrinkle cream reviews

As to the advantages of this medication include its low cost and availability. The ointment is very quickly absorbed into the skin and leaves no oily spots.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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