Persistence of the follicle


2018-05-23 08:00:24




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Dysfunctional bleeding in the uterus include a large enough group of bleeding with anovulatory cycle. They occur without ovulation, the yellow body is missing. Their occurrence provokes and persistence of follicle. They also arise as a result of prolonged estrogenic action.

Persistence of the follicle is characterized by the achievement of one or more follicles of specific maturation. But there is no ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum. The lifespan of the follicle is several months and is accompanied by the production of significant quantities of estrogen hormone.

Achieving this state can last from seven to eight days. Then revealed changes in the regressive nature and reduction of oestrogen level in the body. Hormonal decline triggers destructive disorders of the endometrium and bleeding, similar to menstrual bleeding. Prolonged persistence of follicles is combined with a delayed menarche (in some cases up to several weeks) and heavy bleeding for an extended period. In addition, the state is cystic glandular hyperplasia in the endometrium. Bleeding of this type most often detected in preklimaktericheskom and juvenile age.

Juvenile bleeding is five to ten percent of all cases. They occur during incomplete maturation of the sexual nature of the instability of the menstrual cycle. For girls from twelve to fourteen years, the anovulatory cycle is characterized as 60% of cases, from fifteen to seventeen years of age – in 43% of cases and from 18 to 20 – 27 %.


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Atresia of the follicle is accompanied by prolonged production of estrogen. However, their number is relatively small. Continuous estrogen content characterized by peaks, produces hyperplasia in the endometrium. In this regard the change of vascular tone, which causes a disturbance in the circulation of the endometrium, the appearance of hemorrhage and foci of necrosis. Typically, the delay cycle with this condition longer than those which accompany the persistence of the follicle.

In both States revealed anovulatory bleeding, occurring usually after menstrual delay that can last several days and up to six or eight weeks, or several months. For persistence there are more heavy bleeding, but they are less long lasting.

The Diagnosis of anovulatory bleeding is based on clinical grounds, and data endocrinological studies. Persistence is characterized by the presence of basal temperature below 37º, high content (50-100 mcg/day) of estrogen. At the same time revealed a low content of pregnandiol.

Atresia is accompanied by a low constant basal temperature. There is moderate urinary estrogen and pregnandiol excretion is reduced.

Differentiation of the diagnosis is made with uterine diseases of organic nature (uterine, cervical, and other), General diseases (diseases of the liver, blood, hemorrhagic diathesis, etc.). Patients who are diagnosed with persistence of the follicle, treatment is aimed at stopping bleeding (the first stage of therapy) and restoration of normal menstruation (the second stage of therapy). The objective of the first stage is to provoke a secretory transformation in the endometrium giperplazirovannom. The second phase of therapy is tasked with the prevention of rebleeding is in the restoration cycles and stimulate ovulation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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