The analogue of "Citramon": manual price


2018-03-19 05:40:44




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Often patients when prescribing medication, trying to pick him substitutes. What is the goal they are pursuing? Some buyers want to save money, others try to find the safest and minimal dose of medication, others simply can not buy the prescribed remedy for its absence. Today's article will tell you about how to use the drug “Tablets”. Analogues, prices will be described hereinafter. You will also learn about the composition of drugs and their application.

analog citramon

“Tablets”: instructions for use, price, reviews

Analogues and substitutes medicines will be presented to you later in the article. To start is to say about the drug. The composition of the drug “Tablets” included paracetamol, caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. The cost of ten tablets may vary from 8 to 100. For example, “the Tablets P” is about 14 rubles. The cure "Citramon Ultra" will cost you about 80 rubles. The difference between the drugs only in the fact that more expensive means available in tablets, film-coated. They are easier to take, they don't leave a bitter aftertaste.

How to use the medication “Tablets” the next. Per day an adult or child aged 15 years rely from 1 to 6 tablets. Daily dose should not exceed 2 pills. The tool is used as needed, but no more than three times a day. It is forbidden to use pills to children, pregnant and lactating women. Also contraindicated are some of the disease.

The Reviews about the drug fully confirm his statement. Consumers say that after applying the medicine is fast acting. After 15-20 minutes it becomes noticeable the desired effect. The drug lowers the temperature, has analgesic effect. Pills help to get rid of toothache, headaches, and migraines. They ease the symptoms in infectious diseases. The remedy dilates blood vessels, normalizes breathing, eliminates drowsiness and increases efficiency. Consider what the analogue of “Tablets” you can select the user.


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citramon counterparts prices

Tablets “Codicil Plus”

Active substance of this drug are the same components as those in “Tablets”. However, their content is different. If the original drug contains 180 mg of paracetamol, 30 mg caffeine and 240 mg of aspirin, the drug “Codicil Plus" existing substances will be respectively 100, 50 and 300 mg. Is this means about 60 rubles. We can say that the analogue of the “Tsitramona Ultra” is cheaper.

Tablets “Codicil Plus” are taken for 1-2 units up to three times a day. It is not recommended to use the drug more than 5 days. Medicine as “Tablets”, has analgesic, invigorating, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

citramon instructions for use price reviews analogues

The Drug “Askofen”

The Following analogue of “Tablets” pills “Askofen”. The cost will be about 40 rubles. It is more expensive than a “Citramon P" cheaper "Citramon Ultra”. The active ingredients of the drug: acetylsalicylic acid 200 mg, caffeine 40 mg and paracetamol 200 mg. it may be noted that of aspirin in this preparation is less, however, the paracetamol is present in greater volume. Besides the increased caffeine content.

A Medicine recommended for use not more than two tablets at a time. Frequency of use 1-3 times a day. The medication is not used as antipyretic for more than three days. It is not recommended to take the drug earlier than 6 hours after the last dose.

The Capsule “Chitrapur”

The analog of “Tablets” differs from the original medication release form. The drug is produced in the form of a granular substance, placed in a gelatin shell. The drug costs about 45 rubles. The composition of this drug are absolutely identical “Tablets”. It contained the same substances in the same amount.

The use of the drug is slightly different. Capsules before use it is impossible to grind and open. Instructions for use recommends that the drug not more often than every 4 hours. The daily rate of drug – 8 tablets.

citramon composition analogues

Other alternatives

You already know what the drug is “Tablets” part. Analogues, which are absolute, contain identical components. Also substitute medicine similar on the effects of drugs that differ in composition. It tools such as "Paracetamol”, “Aspirin”, “Drunk”, “Ibuprofen”, “Pain”, “the best medicine” and many others. Described the cost of drugs varies in the range from 10 to 400 rubles. The range of application is wide enough. Medicines used in surgery, Pediatrics, dentistry, gynecology, ENT practice and so on.

In conclusion

The Drug “Tablets” has a fairly affordable price. The drug is available without prescription and is present in all pharmacies. So there is no point looking for substitutes. If you for any reasons can not take this medicine, you should go to the doctor and work together to find an analogue. Be healthy!


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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