How to apply for disability bedridden sick pensioner: required documents, instruction and recommendations


2019-04-05 11:00:35




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A Disabled person is a person, restricted in the implementation of the activity for health reasons. The decree of the RF Government No. 95 of 2006 identified three categories that are associated with each other, and which can allow to assign citizen disability:

  • The Presence of persistent disorders activities of organs and systems of organism, which are caused by the transferred disease, injury or deformity.
  • The citizen's limitations in self care, inability to perform household and office duties, limitation of social contacts.
  • The Constant need for programs restore health and prevent deterioration, of other rehabilitation measures.

How to apply for disability bedridden patients-a pensioner? This question is asked quite often.

Statement of fact

At the place of the patient in a medical institution should be recorded background leading to the appointment of disability. Primary care physician or physician specialization the basic disease the patient is prescribed a special examination consisting of multiple laboratory analyses, physiological tests and inspections of medical specialists. The results of the survey are treated on the hospital Commission, which recommends the assignment of disability of the patient. In special cases, this solution can be taken individually, the chief doctor of the medical institution or doctor.

how to apply for disability bedridden sick pensioner

How to apply for disability bedridden patients-a pensioner? More on that later.

Prepare disability bedridden pensioner

People who decided to apply for disability and having in their history of serious injury and illness, facing serious difficulties. Because government wants to maintain an army of invalids, spending budget money.


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It is Important to understand that the people sitting in committees, the authorities initially instructs: as little as possible to issue certificates of disability. Should remember this and not give up.

Everyone with the disease that is sufficient for assignment of a disability, must be assigned to this degree, despite the assurances of many employees of the futility of your attempts to achieve clearance. You should not give up, insist. The workers of these commissions has its own goal – saving the state budget, and you have your own – to defend their rights.

Here's how to apply for disability bedridden patients retired.

disability after a stroke

Medical facility

Very often, doctors can refuse in the direction of the examination, if it is not the lack of limbs or other organs. Often you can hear hints that it's useless and direction to the Commission will not bring you the desired result. If this was the case, you should be persistent and require the physician to make a referral.

It is often necessary to apply for disability after stroke.

As there is no law requiring doctors to give disability to everyone, they can refuse. Of course, doctors have ways to negotiate in a different way, to find a compromise solution. But the process of getting a referral can result with a negative result.

If you do not have direction, do not despair, will receive a special certificate, which allows you to directly contact the office conducting the examination. Sometimes the doctors refuse to issue a certificate, in this case, there is always the possibility to change doctors or to go to court, which, as practice shows, more efficiently.

Many are wondering how to apply for disability bedridden patients-a pensioner? Take it from here.

medical expertise

Trip to the doctor

As a rule, you must first consult your doctor on the profile of the underlying disease. We should expect proposals to be hospitalized in the hospital, it is not necessary to refuse it, it's kind of a test of the seriousness of the situation. After the hospital will med. examination - passing the numerous tests and specialist consultations, ultrasounds, x-rays and other tests. Should all be done quickly, because some of the tests are valid for ten days.

On the basis of all these surveys, clinic doctors are obliged to prescribe additional medicines and give a recommendation (e.g., to prescribe hearing AIDS, with the aim of improving the movement of the Walker.)

What awaits us at the Bureau?

The process of issuing a disability – is quite a bureaucratic procedure, which are all. Came in, waited in line at the information window, handed documents. After processing staff, as a rule, the document is returned and appoint the date of the examination. Depending on the existing queue this happens within a month or a little more.

And if you need a disability after a stroke?

The Most compelling reasons for disability are the disability and loss of earning capacity. Inability to prepare meals and clean up after themselves are also the reason. Stroke, myocardial past traumas that affect your health and limit in some way, also will be counted infavor of disability. Moreover, these causes are a priority. An example is the situation when a person cannot independently get out of bed and overcome 10-20 m. Therefore, you need to call the main office of the ITU.

Required documents

To expedite all procedures necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • Received from the doctor a direction to the examination.
  • Copy of employment record (certified).
  • Passport and a certified photocopy of other identity documents.
  • Characteristic from last place of work, in your neighborhood of residence.
  • Working - proof of employment and proof of income.

Providing all these documents should be sufficient for the application, then harder – you need to convince the Committee that you really need disability. Another point, a situation may arise when you refuse to accept any other document besides a passport, an identity. This, of course, illegal, but in order to avoid unnecessary incidents, show your passport.

What is the med. expertise? More on that later.

medical opinion


The Commission presented documents will not be able to stop. The examination is conducted by the people receiving the money not for the fact that give to everyone a particular degree of disability. Doctors profitable to refuse status was said above, why this is happening. Prepare for battle, think ahead about what you will say. You will have to prove that the disease violates you, does not lead a full life.

This involved state institutions of medico-social examination.

You did it! Examination recognized the presence of disability now received the help necessary to visit the local offices of social protection. Social protection will in detail tell and will draw benefits due when received the degree of disability. In addition to the benefits it is possible to arrange a special retirement for the purpose which they should address in the Pension Fund.

In case of refusal of recognition of disability there is a possibility to appeal the decision of the Commission. The application should be submitted at the medical-social examination, in the same place as was held previously. Within a few days will be assigned the re-examination, and usually the people who do not have grounds for obtaining the status, again denied. Another chance – to appeal this decision in court.

But glavnoe BYURO MSE does not always refuse, you know it.

state Agency medical and social expertise

Bedridden disabled

For bedridden patients who do not have the opportunity to come to the Commission and undergo examination, in the following ways:

  • Call the doctor at home, he will send for examination. Then, on the basis of this direction in the place of the examination shall agree on the outreach Committee. It is common practice for developed cities, the patient will not even have to get out of bed. Visiting Committee may consist of one person or several, they can leave once, and may at their discretion and to re-visit the patient and then make a decision. If the bed patient is a duck, in which he relieves itself, this fact is unequivocally recognized the right of the patient to disability. Further procedure processing occurs, as described above, only doing it the Trustee that shall be executed by a notary.
  • Less convenient way. Pensioner transported by taxi or other ways. In the case of recognition of disability, the state compensates for part of the money in case of documentary evidence, most often this issue is decided in court. The hands should be a medical report.

medical history

Disability after stroke and other options

According to statistics, only every 5th stroke takes place without consequences, all the other people have to live with the ensuing complications. Therefore, the appeal for the issue of disability after stroke is quite common. The presence of complications – this is a serious cause of disability. You must pass the necessary tests and consultations with specialists. Hospitalization after stroke is needed. Her refusal may in the future have a negative impact in the personal file of the patient and cause failure while trying to obtain disability. Settle for most of the proposed procedures.

In some cases in the presence of visible defects disability is given for 1-2 years. So you'll have to undergo re-examination and receive the degree of disability. With this caveat faced with not only stroke, but also have lost limbs. The procedure of the ITU is already known.

To Give lifelong disabilities people the state is not profitable, so be prepared annually to walk the commissions. Bedridden patients to go anywhere is not necessary. The Commission will have to go to the house, with the aim of identifying changes and making decisions on renewal terms.

The Design of the disability pension leads to free prescriptions in certain sizes. I advise you to think carefully about possible compensation. Recalculate the amount required to the pensioner on medication, and compare with the one guaranteed by the government as compensation. If the disease is not veryserious and medication is not expensive, it makes sense to choose a compensation, refusing to free medicines.

the procedure of the ITU

Frequency of medical examinations

What purpose is being a medical card patient? For different disability groups have different periods of rehabilitation. For example, 1 group two, 2 and 3rd one year. After this date, you must re-certification. By results of inspection conclusions are drawn about the improvement/deterioration condition, that is confirmed or cleared the degree. After examination, issued a medical report and further recommendations for rehabilitation.

According to the set list, you can assign a lifelong disability that does not require re-examinations and evidence. So getting disability is a specific procedure, without any surprises. The result depends on the condition of the patient.


I Hope this article will help you to obtain disability bedridden pensioner and to issue a special pension with entitlement benefits. If something does not work the first attempt, we should not give up. If there are valid reasons for disability, will always achieve the desired result.

We have reviewed, what documents are needed for disability and described the entire procedure.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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