The drug "L-Carnitine" the doctors


2018-06-05 19:00:50




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Weight loss is a dream cherished by many people. And it is not only obese, but also about those whose weight is slightly above normal. Very often problems with excess weight develop on the background of the fact that people do not want to follow certain rules and to follow him. Such people are constantly searching for the miracle pills that can rid of their excess pounds without any effort.

In such cases are often purchased with special preparations, such as, “L-Carnitine”. Reviews, how to take for weight loss this tool and will be discussed in this article. Also take a closer look at the usage instructions and ingredients of the product. And of course, let's not forget the reviews of doctors about the “L-Carnitine” for weight loss. They negative or positive? Learn about it below.

What is a drug?

To put it briefly, the “L-Carnitine” – is a dietary Supplement, the main component of which is l-carnitine. What is this stuff?

This natural amino acid is related to vitamins B1, B6, B12. How to use this product for weight loss? Reviews of doctors about the “L-Carnitine” in this case, full of contradictions. No doubt that the main component of supplements is natural and healthy. However, whether he will help to really lose weight – quite doubtful. Let's find out why.


Main component

The fact that levocarnitine is not a direct stimulant for weight loss. Negative reviews of doctors about the “L-Carnitine” the majority are based on such simple factors. That is, the substance does not contribute directly to getting rid of excess weight. Moreover, if it is wrong to use, it is possible to achieve completely opposite results.

What is l-carnitine? First of all, that is present in the human body and can be synthesized by the kidneys and liver. In order that the substance was produced, you must complete and balanced nutrition, rich in protein. If l-carnitine is lacking to the person in the required amount, you can develop heart problems and overweight.

Drug Action

How to take “L-Carnitine” for weight loss? From the reviews of people have personally tried this tool, it is clear that before applying it's important to figure out how does the main component of the drug, and then you need to decide how to use it.

So, in most cases, levocarnitine is used in order to build muscle mass instead of fat. So BAD is actively used among athletes or fitness enthusiasts.

Reviews slimming, “L-Carnitine" helps to get rid of excess weight at the cellular level. Acting component of the drug improves metabolism, releasing of fat needed for an active life energy. Therefore, the tool is an indispensable Supplement during intense physical activity burns off extra fats and pounds, as well as unpleasant inches around the waist.

intensive training

Moreover, dietary SUPPLEMENTS increases stamina and reduces fatigue during the training process. Due to this splits the fatty tissue and stronger muscles.

What else can you find positive reviews about the “L-Carnitine”? For weight loss the drug is used by many sports as it has numerous positive properties.

What help drug

According to the reviews, losing weight, “L-Carnitine" has on the human body is a beneficial effect:

  • Activates the metabolism;
  • Speeds up the fat burning process;
  • Is preventing the appearance of body fat;
  • Lowers the cholesterol levels;
  • Increase human performance and endurance
  • Oxygen to different cells of the body;
  • Boosts natural immunity;
  • Protects muscle tissue from damage during the training process (for example, sprains).

What can we say about the influence of biologically active additive on the vital organs of the human body? L-carnitine has a positive effect on the human brain, contributing to better assimilation of information and other intellectual activity. Moreover, this active substance has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system of the body, as it promotes improved nutrition of the heart muscle, lowers high blood pressure andprevents the development of such a serious disease as atherosclerosis. This information is contained in the instructions to “L-Carnitine”. Consumer reviews largely confirm the assurances of manufacturers.

When use of the drug

As a Supplement has wide spectrum of action, it can take not only those who want to lose weight, but people suffering from serious diseases, such as:

  • Some types of diabetes;
  • Heart failure;
  • Liver disease;
  • AIDS (as complex treatment due to the lack of l-carnitine);
  • Thrombosis.

Naturally, in such diseases it is impossible to independently assign itself treatment even using seemingly harmless dietary supplements. Therefore, to assign the use of the drug can only doctor. He needs to paint the individual schedule of intake and the dosage of funds.

Of Course, this drug has serious contraindications. We will talk about them below.

When you cannot use

First of all you should understand that BAD is not only useless but harmful, if your body produces the necessary amount of l-carnitine.

Also, the drug should not be used people, patients with epilepsy, as well as suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes, diseases of the thyroid and kidney conditions. Pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications to the use of the funds.

pregnancy and pills

Negative expressions

According to the reviews, losing weight, “L-Carnitine" can cause unpleasant side reactions. This may manifest itself in headaches, constipation, sleep problems, swelling of throat, increased body temperature, heart palpitations, nervousness. This most often occurs on the background of the individual intolerance of the main components of the drug.

How is produced active substance

L-carnitine is produced by the manufacturer in several forms:

  • Liquid (syrup, capsules);
  • Tablets (capsules, tablets);
  • Powder for cooking.

An Inexperienced consumer, it is difficult to understand what's better. What the reviews say? What “L-Carnitine" effective? Let's find out. But first let's discuss the most common Supplement where the main active ingredient acts l-carnitine.

A Variety of dietary Supplements

Very easy to get lost amidst the presence of diverse biologically active additives. How to choose a good “L-Carnitine”? Consumer reviews show that it is important to carefully read the annotation to every interested agent.

For Example, “L-Carnitine" no additives (or a wholly-owned l-carnitine), according to the recommendations of the experts and doctors, it is best to use professional athletes. Since the substance has a high bioavailability, it easily eliminates any problems with the metabolism and is used for complex treatment of obesity and anorexia.

“L-Carnitine Tartrate" is assigned most often to those who are overweight, as the drug has the active effect. After the main component enters the digestive tract it is broken down there not only on substance but also on the useful minerals.

“Acetyl L-Carnitine” – another form of release, considered one of the most effective means of losing weight.

acetyl l carnitine

Due to the substances from acetyl group within the supplements, the drug has a beneficial effect on the brain. For reviews, “Acetyl L-Carnitine" able not only to burn fats and eliminate extra inches on the waist, but also enhance brain activity.

“Propionyl L-Carnitine" is also widely used drug. Appointed experts are not only weight loss but also for correction of certain health problems. For example, the ester of glycine and carnitine has a positive effect on the synthesis of nitric oxide, so the Supplement has a vasoconstrictor and antioxidant effect. The assurances of some experts, the drug is capable of overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome and also lowers emissions of lactic acid in the muscle tissue in the process of training.

“L-Carnitine Fumarate” – another great tool with a therapeutic effect, which is present in fumaric acid. Due to its composition the product has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular system.

Optimum range of action on the body losing weight the person has and the drug domestic producer – “L-Carnitine" from "Evalar". Reviews about this tool is relatively positive.

l carnitine Evalar

The Manufacturer assures that the Supplement is able not only to remove folds of fat and accelerate metabolic processes, but also improve stamina, relieve fatigue, strengthen the entire body. The manufacturer produces l-carnitine in a dosage of nine hundred and fifteen hundred milligrams, as well as in combination with additional microelements and vitamins.

There is one Supplement that should pay attention– “L-Carnitine 3000". According to reviews, this liquid is indispensable bodybuilders.

l carnitine 3000

It not only burns fat but also increases muscle mass, increases endurance even during the most intense workouts, has a positive effect on the mood of the athlete and more. BAD is a potent concentration of l-carnitine in liquid form. The composition, in addition to the active component consists of water, lemon juice, green tea, flavoring and preservatives. For reviews, liquid “L-Carnitine” has different flavors (vanilla and banana to the chocolate), so any athlete can choose the most appropriate taste.

So, we discussed the main method of production of l-carnitine. However, it remains unsolved the question of how to make “L-Carnitine”. Specialists and those who have already used this tool will help us to determine the most optimal schedule and dosage of the drug.

How to use tablet means

Naturally, this article cannot discuss all the subtleties and nuances of the use of drugs based on l-carnitine. Therefore, before using supplements, be sure to read the annotation to the drug, talk to your coach and consult your doctor.

However, there are universal rules according to which the manufacturers recommend the use of l-carnitine. In the form of capsules and tablets dietary Supplement, you can use the rate of five to seven milligrams per day. More precise dosage depends on the weight of the human body and the intensity of his training.

What is the amount of Bud you need to take at one time? The daily dose should be divided into two steps. The first is in the morning on an empty stomach or half an hour after Breakfast. The second portion of the funds needed to take a day before training. For professional athletes a single dosage of the drug varies between 500 and 1,500 milligrams per dose. Those who are involved in sports on an Amateur level, to use levocarnitine should not more than 250-500 milligrams.

Regarding athletic training is necessary to mention that it is best to use “L-Carnitine” half an hour before the start of classes. This will help the body prepare for the intense time of burning of harmful fat. If you set yourself a goal to only lose weight and not build muscle, it is best to use SUPPLEMENTS immediately after a workout. However, in this case it is advisable to take food at least a couple of hours.

The Recommended course of the drug – from two to six months. However, there also need to be careful as, according to the doctors, prolonged use of supplements could trigger disruptions in the natural production of l-carnitine by the body. To prevent such an unpleasant situation, experts recommend doing two-week breaks in use of the drug.

How to take liquid funds

These supplements come in small capsules, in bottles or in the form of powder for preparation of solution. How to take the liquid "L-Carnitine” for weight loss? The reviews of those who have already used the tool, show that it must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions.

The Daily dose liquid supplements – no more than 1,200 milligrams per day. It should be divided into three or five stages.

Liquid supplements faster and more efficiently absorbed by the body. However, there are disadvantages – such tools are filled with all sorts of dyes and flavors, which affects the digestive system.

L-carnitine and young patients

In some cases, doctors can prescribe dietary supplements and children. Babies under one year are encouraged to give from eight to twenty drops at one time two or three times a day. If we are talking about older children (aged up to six years), they prescribe a drug quantity of 20 or 28 drops at a time. Children up to twelve years old can use a tablet means three times a day 2.5 milligram.

Joint application with other tools

According to studies, the concurrent use of “L-Carnitine” along with anabolic drugs spectrum of action or on the basis of lipoic acid enhances the effects of l-carnitine in the human body. Also be aware that corticosteroids contribute to the active accumulation of l-carnitine in some tissues.

Can we drink alcohol together with using Bud? Experts have not found absolute incompatibility of these substances, however, during the application of the l-carnitine it is best to abstain from drinking or reduce its use to a minimum.

Storage Tips

According to the instructions, a dietary Supplement should be stored for a year and a half at a temperature not exceeding 25 degree with the mark “plus”. If the bottle is opened (this applies to the liquid form of dietary Supplements), the use of the drug can be for fifteen days.

The Cost and nuances of the acquisition

How much is “L-Carnitine”? The price of the drug depends not only on the pharmacy network and manufacturer, but also from the release forms and the dosage of the drug. For example, a tablet money can buyfrom three hundred rubles per pack, while the capsule will cost about thousand rubles. The liquid form of l-carnitine is also quite expensive. Purchase fifty milliliters of the drug is possible for three hundred rubles.

This dietary Supplement without prescription. The tool has been actively applied in pharmacies, shops specializing in sports nutrition, and even in gyms.

What experts say

Reviews of doctors, coaches and themselves losing weight people quite controversial. Some are praising the Supplement, calling it the best assistant in struggle against excess weight. Others complain of its inefficiency, coupled with the large number of side effects. So where is the truth?

And the truth is that “L-Carnitine” – is not a fat burner. That is, if you are simply looking for a miracle pill, this Supplement you will not do. It is assigned only to those who are intensively involved in sports and follow the diet. If you lie on the couch and eat all sorts of Goodies, lose weight and unlikely, even if you eat a large amount of l-carnitine. In this case, he not only will not help, but hurt.

Moreover, many doctors claim that this dietary Supplement has a large number of contraindications, so its use must be carefully and only after consultation with your doctor.

Therefore, often the specialists suggest to use for weight loss not BAD "L-Carnitine”, and the substance is l-carnitine in their natural form. How can I do that?

Natural l-carnitine

This substance, as mentioned above, is synthesized from animal proteins. Therefore, some foods are useful sources of l-carnitine. If you follow a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle, you can achieve the best results possible in the fight against excess weight and excess inches on the waist regardless of age, gender and physical condition losing weight.

exercise and weight loss

What product contains natural l-carnitine?

Primarily in beef and pork, cod, chicken and whole milk. Interestingly, this substance is rich in and foods such as white bread, rice, asparagus, eggs, pasta and even oranges (the number of l-carnitine one hundred grams of these products ranged from 0,0019 to 0,195 milligrams).

However, it is important to take into account the fact that during heat treatment the number we are interested in substance can drop dramatically. That is why professional athletes it is recommended to use a biologically active additive on the basis of l-carnitine.

What customers say

Many consumers noted the high effectiveness of the drug only if used correctly. Many of our compatriots have achieved the best results in the fight against overweight by eating “weight loss”. Such people say that intensely involved in sports or fitness and within a month was able to get rid of six or seven of the hated kilograms. Thanks to the supplements they do not feel fatigue during an exhausting work, did not feel hunger while following a strict diet and almost all were in a good mood and cheerful mood. For reviews, it could only be the result of using “weight loss”.

As you can see, this drug is no miracle pill in the fight against obesity. It improves lipid metabolism, affects the health and mood, but not acting as an independent tool for weight loss.

So if you are ready to declare their excess pounds merciless war, actively visiting the gym and following a strict diet, the BAD “L-Carnitine” will become your irreplaceable assistant in achieving this good goal. It is only important to correctly calculate the dosage, paying attention to your physique, and determine optimum schedule of. And for this you need to see a specialist, for example, to visit a primary care physician and nutritionist, consult a sports coach or fitness instructor. It is equally important to have a positive attitude and self-discipline to exactly follow all the recommendations of the experts. And then you will definitely get rid of extra pounds in no time.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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